View Full Version : Thinking of Increasing - Concerned

20-02-18, 00:23
Hi all,

I’ve been on 20mg of Citalopram for about 3 years and ever since I took it it has done wonders for me - made me feel essentially normal.

However, ever since a little less than a month ago I’ve seemed to be going through an extra hard blip. More bad days than good essentially.

Anyway, I’m thinking of visiting my doctor and seeing if I should increase to 25mg or 30mg. However, I’m feeling paranoid about increasing the dose too much because I remember reading higher doses of Citalopram could possibly affect the heart in some way... Although I think that’s for people over 60 and have existing heart issues?

Again, I know I’m being overly paranoid - especially since I’m only 24, in good shape and have never (as far as I know) had any issues with my heart.

Can someone put my mind at ease about the safety of increasing?? Thanks - much appreciated!

20-02-18, 00:55
The maximum dose for this med..in the USA is forty..mill.anything over that anywhere else on Earth yes it says it can cause heart issues..

20-02-18, 01:34
Yeah, I remember reading that 40mg is the max dose and I’m not even thinking of going above 30mg at the moment. Hmmm perhaps it would be a better peace of mind for myself to switch to Lexapro..

20-02-18, 19:52
Anyone else have any good thoughts for this issue? ://

20-02-18, 22:47
Stay on your celexa .. Lexapro is basically the same.

22-02-18, 02:04
Went in and saw my doctor today and she prescribed me to go to 30mg. Gonna be taking my first increased dose tonight - a little worried, but will be brave and keep my thoughts positive. :)

22-02-18, 06:18
Went in and saw my doctor today and she prescribed me to go to 30mg. Gonna be taking my first increased dose tonight - a little worried, but will be brave and keep my thoughts positive. :)

You shouldn't be paranoid/worry. The heart issue is for 60mg+ and/or if you already have underlying heart issues.

You should try 25mg for a week and see how you feel. If you feel better, then you could stay at 25mg [no sense in over medicating if you don't need to is my #1 rule regarding any drug :) ].

Hopefully you feel better with the increased dosage. :)

23-02-18, 17:09
You shouldn't be paranoid/worry. The heart issue is for 60mg+ and/or if you already have underlying heart issues.

You should try 25mg for a week and see how you feel. If you feel better, then you could stay at 25mg [no sense in over medicating if you don't need to is my #1 rule regarding any drug :) ].

Hopefully you feel better with the increased dosage. :)

Hi epitaxial. Yes, I told my doctor my (paranoid) concerns lol, and she said the same thing you did. Just hard to remember that and think logically when your anxiety is flaring up.

My doctor wants me to stay on the 30mg and see how that treats me. I have to meet up with her again in 3-4 weeks, so we’ll see if the increase is good.

I took the 30mg 2 nights ago and had bad insomnia and increased anxious thoughts. Called my doctor the next morning and she said that was normal due to the increase. She suggested I take the 10mg in the morning and then 20mg at night.

I’m restarting the process today (took 10mg this morning & will take 20mg tonight) so hopefully that will be better.

Thanks for the response! :)