View Full Version : Constricted breathing-please help!

17-02-18, 22:08
I’ve had breathing issues now since October. This started as a feeling of needing to take constant deep breaths but not being able to fill my lungs. I’ve had 2 chest X-rays, seen countless Doctors at my surgery, even had a trip in an ambulance to A&E with severe shortness of breath, but nothing can be found on bloods or examination. I’m the last few days I have developed severe pain in my sternum and in the same spot but around the back. Some positions are agony and this tightness, almost like somebody applying pressure to my back is making it impossible to get even a half decent breath. Because of the length of time I’ve had this now and these new pain symptoms I am freaking out that I’ve got some kind of tumour growing in my spine or sternum that’s putting pressure on my lungs. Sounds extreme (I know) but honestly I’m stumped. 5 months and it’s getting progressively worse, it can’t be nothing. And it can’t be stress? I am stressed of course, but it’s because of this! The idea of going back to my gp about this issue makes me feel sick-he’s seriously fed up with me now I’m sure, but I’m getting desperate for answers. Has anyone experienced this?

18-02-18, 14:01
Me, and I was doing the same as you. Saw countless GPs and A&E walk ins (waiting 3 hours each time just to see a GP and anxiously cried in the waiting room), and one time embarrassingly calling the 111 ambulance because I went into full panic attack mode in the early morning because it was really bad all night and I just didn't have the strength to take public transport to go to hospital again.

Mine was the same symptoms but started with problems swallowing, then got chest tightness where I felt like my ribs were squeezing me like a rubber band 24/7 which made it ache and being unable to take deep breaths, then sharp sternum pain which would last hours and upper back ache, and fatigue.

After living in Central London for 1 and a half years, I moved away and stayed with my parents as I felt really ill and mine got better, but in total from when it started, it took a year to feel 90% better.

I went on a strict diet of easily digestible "soft" non greasy small meals and didn't lie down until 3 hours after eating to let my body heal. No alcohol/coffee/tea or fruit juice. Just water. Take probiotics from an organic health store.

I really don't believe this is anything serious. I know you heard this already from me, but you have EXACTLY the same symptoms as I previously had.

Have you seen an ENT and had a laryngoscopy? I went to a private one as my GP wouldn't take me seriously and he found excess phlegm which signalled an allergy.

Later on, I also had an endoscopy which showed signs of gastritis.

I'm not sure my gastritis was caused by the allergy or developed from the stress of it.

Did you have digestive problems such as acid reflux or indigestion before this started? What is your diet like?

Did you recently move to a new location before this started? Or a new home?

18-02-18, 14:12
I get like this on and off. I dunno what it is and I keep putting it down to anxiety.

I did have pain on my sternum and ribs at one point, the gp pushed on it and it was agony. She said that my chest wall was inflamed and that can cause pain in there, she said it wasn't serious, I can't take anti inflammatories so I just had to ride it out. Lasted quite awhile!

Maybe your chest wall has inflammation in it? It's worth bringing up in your gp appointment.

18-02-18, 23:49
I’ve thought possibly inflammation like Costochondritis perhaps, except this sternum pain is relatively new, and the breathing thing has been months. Not sure it adds up? Lily, thank you again for your reply-you must think I’m nuts still on here with the same issue! I’ve had 2 cameras down my nose looking at my throat and all fine. I occasionally get silent reflux symptoms but it’s been almost 6 months since I’ve had this problem. I moved 2 years ago but live in the same town, outskirts of London so not in a built up area-I know you’d suggested allergy before. Thing is I had anti-histamines for about a month but they did nothing to ease this. I’m really at my wits end now 😩

19-02-18, 20:36
No not at all. I'm very happy to help and feel very bad you are still going through this.

Anti-histamines didn't work for me either and in fact made my throat even dryer.

Does your throat feel raw and dry? I forgot to add that was one of my symptoms.

