View Full Version : I don't log on for two days ...

17-02-18, 20:45
... and now everyone has oesophageal cancer :ohmy:

17-02-18, 20:58
Yeah, its a veritable epidemic.

17-02-18, 21:09
At least it's not the flu now

17-02-18, 21:14
Yeah, its a veritable epidemic.


17-02-18, 21:21
Flu is so YESTERDAY ! :roflmao:

17-02-18, 21:22
or rabies!

17-02-18, 21:24

17-02-18, 21:25
Can your arm burst?

17-02-18, 21:36
From what ? LOL

I guess if you pump it full of air using one of those balloon pumps...then maybe...

17-02-18, 21:53
Two days ago it was an epidemic of bat bites

17-02-18, 21:55
Do you think, is it possible there is a pattern here....I mean are people consciously or subconsciously picking up on what other people are posting about and developing symptoms? (or bats)

17-02-18, 21:57
From what ? LOL

I guess if you pump it full of air using one of those balloon pumps...then maybe...

Nah it wouldn't work, you'd need to many corks (+1 for the ladies)and even then i think the pressure would blow them all out first!

It's was just i was watching Alan Partridge and they said something about somebody's arm bursting and wasn't sure:wacko:

17-02-18, 22:06
My ALS feels so 2017 :weep:

17-02-18, 22:10
Woah woah woah,

Hold on.....what about if you say used one of those pressure cuff things really tightly on the bicep area. Theeennnnn.....used a doughnut jam cookery 'injector' thing and pumped air in that way?

Hold on, WHAT have you go this thread onto ??????

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

My ALS feels so 2017 :weep:Yeah, keep up Mel! The memo I saw said that next week is themed 'finger swelling toe dropping saliva syndrome' week. I'm just giving you the heads up so you can start preparing by getting a few toe tingles or something.

(just being light-hearted guys, no offence intended, having a wee laughery at things as laughter makes the world go round and is SO good for you!)

17-02-18, 22:17
Nah it wouldn't work, you'd need to many corks (+1 for the ladies)and even then i think the pressure would blow them all out first!

It's was just i was watching Alan Partridge and they said something about somebody's arm bursting and wasn't sure:wacko:

Sounds more like you're watching Priscilla Queen of the Desert and the ping pong scene :blush::ohmy:

17-02-18, 22:17
Woah woah woah,

Hold on.....what about if you say used one of those pressure cuff things really tightly on the bicep area. Theeennnnn.....used a doughnut jam cookery 'injector' thing and pumped air in that way?

Hold on, WHAT have you go this thread onto ??????

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Yeah, keep up Mel! The memo I saw said that next week is themed 'finger swelling toe dropping saliva syndrome' week.

(just being light-hearted guys, no offence intended, having a wee laughery at things)

Lol! Lol!

Well thanks very much! I just tried and it literally blew my mind!!!:ohmy: Oh well at least you now know what to say if somebody sez can your head burst!

17-02-18, 22:20
Woah woah woah,

Hold on.....what about if you say used one of those pressure cuff things really tightly on the bicep area. Theeennnnn.....used a doughnut jam cookery 'injector' thing and pumped air in that way?

Hold on, WHAT have you go this thread onto ??????

You end up like this?


17-02-18, 22:33
You end up like this?


Is that the poster on your bedroom wall or screensaver?

18-02-18, 00:32
... and now everyone has oesophageal cancer :ohmy:

I had just taken a bite of my quesadilla when I saw this. Good thing I hadn't taken a sip of my Coke! I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

I did the cancer-from-reflux freakout in 2016. Endoscopy clear.

18-02-18, 01:04
I had just taken a bite of my quesadilla when I saw this. Good thing I hadn't taken a sip of my Coke! I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

I did the cancer-from-reflux freakout in 2016. Endoscopy clear.

You early adopter, you ...

18-02-18, 01:37
Is that the poster on your bedroom wall or screensaver?

On my bedroom ceiling :winks:

18-02-18, 03:53
I am so confused by this thread :shrug:

18-02-18, 05:11
I am so confused by this thread :shrug:

Aha! A brain related thread!!! :winks:

18-02-18, 05:19
Where are my spontaneous human combustion peeps?!? :yahoo:

18-02-18, 05:26
Is that a real thing, because it's as cool as hell!

18-02-18, 05:43
Beats the hell outta me! LOL But if I gotta go, I just want it to be like that...Poof! I'm out!

18-02-18, 06:20
Damn straight! None of this hanging around, feeling poorly, on a deathbed ...

18-02-18, 07:18
Yep, it is and has happened to people. I remember watching a programme about it and it explained about how the conditions had been prepped for it e.g. a girl with a ton of hairspray on or someone who built up an abnormal level of friction build-up from fabrics.

Extremely rare stuff but who knows what the NMP search facility will yield? :winks:

18-02-18, 08:18
I'm waiting for someone to fixate on Dancing Eye Syndrome. It's an extremely rare neuro disorder. My son developed it at 18 months. He was also born with Vacterl association which includes not having an oesophagus...That would be a good one for HA-ers too only you can't just develop that...

I've been through a load of extremely rare stuff with him particularly on the neuro and gastro wards of Great Ormond Street.

18-02-18, 15:37
I'm waiting for someone to fixate on Dancing Eye Syndrome. It's an extremely rare neuro disorder. My son developed it at 18 months. He was also born with Vacterl association which includes not having an oesophagus...That would be a good one for HA-ers too only you can't just develop that...

I've been through a load of extremely rare stuff with him particularly on the neuro and gastro wards of Great Ormond Street.

Oh wow Pulisa that's a lot to deal with! How's your Son these days?

I used to go to GOSH for work at least 3 times a week. I had to wait for construction workers at the main entrance at 7.30am and seeing all the kids arriving used to bring a tear to my eyes.

18-02-18, 16:15
I must confess that I find it ironic that people who have posted similar unbelievable scenarios feel that they have the right to criticise others on this site.

It is not right and it is not fair.

Posted as Elen

18-02-18, 16:32
GOSH are amazing ! My niece attends there regularly and they are second to none.

Pulisa...if you don't mind me asking....born without an oesophagus? How is that managed, what followed as treatment?

18-02-18, 17:53
I must confess that I find it ironic that people who have posted similar unbelievable scenarios feel that they have the right to criticise others on this site.

It is not right and it is not fair.

Posted as Elen

Good point, except we are poking fun at ourselves really

18-02-18, 18:04
GOSH are amazing ! My niece attends there regularly and they are second to none.

Pulisa...if you don't mind me asking....born without an oesophagus? How is that managed, what followed as treatment?

He had about 2 cm of oesophagus which was joined to his trachea (trachea-oesophageal fistula) so anything going into his mouth would go straight into his lungs and give him pneumonia. He had an op at 1 day old to create an oesophagostomy which came out of his neck so that secretions etc would drain out of that opening. He was tube- fed directly into his stomach via gastrostomy. When he was 6 months old and stronger his stomach was pulled up to join to the back of his throat so he could eat and drink orally.

