View Full Version : Scared I've been poisoned.

18-02-18, 20:46
Hi guys,

So yesterday I ate in a cafe next door to my place of work. Around a month ago i had an argument with one of the owners. Now when I agreed to eat in there yesterday I didn't think he'd be there as he usually isn't.
Anyway after I had ordered i see him come in. I made the full order for my partner and myself and thought no more about it.

Anyway last night my anxiety was bad and I had bad dreams.

Today I've had an almost churning feeling all day. A little like hunger but I'm not hungry. It's relieved by belching but comes straight back. I suffer with IBS and stress. But have become paranoid the cafe poisoned me with Ray poison or something. I also have health anxiety clearly. I'm in a real panic right now so any help would be really appreciated.

Many Thanks

18-02-18, 20:56
Besides the irrationality of the thoughts, you would be sick by now.

Positive thoughts

18-02-18, 20:58
Oh I’m sure you’re fine, and I’d just attribute that to your anxiety. If you’re still feeling like that in a day or two then go and see your doctor.

I know that saying “try and relax” seems pointless, but can you try and do something that usually makes you feel less anxiety? Have a soak in the bath, ring a friend, listen to music.. then hopefully you’ll start to feel better.

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18-02-18, 22:30
Thank you guys, I just worry a lot. I have irrational fears.

18-02-18, 22:36
What is ray poison?

You know, I had irrational fears like this at the absolute height of my anxiety states (but this is going back decades now) and so I understand how a paranoid feeling can get under your skin. However, in my now rational state I can tell you - people don't go round poisoning people willy nilly just because you have an argument with them. Firstly, its really not good for business, and it would be traceable back to where you ate. :D Secondly, you would be ill by now as fishmanpa said.

I'm sure the churning feeling is because your gastric balance has been upset by the worry over the cafe, and the anxiety over the subsequent 'poisoning'.

19-02-18, 00:08
Ah sorry, it was supposed to say rat poison.
I know it's irrational, I just get scared and find it hard to cope so seem reassurance here. I'm really appreciative for the replies.

19-02-18, 02:07
Paranoia & anxiety can go together. I found paranoia was an issue for me when my anxiety was really bad and as I started to recover it dissipated.

Stick to rationalising situations and then reframe a conclusion, walk away from it and try to do things that distract your mind from obsessing over it.

Contamination is a common theme in OCD and some focus on outward influences including their own family. I always found self trust was a big problem in my OCD and I think for some this is harnessed by the paranoia so that it becomes externalised.