View Full Version : Tapeworm, scared?

19-02-18, 23:33
So i know how gross this is going to sound - but my dog (rottweiler) is currently being treated for fleas. We live in the country and she always seems to pick them up so easily.

We had a bit of an infestation which is definately dying down, but had a huge panic not long ago (like 15 mins ago)

Poured myself a drink and put it on the table, had a few big gulps from it and then noticed a flea floating around in the drink...

Very gross, but made me think what if i swallowed one

I know my dog doesn’t have tapeworms or anything like that, we do check her poo when we pick it up

But what if i swallowed one that was infected or whatever?
I’m seriousoy freaking out that i’m gonna get a tapeworm

20-02-18, 00:12
It's ridiculously rare that it happens.

Positive thoughts

20-02-18, 02:04
Yeah, just the idea of it is horrifying! :(