Did your silent reflux start at the same time as this constricted breathing problem? Just before or you've had silent reflux for a long time before?

20-02-18, 14:57
I had terrible throat issues months ago (hence why I had the cameras down). I believe my issue was silent reflux.

This breathing problem seems to be a whole other issue. Perhaps muscular or something mechanical with my breathing technique itself? Or my bones? I’m in so much pain now in my sternum and back. Out of 10 deep breaths I make I only get 1 satisfying one 😩 I’ve booked an appointment with my Osteo for next Monday eve. I’m hoping she’ll pinpoint the problem and be able to fix it. Surely if I’ve had chest X-rays and clear blood tests in the past months then Doctors would have spotted a serious lung problem?

21-02-18, 11:31
I believe if it was serious, they would have found something by now.

You said your symptoms subsided during Christmas, was that because you were in a different location?

22-02-18, 13:14
Hi, I have issues with breathing too. I constantly feel like my airways are constricted or something. It seems I can only shallow breathe. It just feels physically impossible to take a deep breath. This issue is my number one problem. It came out of nowhere and is what made me seek help. I do have anxiety problems but I could deal with it if not for the breathing. Laughing gives me really tight pain in my chest. I always have to speak with the top of my throat, its impossible to get breath any lower. Sometimes I get a sort of wheezy whistle noise if I exhale. Though that's happened very few times. Most recently around 2 or 3 weeks ago.

When I go to the doctors, they just pin it on my anxiety, but I've never really been able to explain how intense it gets. I've never had any asthma test or anything. Its constant 24/7.. not just if I feel anxious...its just really difficult to do anything when your breathing feels really weak.

22-02-18, 16:58
I’m sorry you’ve got it too! I’m the same-it is there constantly even when I’m relaxed (well, as much as I can relax with this problem). Today I’ve been trying to fathom whether it’s my muscles not working efficiently or whether they’re over worked because my lungs aren’t working. My chest X-rays looked ok so I’m hoping it’s a muscular thing. Still, with no 100% answer to this thing it just leaves me fearing the worst. How long have you had this problem? Did the doctors explain how anxiety could cause this?

23-02-18, 11:38
Well he said shortness of breath is a symptom of my anxiety...and I should tell myself there's nothing wrong with my breathing. He did listen to my breathing and said it was fine...I've been put on Sertaline for the anxiety, though its just been a few days on it.

The breathing issues came out of nowhere originally actually around early 2015. Around a year later I was put on escitalopram and after 2 weeks my breathing was a lot better. I didn't feel out of breath all the time. That lasted for a few months then I did have moments of breathlessness. I stopped taking it which was a really stupid thing to do and the problems came back. I tried starting the medicine again but it didn't work at all. Though I have read that a lot of medicine like that doesn't work if you try to take it again after not using it for a while. I've been prescribed some other antidepressants recently but none have any effect thus far.

Its really frustrating because it doesn't feel like breathlessness just because I'm nervous, its impossible for me to breathe deeply. The common anxiety breathing exercises just don't work for me. I'm pretty much only anxious at this point because of this breathing stuff.

Sorry for the long post!

24-02-18, 12:46
I just spoke with a friend of mine that had a similar issue. She went to a chiropractor and it went away! I don't know if you have you same, but this is the youtube video she sent me that was similar to have she had. I really hope this cures you and anyone else that reads this thread with the same issue.


Calvin Harris
27-02-18, 11:54
I been working on a full cure to these two symtoms for 2 years. I put it down to weak adrenals and/or chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Lets find some answers. I think most likely over breathing.
I also get lots of tension from this and a stiff neck

28-02-18, 02:44
Have you tried a chiropractor for adjustments Calvin? Nobody has tried that yet.

05-03-18, 19:47
Thank you for those links, I’ll check those out this evening! I saw my Osteo last week that commented how tight my diaphragm is and how that could restrict filling the bottom half of my lungs up properly. I’m going back on Thursday this week for another go. I’m still struggling so badly. I just can’t help but worry that it is COPD. I know docs have told me very unlikely at my age and the fact I’m not coughing is a good sign but honestly I can’t get it out of my mind.

