View Full Version : What's this on nail?

18-02-18, 18:52

I just noticed this on my nail earlier today and worrying about the cause! Can someone tell me what it is?

18-02-18, 19:06
Are you talking about that absolutely miniscule black speck at the top right?

I'd put money on it being a splinter haemorrhage. Its going in the direction of the nail and is simply a tiny under nail bruise from a very minor injury. It will grow out in a matter of a couple of weeks. They are VERY common and most people have many of them in their lifetime.

18-02-18, 19:44
I'm a nail tech, that picture is hard to see but your nail looks pretty damaged. It just looks like a splinter though. Nothing to be concerned about health wise.

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Catherine S
18-02-18, 20:39
Well, as you know we're not really meant to give a diagnosis about anything on the forum, we're not experts and are only going to be guessing as to what it could be, so we always say if it's something that really worries you it's best to ask somebody who would know for sure like a pharmacist or a nurse at your local surgery. They've seen it all before :)

18-02-18, 20:51
Yeah, but lets be honest, if you've had them lots of times yourself - and you've seen others have them then you are in fair place to make some judgement. Its not exactly a medical problem is it an incredibly slight finger nail mark. Its a tiny splinter sized thing under the nail and can only be 1mm long. I'm sure if there is any change then the OP will head off to the pharmacy or whatever, but I bet its not needed!

NO I'm not a medical person, so I give you my opinion only as a contributor on a HA forum.

18-02-18, 21:01
I'm a nail tech, that picture is hard to see but your nail looks pretty damaged. It just looks like a splinter though. Nothing to be concerned about health wise.

Sent from my SM-G950W using TapatalkThe only time you need to be really worried is if it gets longer.

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Catherine S
18-02-18, 21:05
Carys, this isn't about you. There have been lots of people posting pics of various marks and blemishes on various body parts and admins have always tried to discourage it...they've asked people not to do it many times. These blemishes etc can look like something we've all had, but telling them what we think it might be isn't telling them what it actually is, which is what they want to hear.

So my reply was nothing to do with your reply, it's just what I'd have said anyway.

18-02-18, 21:35
Rightho Catherine.

Catherine S
18-02-18, 21:39

19-02-18, 11:15
Just an update for anyone who may stumble upon this thread with the same issue. I just popped into a supermarket and thought I would ask the pharmacist while in there. She actually giggled at me a little bit, which was actually rather relieving. She told me it's nothing.

19-02-18, 11:21
Thankyou for the update!!!! :D:D:D I told yer so. :roflmao:

Catherine S
19-02-18, 14:42
That's great. Yep it's always best to ask somebody who can actually see spots and marks in reality, rather than a fuzzy pic on a forum. I know pharmacists are really good when we're worried about this kind of thing and we don't want to waste the doctor's time.

Take care x

19-02-18, 14:56
I don't think you even need a pharmacist for a weeny speck on a nail, within 24 hours of it appearing, thats pushing the boundaries of obsession over miniscule bodily changes. If you've never seen one or had one I can see why you'd wonder what it was, but something that appears suddenly and is so small....can be monitored for while.

Catherine S
19-02-18, 15:14
It's all down to personal opinion. The OP was obviously worried even if it was a tiny speck...nmp is full of people posting about these things after all, and all we can do is give an opinion or share a thought. Everybody offers different advice and then it's up to the OP to accept it or reject it. Either way my advice was meant in good faith.

19-02-18, 15:37
Yes. Also, I've had another thread active in the forum for a while posting about an ongoing pain I've had with all sorts of tests etc. So although it may be a little spec, I'm highly aware of different things that are happening to my body at the moment... whereas 6 months ago I probably wouldn't have noticed this minor change. :)

19-02-18, 15:43
Hiyer Sam, I hope I didn't come across as critical. I was aware that you were highly sensitised to little bodily changes, so that's kind of the point I was hoping to get across. I was trying to demonstrate, in probably a slightly cack-handed way, that tiny little things like this are generally nothing to get concerned about and we all have them happening from body 'wear and tear'. You can look at them, wonder what they are, then dismiss them for a while. I mean, if you'd have waited 7 days it would have already grown out. :D

Of course, serious health changes are a different matter and need checking asap, but little spots and things are not as serious as your HA mind will make them out to be.

19-02-18, 17:21
No, of course not :) I was actually relieved to read your initial response so thank you for that. I was just explaining why I initially panicked over it! Thanks :)