View Full Version : Pain all over abdomen

19-02-18, 23:27
Hi, have had some stressful months coping with this and just need to get it off my chest and see if any else here suffers from this. I will get these really random kind of jolts of pain in little parts of my abdomen and back nothing too bad but enough to really set alarm bells off in my head, then i get really bad migraines for the rest of the day, usual spots are just under the ribs as i'm convinced i have something like kidney failure and around the center of my abdomen so i'm then conviced something is badly up with my bladder/bowels. And also little pains in my chest so i'm convinced something is up with my heart or i have diabetes or something.

It's just so physically and mentally exhausting just being in a constant panic everytime i feel abit of pain anywhere, i know it's in my head because i took urine infection anti-biotics last year and i was perfect on them, even though my doctor said he was 100% sure there was no infection so i guess it was like a placebo. If anyone just wants to talk or share their experiences i think it will help ease it for alot of us here. Is anyone else this panicky or am i just being over dramatic?

20-02-18, 05:20
When we get anxious, our bodies make excess gas and our bodies don't get rid of it. That can cause the pain.