View Full Version : Anyone had withdrawal from these?

Ash J
19-02-18, 16:19

I've recently withdrew from these, took it quite slow from 15mg to 3.5mg over 2 months before stopping. It's been 10 days since stopping them and although I felt ok to begin with the last few days I have been suffering with severe itchyness all over my body but mainly the head, neck and hands. I've been getting headaches, random spells of nausea and appetite seems to have dipped.

Has anyone ever experienced these withdrawals coming off mirt and if so how long did it last? I've read it can take over a month which is going to drive me crazy with this itching.

Many thanks

21-02-18, 10:59
Hi I have before and crashed BUT if your mood hasn’t crashed go and buy an antihistamine and that will reduce the itching etc as mirtazapine is an antihistamine so your body is reacting to the removal of a strong anti histaminic impact

17-05-18, 20:31
I am on week 6 and I'm not out of the woods yet. I've been tapering for 9 months. I'm not going to say bad stuff about mirt because it helped me out of a depressive mess. was on 30 mg for 2 years then 45 mg for 6 months. I began to taper down because 45 mg caused a sexual dysfunction. over 9 months I went from 45 to 30 to 22 to 15 to 9 then 5mg. After every taper the dysfunction would eventually return. I too went through the itch phase at 15 mg. My wife would rub Benadryl cream on my back or else it would keep me up at night. That was the only side effect during the taper. After a couple weeks at 5 mg I threw in the towel and went cold turkey. Week one was not too bad, just minor waves of anxiety. Week two was horrible, with major anxiety to the point that my coworkers told me that I needed to see a doctor! Week three was not fun either, the anxiety let up but nausea began. Some mornings I had an intoxicating feeling like the feeling you get the first day on mirt. On week 4 the A and N let up but a tight pain began in my chest which resulted in a complete cardiac workup which I needed anyway. Thankfully all was fine there. Week 5 was persistent nausea which required Donnatal to calm down the gagging. I'm on week 6 now and it seems like I'm starting to settle down. Even had one day in which I can say I finally felt normal again. On the plus side, the dysfunction is completely gone and the sex has been awesome. I'm determined to get my body into homeostasis again because I really feel that the underlying cause for my depression was a 20 year addiction to zolpidem which I kicked three years ago and I knew that getting off mirt would be much easier than ambien which was a two month living hell. Stick with it, eventually we will get to the other side. And one more thing, I was afraid that my sleep would suffer when I got off mirt but it's been pretty good. I need a shot or two of vodka to put me out then sleep a full night of good sleep..Thank God!