It sounds easy but it certainly wasn't and getting him to swallow without choking due to strictures where the op site was turned out to be very challenging. I was told that he would never be able to eat a big meal due to his stomach literally being in his chest but he can and he does..regularly!:D

I do know quite a lot about the oesophagus now...or rather the lack of one!

18-02-18, 18:07
I must confess that I find it ironic that people who have posted similar unbelievable scenarios feel that they have the right to criticise others on this site.

It is not right and it is not fair.

Posted as Elen

I kind of agree... I am definitely not on as much as I used to be, but I have fallen into these patterns and if I saw threads like this when I first came here, I probably would not have wanted to come back. :shrug:

18-02-18, 18:16
It's ironic that the OP chose to start a thread on this subject when we know that she has issues which cause her significant distress.
I think it's OK to use humour to cope with HA providing everyone involved is singing from the same song sheet.

18-02-18, 18:23
except we are poking fun at ourselves really That's how I saw it, it was a recognition of HA behaviours and the humour in it.

Pulisa, that is astounding absolutely amazing! Operations at such a young age and so much skilled surgery, thanks for sharing its very interesting.

18-02-18, 18:26
That's how I saw it, it was a recognition of HA behaviours and the humour in it.

I agree. No harm meant from this end, Elen. If I lose the ability to laugh at my anxiety, I'm doomed.

18-02-18, 18:58
It is definitely a "thing" on sites like this that certain worries go in packs. We are all herd animals my nature. Its no different than the triggers of all the commercials you see in the US for different types of drugs. I know I have posted something I was concerned about, may have actual stuff going on with it and then all the sudden everyone on the site has it. My biggest was when I had fibroids. I'm really suprised at the lack of Ovarian cancer worries on here. That was a biggie on AZ.

18-02-18, 19:34
Carys, it seems I did need the disclaimer after all ...

For people who need this spelled out, I am still suffering with very bad anxiety and depression stemming from my HA and several ongoing symptoms and a medical condition.

I apologise for using levity to deal with this. I will make sure all my posts are very solemn and not tongue in cheek henceforth, lest the wrath of the humourless smite me.

I'm out of here

---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------

PS There was no "irony" in my post. I was poking fun at myself. Jeez, that I have to spell this out ... mind-boggling

18-02-18, 19:49
Sorry if I misread, sometimes it is hard to get whether it is levity or not over a written forum. I didn't mean any harm to the OP, just pointing out how it may come across. I may be a little sensitive and defensive about it, as it has felt like in recent times a lot of frustration here has been directed at the HA posters.

18-02-18, 19:56
I guess my error lies in the fact I assumed other posters know my history, and would immediately recognise the post for what it was.

I admit I did not think of newcomers

That said, everyone has different styles of dealing with this awful condition and mine seesaws between deep despair and attempts at humour. I will try to stick to the deep despair from now on, as my attempt at humour clearly ruffled feathers with the powers that be ...

18-02-18, 20:44
I may be a little sensitive and defensive about it, as it has felt like in recent times a lot of frustration here has been directed at the HA posters.

Now this is a good point. HA is a bitch of a debilitating disorder and sometimes our pleas for support and understanding are met with impatience and hostility.

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

I will try to stick to the deep despair from now on, as my attempt at humour clearly ruffled feathers with the powers that be ...


18-02-18, 21:38
Well, I thought it was quite refreshing to be able to have a cheery moment on here.

18-02-18, 21:42
I think i would be more worried about some of the aggresive and downright rude replies that some genuine HA threads get met with. I've known many people who have left or not been seen again after certain replies. Does anybody ever wonder how these people are? Probably not by the person that p##sed them off! We all suffer with mental health problems and a little bit of banter in a thread that's posted by a HA sufferer and meant as banter is what it is.

Now a little bit of the banter i've had directed at me over the years and why.....

I possess an officious face, the kind of face you wouldn't tire of slapping. I'm going bald so therefore i'm baldy. I wear specs so i'm a baldy specy ba#tard. The cardigan i wear makes me look like i'm a child molester. I'm probably a poof i don't know? I've not had my Nat King Cole for about six years and i've got a fat arse..
So to recap im an officious, baldy, specy, child molesting poof, with a fat arse who doesn't get his hole!

Once again something of nothing has turned into something that doesn't really matter. It's really not worth it boys and girls.

18-02-18, 21:53

I see that us with HA are not suppose to have self irony and laugh at our own riddicilous fears. Becasue after all this is 2018 and we all live in the age of the deeply offended victims and snowflakes and we are to be patronised and felt sorry for all the time. How dare we have self irony and laugh at our own silliness? I remember the same reaction from the mods when there was a link to a funny satirical piece written by a hypocondriac with self irony. No, ough, that is so bad. We must all sit in the dark and feel sorry for ourself and demand victim status and be patronised by others. Of course. Shame on us for having humour.
I am a hypocondriac but I am certainly not an easily offended snowflake without self irony who demands a "safe space". And I refuse to be!

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Yeah, its a veritable epidemic.

Cancer that is transmitted like a virus? Is that allso possible now?:roflmao:

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:45 ----------

or rabies!

Seems like rabies fears comes in waves. It is almost always several posters in one week at the same time who "has rabies". Same with that extreme, what was it, brain eating amoeba:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
I think there were two brain eating amoeba threads at the same time here once.

I guess some people here does get triggered by other peoples fear.

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

Two days ago it was an epidemic of bat bites

Even in England:roflmao:

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

Do you think, is it possible there is a pattern here....I mean are people consciously or subconsciously picking up on what other people are posting about and developing symptoms? (or bats)

Pretty sure. Because it tends to be a lot of rabies posts in periods here. So sad that people can walk around being so scared of something that it is as godd as zero chance of having. Same woth this brain eating mutant that apparently attack peoples brain from pure drinking water through the nose cause we all know that the nose is a portal to the brain:huh:

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:52 ----------

My ALS feels so 2017 :weep:

My rabies is soo 2003. Long before this forum.:roflmao:

18-02-18, 21:53
Thanks to all who "got" my intention. It is heartening :D

18-02-18, 21:58
I am going to celebrate with a piece of pie.

18-02-18, 22:05
Good point, except we are poking fun at ourselves really

I think the moderators should stick to their job at moderating and make sure that rules are followed and not try to participate in debating when it is clear that they really show little knowledge about helth anxiety and has the attidtude that if you have seen one with HA you have seen them all and that we are all the same. I see the mods bursted into an off-topic when I was explaining to someone how HIV is not contracted and started to ask me about my own cancer fear. I found that very offensive to be honest as well as being off topic and I refused to participate in any OT discussion about me. So I think the mods should stay at their task which is to moderate and not trying to interfere in a discussion they know wery little about.

---------- Post added at 23:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:59 ----------

I kind of agree... I am definitely not on as much as I used to be, but I have fallen into these patterns and if I saw threads like this when I first came here, I probably would not have wanted to come back. :shrug:

Each to their own. I love self irony.

---------- Post added at 23:03 ---------- Previous post was at 23:01 ----------

Carys, it seems I did need the disclaimer after all ...

