View Full Version : Damaged knee got to go to a and e freaking out

18-02-18, 09:15
Hi there I got up to go to loo in the middle of the night and I turned the wrong way. I heard a very loud click in my right knee it is now at a funny angle I can weight bear on it although it is painful and I can get out of a chair ok.But lying in bed I cant put it right down I can only lie on the side. I phoned NHS 24 and they suggested I go to a and e, I am not sure why? But I will go. My dad is coming for me. I hope I havent dislocated it. I have had major problems before on my left knee and had splints and aspirations done. I am quite a bit overweight maybe it is putting strain on it. I totally hate hospitals I have severe anxiety now thinking about it.

18-02-18, 11:08
You would know if you had dislocated, as it's meant to be one of the most painful things you do! Being able to put weight on the leg means it won't be anything too serious. They are saying to go to A&E just to make sure. You've probably pulled a few ligaments, which hurt like mad!