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View Full Version : Existential anxiety

18-02-18, 11:47
Hello everyone. 2 weeks ago I got a sudden panic attack while reading some philoshopical stuff. It doesn't usually give me panic attacks but since I was a bit drunk, I think it might be the reason I overthought it. I was absolutely fine before, but after that, my life turned into hell. At first, I realised mortality of everyone I love, I cried for a bit and then started thinking about existence, time and everything related. Everything started to feel pointless and unreal. I didn't want to eat or do anything, nothing would bring me joy. Everything seems fake, dumb, unexplainable. I couldn't sleep at nights, terrified by all that thoughts. Then I started to think about what could be waiting us after we die, and I got obsessed over a concept of eternity and got terrified again. Now I'm feeling kinda better (I eat, sleep better, do things I liked to do) but I got hyperaware of time and existence and it feels just as horrible. I think about how anything I do is already in the past and it's just killing me. Whatever I do, I just get thought of how it's already in past, already happened, time only goes one way. I just can't deal with it. My life is normal, nothing is stressing me, everything is ok, but all this existential stuff that popped into my head after 1 panic attack makes it so much harder, so unbearable. Is there anyone who experienced/experiencing it? Is it dp/dr? Or is it depression? Anxiety? I feel lost and I would really like to hear your opinions. Thanks.

19-02-18, 23:01
Hi Nikitaa. After my panic attack last August and losing my mum in October, I have similar existential anxieties. Hard to find joy when constantly battling anxiety. My counsellor says I’m bound to consider mortality, like my generation is next to go. My past and links to the previous generation/parents etc have gone. Maybe it’s part of the grieving process. I have all I need but can’t shaje off the anxiety. Best not to dwell on it if you can. Just try and give thanks to what you have x