For people who need this spelled out, I am still suffering with very bad anxiety and depression stemming from my HA and several ongoing symptoms and a medical condition.

I apologise for using levity to deal with this. I will make sure all my posts are very solemn and not tongue in cheek henceforth, lest the wrath of the humourless smite me.

I'm out of here

---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------

PS There was no "irony" in my post. I was poking fun at myself. Jeez, that I have to spell this out ... mind-boggling

Since humour is very offensive to some people, and mostly to people who are not sufferers but offended on out behalf I guess you should start a thread with "TRIGGER WARNING - IRONY AND HUMOUR" so that anyone who gets offended are warned.

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:03 ----------

I guess my error lies in the fact I assumed other posters know my history, and would immediately recognise the post for what it was.

I admit I did not think of newcomers

That said, everyone has different styles of dealing with this awful condition and mine seesaws between deep despair and attempts at humour. I will try to stick to the deep despair from now on, as my attempt at humour clearly ruffled feathers with the powers that be ...

The most offended people are almost always those offended on others behalf. I see a lot of that in life.

18-02-18, 22:19
I think i would be more worried about some of the aggresive and downright rude replies that some genuine HA threads get met with. I've known many people who have left or not been seen again after certain replies. Does anybody ever wonder how these people are? Probably not by the person that p##sed them off! We all suffer with mental health problems and a little bit of banter in a thread that's posted by a HA sufferer and meant as banter is what it is.

Now a little bit of the banter i've had directed at me over the years and why.....

I posses an officious face, the kind of face you wouldn't tire of slapping. I'm going bauld so therefore i'm bauldy. I wear specs so i'm a bauldy specy ba#tard. The cardigan i wear makes me look like i'm a child molester. I'm probably a poof i don't know? I've not had my Nat King Cole for about six years and i've got a fat arse..
So to recap im an officious, bauldy, specy, child molesting poof, who doesn't get his hole.

Once again something of nothing has turned into something that doesn't really matter. It's really not worth it boys and girls.

Holy moly Matt I think you might be my brother from another mother , you just described me ( funny because I have brother and sister I've never met) .
At my worst I didn't laugh or smile for months believe me having a laugh at yourself beats the hell out of sitting crying , our behaviour is bizarre and sometimes needs laughing at , we would be described by normal people as "A bit funny " :roflmao::roflmao:

18-02-18, 22:52
I think the moderators should stick to their job at moderating and make sure that rules are followed and not try to participate in debating when it is clear that they really show little knowledge about helth anxiety and has the attidtude that if you have seen one with HA you have seen them all and that we are all the same. I see the mods bursted into an off-topic when I was explaining to someone how HIV is not contracted and started to ask me about my own cancer fear. I found that very offensive to be honest as well as being off topic and I refused to participate in any OT discussion about me. So I think the mods should stay at their task which is to moderate and not trying to interfere in a discussion they know wery little about.

The admins here do suffer from anxiety disorder and some from real physical issues. I find this very objectionable as they "volunteer" their time (and lots of it!), energy and funds. If you're not happy with the way they run things, perhaps take it up with them personally in PM as opposed to publicly.

I'm not here to pick a fight. I just feel that needs to be said.

Positive thoughts

18-02-18, 23:40
I think the moderators should stick to their job at moderating and make sure that rules are followed and not try to participate in debating when it is clear that they really show little knowledge about helth anxiety and has the attidtude that if you have seen one with HA you have seen them all and that we are all the same. I see the mods bursted into an off-topic when I was explaining to someone how HIV is not contracted and started to ask me about my own cancer fear. I found that very offensive to be honest as well as being off topic and I refused to participate in any OT discussion about me. So I think the mods should stay at their task which is to moderate and not trying to interfere in a discussion they know wery little about.

Well that's us told then. Thanks

18-02-18, 23:59
Holy moly Matt I think you might be my brother from another mother , you just described me ( funny because I have brother and sister I've never met) .
At my worst I didn't laugh or smile for months believe me having a laugh at yourself beats the hell out of sitting crying , our behaviour is bizarre and sometimes needs laughing at , we would be described by normal people as "A bit funny " :roflmao::roflmao:

Awite Bro how ya doing?

I think we met earlier? I showed you that pic of my dog on my phone:shades:

19-02-18, 00:59
Again, I apologized ... I misinterpreted. I'm all for humor and making fun of oneself. Sometimes it comes across differently when read than spoken! I welcome the moderators joining in and she did say she posted as Elen, not as an admin. They are sufferers too.

19-02-18, 01:51
Just to be clear, I was very much laughing at myself, since as I pointed out in my post, I have had this exact fear and testing for it. At times I can realize how absurd I've acted.

I actually was planning to come back and post a more serious response to the question about why topics seem to go in waves. I think people do sort of get fears from each other. I know I never even thought about some diseases until I saw them posted here. It's the main reason I don't come here more often, I don't need anymore ideas!

19-02-18, 01:55
I think the moderators should stick to their job at moderating and make sure that rules are followed and not try to participate in debating when it is clear that they really show little knowledge about helth anxiety and has the attidtude that if you have seen one with HA you have seen them all and that we are all the same. I see the mods bursted into an off-topic when I was explaining to someone how HIV is not contracted and started to ask me about my own cancer fear. I found that very offensive to be honest as well as being off topic and I refused to participate in any OT discussion about me. So I think the mods should stay at their task which is to moderate and not trying to interfere in a discussion they know wery little about.

This is a peer support forum and Admin's are sufferers who donate their time to support it. Why should they be barred from offering help and also receiving help? Why should they work for us rather than volunteer to help out?

What evidence do you have to support your claim that they have little knowledge of HA? What do you understand about HA? For instance, do you understand it's a fictional label invented by anxiety sufferers and because of this is overlaps into disorders that can also have no HA elements e.g. OCD & GAD. So, as an OCDer & GADer myself are you telling me that I cannot understand a "theme" in a disorder with the same patterns of thinking & behaviour as well as cycles simple because of a nuance?

I've asked you about this before and you don't respond but it's hard to take this claim when you demonstrate a narrow-minded view of anxiety disorders. A cancer you do not have can't harm you any more than that imaginary bat can. If you don't have cancer symptoms, you don't have cancer. So, aren't you also worrying about that impossible toilet seat with HIV on it?

You can argue that cancer is more likely but then so are traffic accidents yet I don't say HAers worrying about them on here. But then anxiety disorders are irrational by nature.

As for the thread you feel Admin offended you on, why not make that point to them rather than dredge it up on this thread to complain about Admin involvement (not forgetting Elen clearly stated it was her opinion and not one from an Admin)?

Which thread? I recall the brain amoeba one but in that case it was several members challenging your opinions on anxiety, myself included.

19-02-18, 09:45
I guess my error lies in the fact I assumed other posters know my history, and would immediately recognise the post for what it was.

I admit I did not think of newcomers

That said, everyone has different styles of dealing with this awful condition and mine seesaws between deep despair and attempts at humour. I will try to stick to the deep despair from now on, as my attempt at humour clearly ruffled feathers with the powers that be ...

