View Full Version : Health Anxiety, lyme or something else?

18-02-18, 00:41
Hi Everyone

I was hoping you could give me some insight. I have been ill for about 5 years now. A few months back i really started considering the fact that this could all be anxiety (somatic syndrome or hyperstimulation), it is one of two things that could explain all of my symptoms that hasn't been completely ruled out. The other is lyme disease, i've tested negative for that a few times but many people say the tests aren't reliable and cannot be trusted. My family has a pretty long history of anxiety. My mom is a constantly anxious person, my dad also gets very anxious at times. My grandmother struggled with anxiety her whole life.

Current Symptoms:

- Twitching (All over, constant)
- Migrating pain in body
- Muscle weakness
- Chest pain
- Fatigue
- Anxiety, with occasional panic attacks
- Digestive Discomfort
- Tinnitus(Ringing in ears)
- Occasional Headaches
- Shivers or shakyness
- Shortness of breath

Past Symptoms (Not currently active)

- Lightheadedness/Dizzyness
- Brain Fog
- Tremors
- Bloated
- Constipation
- Neck stiffness
- Esophageal Spasms
- Migraines (Ocular)
- Trouble swallowing

Evidence that points to anxiety:

My twitching and cramping which are my main symptoms started after a really stressful couple of months and haven't gone away since. My symptoms also seem to evolve or escalate with scares (for example i was told my heart rhythm was slightly irregular and about a week later i went to the ER with severe chest pains, dizziness and arrhythmia)
I can remember when I was younger i would get "scares" where i feared i had a serious disease or infection, ranging from malaria to skin cancer, but they never had persistent symptoms.
Since i've had these symptoms i have believed that i had, ALS, Heart attack, heart problems, MS and lymes

Evidence that points to Lyme:

I run a pretty low temperature constantly (Average 97.6)
My CD57 is remarkably low 17 instead of 60-360.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.