06-03-18, 13:09
I will bet it isn't anything serious and something to do with your silent reflux or an allergy. Also your anxiety is obviously making you feel worse.

One theory could be excess gas in your abdomen pressing on your lungs, another could be silent reflux spraying into your lungs causing mild induced asthma, another could be an airborne allergy causing mild induced asthma, or you could just be having high anxiety and stress, or a mixture. Don't worry, it will go. Stay positive.

It took me a full year to recover including the time it started. But after 6 months since it started it got much better, about 80% and I could breathe fully, but my breathing pattern was consciously mildly irregular for a couple more months due to my high anxiety of what I went through.

You need to be careful what you eat (small easily digestible meals, and don't lie down or do any physical activity 3 hours after your eat, and sleep on your left side with your head slightly raised. Also take probiotics, don't wear tight clothing, including a tight bra, and no smoking, alcohol, or caffeine which includes chocolate, soft drinks, energy drinks and protein bars, and try to be calm and positive. Just take one day at a time and know that it will disappear.

I'm going to stop posting on your thread. You probably think I'm a stalker lol, but I went through exactly the same so you're very welcome to message me any questions.

I do suffer from health anxiety now after I went through it as it was a long recovery (July 2016 - June 2017) and I felt my registered GP Clinic were awful in London, but the A&E hospitals were lovely and sadly they kept telling me I needed to see my registered GP because after giving me an ECG, checked my blood pressure, blood tests, and one X-Ray, they couldn't find anything that needed an emergency. One A&E doctor did mention it could be reflux or an allergy, or both and that my anxiety was making it worse. He was really lovely.

Just to remind you I left to Asia in November 2016 and had a full check up in an international hospital. They found gastritis and silent reflux which has now disappeared so the doctor believes my case was brought on by an airborne allergy in London mixed with the pollution.

08-03-18, 11:28
Thank you so much Lily! I’m so grateful for your replies honestly.

I went for my spirometry today and got pretty much same result as last time. Poor technique. I literally took a deep breath in but had blown out all my breath in about 3 seconds. I burst in to tears and offloaded all my frustration at the poor nurse. She said that apart from the poor technique result that everything else looked good. She tested my o2 levels and it was 100%. She put all this down to anxiety. I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND!!! I’m anxious only because of this issue! I wonder if I’ll ever get a diagnosis of something else and a cure?!!!

08-03-18, 12:28
Quick reply. I know I said I wouldn't reply, but ME TOO! I have a poor technique with the spirometry as I get quite nervous and could only blow out fast in 3 seconds. You're fine!

And when this started, I also developed anxiety because of those symptoms. It didn't cause it for me either. Trust me, from what I went through; focus on relieving your anxiety, your acid reflux with a GI doctor, and finding out if you have an airborne allergy with an Allergist to do the blood test and skin pricking.

There's nothing seriously wrong with you and I know the anxiety and frustration of not being able to breathe fully. I'm cured after one year of hell. You will too!

08-03-18, 12:38
She put all this down to anxiety. I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND!!! I’m anxious only because of this issue! I wonder if I’ll ever get a diagnosis of something else and a cure?!!!

You've been anxious prior to this so the "cure" is treating the illness you do have. Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

17-03-18, 15:25
Thank you so much Lily. Fishmanpa yes I have had a lot of help with my anxiety. I know I’m still suffering badly, currently back on Clonazapam to take the edge off my thoughts. I’m just so convinced this is COPD or similar type of lung disease. I cannot see how stress or anxiety is physically making my lungs feel like they’re closing off. It doesn’t make sense to me. If I could understand exactly how there could be a link I might relax but I just can’t. It’s not like a panic attack hyperventilating issue-this is constant 24/7 and worse when I move around and exert myself.