See now I laughed at the above. You have a dry sense of humour Mel. So do I. Some people just don’t get it.

I have commented in the past about the lack of humour here. Dying is not a laughing matter. lol

Don’t change Mel. Some people are just deliberately obtuse.

19-02-18, 12:35
I think the moderators should stick to their job at moderating and make sure that rules are followed and not try to participate in debating when it is clear that they really show little knowledge about helth anxiety and has the attidtude that if you have seen one with HA you have seen them all and that we are all the same. I see the mods bursted into an off-topic when I was explaining to someone how HIV is not contracted and started to ask me about my own cancer fear. I found that very offensive to be honest as well as being off topic and I refused to participate in any OT discussion about me. So I think the mods should stay at their task which is to moderate and not trying to interfere in a discussion they know wery little about.[COLOR="blue"]

I'm trying hard just to lurk at the moment but this has really annoyed me. All I can say the mods are better people than me because I'd have kicked you off the forum for that had it been mine.

They are not running a service. They are not running a business. They don't have a "job" to do. They are good people with their own issues trying to form a community around mental health. If you don't like the way the forum is run you know what to do. It's their site. Their rules.

I've modded forums I've created myself in the past, albeit on much less serious topics than this. You do it with good intentions and eventually people start sniping and treating you like you owe them something. Eventually it stops being fun when you get caught between people who think you should be making a more welcoming place and keeping others in check, and people who literally call you a Nazi if you do any moderation whatsoever. Running a forum is an exercise in never being able to please everyone, and not being able to do right for doing wrong. Throw the fact you have to be extra careful due to the subject matter here and I really don't know how they've managed to do it for so long.

And when it stops being fun, and it starts getting you down, you stop. And I think we're at risk of the site owners walking away from NMP if people don't give the mods a bit of a break and understand their own issues, needs and give them a bit of leeway in what a difficult forum this is to manage.

I don't always agree with the mods' decisions on here, and I've probably snapped now and again when I shouldn't have, but you know what - I wouldn't volunteer to do this "job" in a million years.

19-02-18, 12:38
Awite Bro how ya doing?

I think we met earlier? I showed you that pic of my dog on my phone:shades:

Doing shite Matt as usual but getting up and out , didn't realise that was you the other day maybe we fruit loops should have a secret handshake to identify ourselves or maybe wear something to say we are sufferers , perhaps a yellow paisley cravat nothing too obvious we don't want normal people knowing who we are , hope that upcoming enlargement op isn't looming on your mind too much :shades:
A family member died last year and even as he lay in bed being washed by total strangers ( nurses ) he still made fun of the situation by saying " hey I'm a grower not a shower " and when another freind returned to work after a kidney transplant I thought it might be little awkward seeing him for the first time but instead of asking how he was like a hundred people before me I asked how the sex change went and why he'd kept the beard .
Sometimes humour is a great way of coping with what life throws at us .
Now try and imagine the look on everyone's faces when admin say they have had enough and we come to log on and no one is home and the lights are turned off , Boohoo :weep:

19-02-18, 13:14
I'm trying hard just to lurk at the moment but this has really annoyed me. All I can say the mods are better people than me because I'd have kicked you off the forum for that had it been mine.

They are not running a service. They are not running a business. They don't have a "job" to do. They are good people with their own issues trying to form a community around mental health. If you don't like the way the forum is run you know what to do. It's their site. Their rules.

I've modded forums I've created myself in the past, albeit on much less serious topics than this. You do it with good intentions and eventually people start sniping and treating you like you owe them something. Eventually it stops being fun when you get caught between people who think you should be making a more welcoming place and keeping others in check, and people who literally call you a Nazi if you do any moderation whatsoever. Running a forum is an exercise in never being able to please everyone, and not being able to do right for doing wrong. Throw the fact you have to be extra careful due to the subject matter here and I really don't know how they've managed to do it for so long.

And when it stops being fun, and it starts getting you down, you stop. And I think we're at risk of the site owners walking away from NMP if people don't give the mods a bit of a break and understand their own issues, needs and give them a bit of leeway in what a difficult forum this is to manage.

I don't always agree with the mods' decisions on here, and I've probably snapped now and again when I shouldn't have, but you know what - I wouldn't volunteer to do this "job" in a million years.

Well said, axolotl. Humour is a bit of a gamble on here especially when there are people in cliques who "get" it and others in distress who don't. Elen in my opinion was rightly concerned for those who may not have found the thread topic funny.

19-02-18, 13:19
Well said, axolotl. Humour is a bit of a gamble on here especially when there are people in cliques who "get" it and others in distress who don't. Elen in my opinion was rightly concerned for those who may not have found the thread topic funny.

Just to clarify, I don't blame the OP for trying to inject some humour, and have made similar comments myself, but Elen's point was a good one of course. But that doesn't interest me that much - it's a rude, dismissive "get back in your box" attitude to the admins, whatever their decision, that I found distasteful.

19-02-18, 13:36
Just to clarify, I don't blame the OP for trying to inject some humour, and have made similar comments myself, but Elen's point was a good one of course. But that doesn't interest me that much - it's a rude, dismissive "get back in your box" attitude to the admins, whatever their decision, that I found distasteful.

Me too. Absolutely no excuse for such an attitude.

19-02-18, 14:34
Thank you guys, I did not get the humour, I read it as is.

The fact that some people took part in the thread have been dismissive of other's fears in the past probably contributed to my take on it.

As far as admins not posting on the site, this is the first time that I can remember that we have been criticised for taking part, normally it is the opposite.

And Paranoid Viking, if you have a problem how an admin has acted on one of your threads feel free to use the report button and the team will look at. We are individuals who can freely express if they have different ideas on things.

I did post quite clearly as myself, I am first and foremost a member on here the same as everyone else and I have absolutely no problem with humour, laughing at ourselves is the best medicine.

19-02-18, 15:07
Well, I did get the humour, and clearly took part actively in the thread so bear part of the 'responsibility' for it. I read it as 'I've only been gone two days and everyone has already moved on with their illnesses and I'm still stuck with ALS'. There was no criticism of others that I perceived.I made 'fun of things' on this thread and to be honest see humour in practically everything in life as its a great way to dissipate fears, but also actively try and help people all over the HA areas and don't make fun of their situations. Just because you can find humour in things, doesn't mean you don't also understand pain and difficulties people face. I think there should be more cheer on this forum, I think it would be helpful. Everyone is an individual, everyone responds differently to different situations, so the fact that a few people find enjoyment in this type of thread doesn't mean everyone else has to be offended, it just means they feel differently. We can't expect everyone to behave the same way, to find the same meaning in things etc.

I appreciated the light-hearted interaction, and thought it was quite nice for a change. It also made me think there was perhaps some 'enlightenment' that could happen out of it, for the OP and maybe others.

However, clearly others felt differently, and that's fine everyone has a right to feel how they want to feel. You know what though, even on cancer forums people laugh and joke about their treatments and how they and others behave, so why should mental health be any different ? Maybe we can break the boundaries slightly here and allow people to laugh if they want and need to. Not laugh at others of course, but at the situations that HA bring.

Saying all the above, that attack by paranoid-viking was out of order and unneccessary.

19-02-18, 15:19
Well, I did get the humour, and clearly took part actively in the thread so bear part of the 'responsibility' for it. I read it as 'I've only been gone two days and everyone has already moved on with their illnesses and I'm still stuck with ALS'.

Now if I had read it like that then yes I would have found it funny, therefore no responsibility to bear.

There was no criticism of others that I perceived.

Not on this thread no, it was posts made on other threads that I was referring too.

Maybe we can break the boundaries slightly here and allow people to laugh if they want and need to. Not laugh at others of course, but at the situations that HA bring.

Laughing at ourselves is always to be encouraged, at others is not on.

Saying all the above, that attack by paranoid-viking was out of order and unneccessary.

Thank you for that Carys, I agree this is an anxiety forum and I found it quite hurtful.

19-02-18, 15:25
Not on this thread no, it was posts made on other threads that I was referring too.OH rightho, got it.

That's that all cleared up then. Everyone has had their say, everyone can now take on board using some empathy that there are different perspectives to everything for everyone.....then we can all reconvene at the next row .....in errrrr....let's say 7 days* ? :roflmao:

(*Apart from Paranoid Viking who was hurtful and rude.)

19-02-18, 15:27
OH rightho, got it.

That's that all cleared up then. Everyone has had their say, everyone can now take on board using some empathy that there are different perspectives to everything for everyone.....then we can all reconvene at the next row .....in errrrr....let's say 7 days* ? :roflmao:

(*Apart from Paranoid Viking who was hurtful and rude.)

PMSL :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

19-02-18, 15:58
Doing shite Matt as usual but getting up and out , didn't realise that was you the other day maybe we fruit loops should have a secret handshake to identify ourselves or maybe wear something to say we are sufferers , perhaps a yellow paisley cravat nothing too obvious we don't want normal people knowing who we are , hope that upcoming enlargement op isn't looming on your mind too much :shades:
A family member died last year and even as he lay in bed being washed by total strangers ( nurses ) he still made fun of the situation by saying " hey I'm a grower not a shower " and when another freind returned to work after a kidney transplant I thought it might be little awkward seeing him for the first time but instead of asking how he was like a hundred people before me I asked how the sex change went and why he'd kept the beard .
Sometimes humour is a great way of coping with what life throws at us .
Now try and imagine the look on everyone's faces when admin say they have had enough and we come to log on and no one is home and the lights are turned off , Boohoo :weep:

Buster, really sorry to hear that mate. I'm the same and yes my 2 op's are playing a massive part. I'm meeting the surgical people next Wednesday about my gallbladder but going to ask about my hernia as that's been done as a separate referral. It is kind of an enlargement as my hernia is getting bigger and making my pecker look smaller:doh: Just hope i don't need a wee when i'm under as we all know what happens when your asleep and needing one.:ohmy:

I think we should go the whole hogg with how to identify ourselves. During the day it could be ice white shoes, ice white socks with navy blue double cadet stripes, shorts and a t shirt with chevron action flash and a tossed sweater over the shoulders that says, i have MH problems but i'm in control! In the evenings it could be the classic English gentlemen? It's David Niven, it's Stewart Granger, it's Nigel Hayvers. It's a green blazer the look, it's imperial leisure. Offset the the look with those four old reliables cravat, hat and summer spectacles and for a touch of class a blazer badge. What ya think?

Gotcha on the forum front if it ever went!

I would also like to say to admin Nicola, Venus and Elen you do a fantastic job and i for one really do appreciate it! I've said it before you could charge for it and make a fortune but you don't, so that says alot to me. I'm a member of two other forums and they are motorcycle forums on a tiny scale compared to this and they are over moderated it's ridiculous. You let things run and don't EVER give it this is my forum so lump it. THANKS!

---------- Post added at 15:58 ---------- Previous post was at 15:52 ----------

OH rightho, got it.

That's that all cleared up then. Everyone has had their say, everyone can now take on board using some empathy that there are different perspectives to everything for everyone.....then we can all reconvene at the next row .....in errrrr....let's say 7 days* ? :roflmao:

(*Apart from Paranoid Viking who was hurtful and rude.)


Why wait?

Did you get my pm with my winky wart picture?

19-02-18, 16:05
Did you get my pm with my winky wart picture? Yes Matt I DID get that particular hideous image and forwarded it straight to Terry (with my eyes shut!), as he's the expert on these things. I'm sure he'll be in touch very soon to let you know what he thinks the problem is, once he's bleached his brain again.

Why wait?...because now follows an enforced period of analysis, tolerance and recuperation. Then we can all come back refreshed to spit and scratch again. I know you are probably younger, and have more stamina and a yearning for excitement for these things, but some of the rest of us can't take it more often. ;o) Besides, our high horses need grooming and tails plaiting.

19-02-18, 16:26
Yes Matt I DID get that particular hideous image and forwarded it straight to Terry (with my eyes shut!), as he's the expert on these things. I'm sure he'll be in touch very soon to let you know what he thinks the problem is, once he's bleached his brain again.


Ok i'll wait Terry to get back to me:shades:

---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:23 ----------

[QUOTE=Carys;1767884]Yes Matt I DID get that particular hideous image and forwarded it straight to Terry (with my eyes shut!), as he's the expert on these things. I'm sure he'll be in touch very soon to let you know what he thinks the problem is, once he's bleached his brain again.

...because now follows an enforced period of analysis, tolerance and recuperation. Then we can all come back refreshed to spit and scratch again.

And therapy!

19-02-18, 17:14
I think it all went wrong for me when I said I would like to see pictures of male members :blush:

Yes, I've seen the pic and I'll just point out that those are NOT lymph nodes! :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

Mel, hopefully this will cheer you up...my damn piles so this is me at the moment...



19-02-18, 17:24
I think it all went wrong for me when I said I would like to see pictures of male members :blush:

Yes, I've seen the pic and I'll just point out that those are NOT lymph nodes! :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

Mel, hopefully this will cheer you up...my damn piles so this is me at the moment...




Anusol or Germoloids?

19-02-18, 17:25

Now, Matt, your little problem....Terry is being rather gentle with you on this matter.....if I was you I'd consider having the whole thing removed. THE WHOLE THING, right away. lololol

19-02-18, 17:36

Anusol or Germoloids?

I burn 'em off like Rambo :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------


Now, Matt, your little problem....Terry is being rather gentle with you on this matter.....if I was you I'd consider having the whole thing removed. THE WHOLE THING, right away. lololol

And send it to Madame Tussauds...they have a dungeon for that sort of thing :ohmy:

19-02-18, 17:36

Now, Matt, your little problem....Terry is being rather gentle with you on this matter.....if I was you I'd consider having the whole thing removed. THE WHOLE THING, right away. lololol

Thought about it! I'm kinda hoping i get a wart the other side then it would look like a face! No teeth tho!!!!!

19-02-18, 17:41
Thought about it! I'm kinda hoping i get a wart the other side then it would look like a face! No teeth tho!!!!!

It's a pity That's Life isn't still on :winks:

19-02-18, 17:45
Thought about it! I'm kinda hoping i get a wart the other side then it would look like a face! No teeth tho!!!!!

NO, I'm not referring to the wart, I'm referring to the WHOLE apendage. It is unslightly.

I'm bowing out of this rude talk now, you boys......all bodily functions and gross things......:winks::roflmao:

19-02-18, 17:49
I burn 'em off like Rambo :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

And send it to Madame Tussauds...they have a dungeon for that sort of thing :ohmy:

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Did you bring them back from Nam!

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

It's a pity That's Life isn't still on :winks:

Or Jim'll fix it! He would certainly sort it:ohmy:

19-02-18, 18:24
See now I laughed at the above. You have a dry sense of humour Mel. So do I. Some people just don’t get it.

I have commented in the past about the lack of humour here. Dying is not a laughing matter. lol

Don’t change Mel. Some people are just deliberately obtuse.


19-02-18, 20:44
Buster, really sorry to hear that mate. I'm the same and yes my 2 op's are playing a massive part. I'm meeting the surgical people next Wednesday about my gallbladder but going to ask about my hernia as that's been done as a separate referral. It is kind of an enlargement as my hernia is getting bigger and making my pecker look smaller:doh: Just hope i don't need a wee when i'm under as we all know what happens when your asleep and needing one.:ohmy:

I think we should go the whole hogg with how to identify ourselves. During the day it could be ice white shoes, ice white socks with navy blue double cadet stripes, shorts and a t shirt with chevron action flash and a tossed sweater over the shoulders that says, i have MH problems but i'm in control! In the evenings it could be the classic English gentlemen? It's David Niven, it's Stewart Granger, it's Nigel Hayvers. It's a green blazer the look, it's imperial leisure. Offset the the look with those four old reliables cravat, hat and summer spectacles and for a touch of class a blazer badge. What ya think?

Gotcha on the forum front if it ever went!

I would also like to say to admin Nicola, Venus and Elen you do a fantastic job and i for one really do appreciate it! I've said it before you could charge for it and make a fortune but you don't, so that says alot to me. I'm a member of two other forums and they are motorcycle forums on a tiny scale compared to this and they are over moderated it's ridiculous. You let things run and don't EVER give it this is my forum so lump it. THANKS!

---------- Post added at 15:58 ---------- Previous post was at 15:52 ----------


Why wait?

Did you get my pm with my winky wart picture?

Why do I get the impression that's just the contents of your wardrobe and you are just tight and making everyone else look like you , we could all ware pink crash helmets and nothing else , cheap and safe , I did used to have a sticker on my van saying mentally unstable load but I was almost normal back then , mmm think I'll look for another although the handcuffs dragging off my tow bar are a give away something's not right with the driver . :D
It's hard to get these worms back in the can isn't it .

19-02-18, 21:20
Why do I get the impression that's just the contents of your wardrobe and you are just tight and making everyone else look like you , we could all ware pink crash helmets and nothing else , cheap and safe , I did used to have a sticker on my van saying mentally unstable load but I was almost normal back then , mmm think I'll look for another although the handcuffs dragging off my tow bar are a give away something's not right with the driver . :D
It's hard to get these worms back in the can isn't it .

If you get another van sticker, get me one i'll stick it on my forehead!

20-02-18, 05:34
Love it! Love it! Love it!

Did you bring them back from Nam!

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

Or Jim'll fix it! He would certainly sort it:ohmy:

Yep, have you seen my lovely necklace? Those aren't beads though...:whistles::winks:

You want Jim looking at it? :ohmy: I daren't even make a joke about that...:nicked::winks:

---------- Post added at 05:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

NO, I'm not referring to the wart, I'm referring to the WHOLE apendage. It is unslightly.

I'm bowing out of this rude talk now, you boys......all bodily functions and gross things......:winks::roflmao:

I'm more concerned about Buster & Matt meeting up under the guise of "walking the dog" around parks so they can look at some pictures together :ohmy:

Add a cravat to that and it's screaming Vice Squad :roflmao:

Buster, I don't know if you saw the police programme on CH4 last night but they were on a case with a man driving a camper van around...I did think of you then but not once they revealed what he was charging for in the back of it! :D

20-02-18, 10:01
I have no problem with the moderators participating in the discussions. I have been on forums where the mods do and forums where they don’t. I prefer the forums where they do participate. However I’m not going to change what I want to say based on the fact that a mod is participating on the thread. That would just be

---------- Post added at 19:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------


20-02-18, 11:23
Just thought I would add my thoughts on this particular issue as I am currently going through this (oesophageal worry). I am new to this site and hadn't been on here before I started getting symptoms, they all added up to what I still think is oesophageal cancer (waiting on endoscopy). So I did what everyone on here does and googled, this is when I found this site. So I've not been influenced by anyone else on here, I've just found this site because of a particular fear.

Oh and I don't take any offence to the jokey nature of this post - we have to have a bit of humour and have a laugh now and again!

20-02-18, 16:31
[QUOTE=MyNameIsTerry;1768079]Yep, have you seen my lovely necklace? Those aren't beads though...:whistles::winks:

---------- Post added at 05:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------


Nothing is over, Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, i didn't ask you! And i did what i had to do to win!

Anyway my necklace is made from ears, like Dolph's!

( you may get all that, if not i sound like a nutter!)

20-02-18, 21:39
Yep, have you seen my lovely necklace? Those aren't beads though...:whistles::winks:

You want Jim looking at it? :ohmy: I daren't even make a joke about that...:nicked::winks:

---------- Post added at 05:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

I'm more concerned about Buster & Matt meeting up under the guise of "walking the dog" around parks so they can look at some pictures together :ohmy:

Add a cravat to that and it's screaming Vice Squad :roflmao:

Buster, I don't know if you saw the police programme on CH4 last night but they were on a case with a man driving a camper van around...I did think of you then but not once they revealed what he was charging for in the back of it! :D
Watched it with my jaw on the floor , not a very good advert for the male of the species, a man renting out his Mrs from a camper ( I'm more into small cool vw's) a business man paying for sex and getting blackmailed, and the cop investigating him turns out to be the blackmailer , and this was real ! OMG , LOL and ACAB sprung to mind .
Matt can't get you a sticker but I could either tattoo it on your forehead or print it and staple it on , if you are losing your hair should be plenty of room like my vitamin D panel .:D

21-02-18, 01:26
Wait, I’m lost. Are Terry and Matt dating?

21-02-18, 01:48
Wait, I’m lost. Are Terry and Matt dating?

Nah, just casual hook-ups...but now this bloke called Buster is muscling his way in! :secret:

Oh well I suppose it was going to happen, we can't all own camper vans and I can't blame it for turning Matt's head :D

---------- Post added at 01:46 ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 ----------

Watched it with my jaw on the floor , not a very good advert for the male of the species, a man renting out his Mrs from a camper ( I'm more into small cool vw's) a business man paying for sex and getting blackmailed, and the cop investigating him turns out to be the blackmailer , and this was real ! OMG , LOL and ACAB sprung to mind .
Matt can't get you a sticker but I could either tattoo it on your forehead or print it and staple it on , if you are losing your hair should be plenty of room like my vitamin D panel .:D

It was like a bad B film out of Hollywood. Or should that be just B film? :D

They say that detective was arrogant? I reckon more like a completely incompetent numpty. This bloke catches villains using the same methods they caught him by and even sitting on the state out to catch himself he didn't rush home to destroy the evidence he left lying around and seems to not understand much about CCTV! :doh::roflmao: The villains will be laughing their socks off at him in jail.

I laughed when he sent his confession letter in stating he just wanted to blackmail that bloke to pay for the prostitute to get into drug rehab :roflmao: A modern day Robin Hood...:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 01:48 ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 ----------

[QUOTE=MyNameIsTerry;1768079]Yep, have you seen my lovely necklace? Those aren't beads though...:whistles::winks:

---------- Post added at 05:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------


Nothing is over, Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, i didn't ask you! And i did what i had to do to win!

Anyway my necklace is made from ears, like Dolph's!

( you may get all that, if not i sound like a nutter!)

That scene just lacked a British army officer from yesteryear "steady on old chap", Trautman looked quite uncomfortable wondering why his war machine was leaking from the eyes all of a sudden. :D

21-02-18, 07:57
Wait, I’m lost. Are Terry and Matt dating?

Matt, Terry and Buster, seemto have some sort of ménage à trois going on, and I am wondering if they need their own thread somewhere to be honest.


21-02-18, 13:40
Matt, Terry and Buster, seemto have some sort of ménage à trois going on, and I am wondering if they need their own thread somewhere to be honest.


Not sure I could manage a trois not even sure what one is but they sound very filling, maybe we should just get a room .
Worlds dumbest cop terry , it's almost as if it was a cry for help which is probably what he's doing from his prison cell right now , no one could be that stupid

21-02-18, 15:47
Watched it with my jaw on the floor , not a very good advert for the male of the species, a man renting out his Mrs from a camper ( I'm more into small cool vw's) a business man paying for sex and getting blackmailed, and the cop investigating him turns out to be the blackmailer , and this was real ! OMG , LOL and ACAB sprung to mind .
Matt can't get you a sticker but I could either tattoo it on your forehead or print it and staple it on , if you are losing your hair should be plenty of room like my vitamin D panel .:D

Vitamin D panel:roflmao:
I'm not sure if i'm losing my hair or it's just one hell of a parting!
I'll go for the tattoo pls:ohmy:

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:41 ----------

Wait, I’m lost. Are Terry and Matt dating?

Well i've alway said God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve:shades:

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

Matt, Terry and Buster, seemto have some sort of ménage à trois going on, and I am wondering if they need their own bed somewhere to be honest.


^^^^^ Edited:shades:

21-02-18, 20:59
OK, I understand I was probably to insensitive to a reply here and I appologise for that if I hurted with my comment.

BUT - I do get offended; not by humour; that is for sure; as long as I live and breath humour will not offend me; but I do get offended if people are patronising me and tell me I should not have humour and self irony. I m totally and utterly convinced that humour should be used more in therapy aswell as self irony. Especcially when it comes to something as crazy as hypocondria, or to use the more politically correct term - health anxiety.
I dont know if people with other disorders have internal self irony on their conditions so I will not comment on that. Having one anxiety disorder does not make youan authoritu in all disorders, but that is just my opinion. I have HA, not ADHD and will not comment on people with that condition.
But - as the thread here shows, almost all of us with HA have self irony and can laugh at our own madness. And that is my experience with others that i meeet IRL with HA aswell. I dont know many self declared hypocondriacs in real life, but I tell you that the few I know, they DO have self irony and humour and we have joked among each other with it. "You know, I think I got a case of Spanish flu today" and the likes. NO ONE gets offended!
But then again; times are changing and there is a cultural pattern of getting offended by everything. We see that famous comedians are not playng at universities anymore because the students dont get the humour and only get offended. It is a cultural trend to be offended. I am offended if people are telling me to be offended.
Makes me think of a scene from one mediocre Robin Williams move; yeah it was mediocre,but the scene gives a great message about self irony:

...I mean where you see that the offended people are the therapists, not the patients. Th epatients even feels better by a good laugh.

I had a major rabies scare in 2003; it was riddicilous and people around me were laughing of it and it helped me realise it was stupid. It is stupid to fear rabies and it is laughable. I have been there so I know everything about it. People dont laugh of it to be mean, they laugh of it to help you realise the stupidity of it. I am 100% convinced humour should be more used in therapy and nothing in this world is going to change my mind about it.

...but it is interesting that what started as a great self irony thread ended up a meta debate if humour and self irony is acceptable or not. But I am happy to see that most of us are favoring self irony and does not take offence at it.

21-02-18, 21:05
I saw this and just had to post it ~lol~


"Positive thoughts"

21-02-18, 21:20
Thanks to all who "got" my intention. It is heartening :D

You are welcome.

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ----------

This is a peer support forum and Admin's are sufferers who donate their time to support it. Why should they be barred from offering help and also receiving help? Why should they work for us rather than volunteer to help out?

What evidence do you have to support your claim that they have little knowledge of HA? What do you understand about HA? For instance, do you understand it's a fictional label invented by anxiety sufferers and because of this is overlaps into disorders that can also have no HA elements e.g. OCD & GAD. So, as an OCDer & GADer myself are you telling me that I cannot understand a "theme" in a disorder with the same patterns of thinking & behaviour as well as cycles simple because of a nuance?

I've asked you about this before and you don't respond but it's hard to take this claim when you demonstrate a narrow-minded view of anxiety disorders. A cancer you do not have can't harm you any more than that imaginary bat can. If you don't have cancer symptoms, you don't have cancer. So, aren't you also worrying about that impossible toilet seat with HIV on it?

You can argue that cancer is more likely but then so are traffic accidents yet I don't say HAers worrying about them on here. But then anxiety disorders are irrational by nature.

As for the thread you feel Admin offended you on, why not make that point to them rather than dredge it up on this thread to complain about Admin involvement (not forgetting Elen clearly stated it was her opinion and not one from an Admin)?

Which thread? I recall the brain amoeba one but in that case it was several members challenging your opinions on anxiety, myself included.

Points taken. But having one disorder does not make you an authority on others. I can offer very little if no advice at all to sufferers of conditions I do not have. And I do not know how the levels of self irony is in other conditions, but I KNOW how it is for a HA sufferer.

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

See now I laughed at the above. You have a dry sense of humour Mel. So do I. Some people just don’t get it.

I have commented in the past about the lack of humour here. Dying is not a laughing matter. lol

Don’t change Mel. Some people are just deliberately obtuse.

I dont see a much of lack of humour here. Most replies loved the self irony.

---------- Post added at 22:16 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

I'm trying hard just to lurk at the moment but this has really annoyed me. All I can say the mods are better people than me because I'd have kicked you off the forum for that had it been mine.

They are not running a service. They are not running a business. They don't have a "job" to do. They are good people with their own issues trying to form a community around mental health. If you don't like the way the forum is run you know what to do. It's their site. Their rules.

I've modded forums I've created myself in the past, albeit on much less serious topics than this. You do it with good intentions and eventually people start sniping and treating you like you owe them something. Eventually it stops being fun when you get caught between people who think you should be making a more welcoming place and keeping others in check, and people who literally call you a Nazi if you do any moderation whatsoever. Running a forum is an exercise in never being able to please everyone, and not being able to do right for doing wrong. Throw the fact you have to be extra careful due to the subject matter here and I really don't know how they've managed to do it for so long.

And when it stops being fun, and it starts getting you down, you stop. And I think we're at risk of the site owners walking away from NMP if people don't give the mods a bit of a break and understand their own issues, needs and give them a bit of leeway in what a difficult forum this is to manage.

I don't always agree with the mods' decisions on here, and I've probably snapped now and again when I shouldn't have, but you know what - I wouldn't volunteer to do this "job" in a million years.

Yes, I know; I cam off a bit too insensitive and should not. But it is just that - ...I got the feeling that I should not be allowed to laugh at myself and my own madness. I mean; there is nothing wrong woth that. They say that a good laugh prolongs life; and for a hypocondriac, that should be great news. Right? The day the world stops laughing that would be a dark day in this world.

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

The fact that some people took part in the thread have been dismissive of other's fears in the past probably contributed to my take on it.


AGAIN - I am NOT dismissive of others fears. I am a fearer myself, and I know what it is to suffer violent health anxiety. But what will offend me is if people are told on my behalf not to laugh at my extreme fears; that people should patronise me instead of laughing at and with me. I am saying as a veteran hypocondriac that me and others who suffers like this HAVE self irony and I will as long as I live and breath be a defender of humour and self irony.

21-02-18, 21:26
No one is disputing that it's fine to laugh at your own fears.

21-02-18, 21:31
No one is disputing that it's fine to laugh at your own fears.

Well, that is not how I was interpreating some replies here.
Or maybe you mean that it is OK only if you laugh at it yourself but excluding everyone else from participating in it, including other sufferers?

22-02-18, 04:51
Points taken. But having one disorder does not make you an authority on others. I can offer very little if no advice at all to sufferers of conditions I do not have. And I do not know how the levels of self irony is in other conditions, but I KNOW how it is for a HA sufferer.

Ok, so
a) having one disorder doesn't make you an authority on others.
b) you cannot offer advice to others outside of your own anxiety disorder.
c) you can offer advice on HA.

a) HA is a made up non medical term. This means it overlaps into a number of different anxiety disorders.
b) Due to a) this means you can be a HAer with a different disorder to another.
c) Due to a) you can be a HAer with the exact same diagnosed disorder as a non HAer.

So, having according to what you are saying having HA means you are free to comment across the board on HA issues but you can't where the diagnosed disorder differs but yes you still can because HA is just HA.

Yet if you consult doctors and their diagnostic manuals they will tell you the exact opposite to this. Their manuals don't even include themes such as health unless they are disorders which centre around e.g. OCD can be about anything as well as health but Somatoform Disorders are exclusively about health.

So, to a doctor if you have OCD about cleaning or health - you still have OCD. You don't have any of the fictional OCD labels that sufferers have also created and use across the internet. Doctors looks at the cycles, the behaviours, etc.

Therefore a HAer who HA is due to their diagnosed OCD demonstrates the same cycles & behaviours as the OCDer about cleaning. Therefore both can talk & help each other.

And if we stick with OCD, which HA? Mental or physical? SchizOCD is one sufferer generated term that doesn't exist anywhere other than for sufferers. Are you saying knowing HA as a sufferer means knowing SchizOCD too? It certainly does unless you want to get into detail to the level of only understanding if you've worried about the same illness yet SchizOCD sufferers tend not to even post on this board because they see it more relevant to OCD since it's defined within OCD so much on the internet. But it could equally sit on the HA board, just as any brain tumour or cancer HAer who really has OCD could post on the OCD board. How a forum is structured doesn't invalidate how the medical world view our disorders.

You said this on another thread:

I must add this: your fear; with the symptoms and all is a legitimate concern and it was very right of medical professionals to take this serious. I have been debating with some here who insist that all fear of ilness is irrational, and that fearing HIV from doorknobs or "brain eating amoeba" is just as an illegitimate fear as of the very real ppossibility one could have cancer. I even disagree more with them now. I mean seriously; if that was true the doctors would give equal priority to someone who think they have HIV from a toilet seat or "brain eating bacteria" from pure drinking water to people with yellow skin and blood in the urine. Thank God doctors are not thinking that way.

Doctors do give equal priority to you all - they know you haven't got anything! Doctors don't elevate HAers above the rest of us and they don't elevate cancer HAer's to an even higher rank. You won't get mental health treatment any faster.

Like in my OCD example above, to a doctor it's all OCD. You go in the queue with each other.

Doctors look at impact. They assess into Mild, Moderate and Severe. By default having a cancer worry doesn't make you severe otherwise they would have produced guidelines to help people with this. They haven't.

Doctors worry when they see how much of our day is taken away by worry. How far our compulsions go. How we start to retreat from work, social life, etc.

You can be an OCDer worrying about being poisoned by your door knobs or worry you have cancer. Either can be any severity level.

The reasons I have said this to you in the past are because I wonder whether this helps to validate your fears because anxiety works on importance. Removing the importance helps you to let it go. And when you mention feeling offended, which is your right, arguing cancer HA is more important is potentially going to offend someone else. As a non HAer I've come across this enough times to not be bothered by it but when you consider none of my worries can kill me, it would mean I couldn't be as severe as the cancer worrier who thinks they could die, but that's just not how anxiety works.

Your beliefs are up to you but it's worth determining whether the issue of validating the worry is preventing you moving on.

22-02-18, 05:59
OK, it is sort of OT, but my main point is that virtually no one here was offended by the original post here, and that shows that we dont really need to be told that we should not laugh and have fun on our own behalf. And I do register that sometimes people do get offended on behalf of people who does not get offended at all.
And if someone who does not have HA think that us with HA does NEVER laugh of our own fears and should be protected from jokes about it - well - then I will say that they are underestimating us. And to me....well, please note that this is my PERSONAL opinion...I find that patronising. Sorry.

22-02-18, 07:04
Yes, there is a of that around in the world these days. It's up to people how they deal with themselves and humour has it's place. HA or whatever else, it's a personality thing and nothing to do with anxiety so some will laugh, some won't, it's up to them.

22-02-18, 08:03
Matt, Terry and Buster, seemto have some sort of ménage à trois going on, and I am wondering if they need their own thread somewhere to be honest.


Lol I didn’t know this was a hook-up site!