View Full Version : is it due to sinus

06-07-07, 08:03
had a lot of problems with sinus for last two weeks been on antibiotics and they seem to have started to clear it
last few days have started with a cough maybe because i have started smoking again how stupid can you be
this morning when i coughed i brought a lot of phlemg up ans there was two little specks of blood so of course anxiaty has gone into overdrive
every time i bring phlegm up i am looking to see if there is any more blood there
has anyone had this problem I was told five years ago I have COPD so am very worried now it might be lung cancer

06-07-07, 09:44
Hi Sly,

What I think you may have done, is, when you are coughing you have burst little blood veasels at the back of your mouth. This is harmless, I have done this before, when coughing, it heals on its own.

Now because you have copd, this can cause alot of phlegm, I know this because my mother in law has copd and I have read up on it.

Are you on any meds for your copd? eg, inhalers? these can releive symptoms of copd.

The first thing they say when you have copd is to pack in the fags, but I know how dame hard this is to do, I have been trying for along time to pack in the fags and so has my mother inlaw, ohhhh its hard, but there are plenty of things out there that can help.

Sly I read on the net information that a suffer of copd said, she said that if you have copd read up as much as you can about this illness and how to help yourself with this illness, but I know how hard this may be for you if you suffer health anxiety, so maybe you could go back to your gp for reasurance. I am sure that the phlem maybe, the sinuses clearing or a symptom of copd, get it checked, peace of mind goes along way.

Hope this helps a little



06-07-07, 11:32
Hope you feel better soon Syl. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-07-07, 01:55
I always have blood in my phlegm! Don't know why but that's been the way for years.

07-07-07, 07:19
Hi all
Thanks for your replys
jill does your mil manage to get rid of the phlem I was given the inhalers but to be honest i forget to use them
yes should give up the cigs but so hard when you suffer with anxiaty etc and are on your own
dont think I would dare look up on the net about copd would make me worse just wish i could get rid of the phlem and not panic so much about the blood.
sky thanks for your reply
glad someone understands what i mean maybe it is because my sister died from lung cancer when she was the same age i am now
but have had the blessed sinus for about 3 weeks no other symptoms other than the little spots of blood yesterday just wish i didnt worry so dam much
I have got worse since my husband died

have you been told by doctors what it is or have you not bothered asking

07-07-07, 08:17
Hi Sly :D

I can totlay understand how hard it is to give up the cigs, all I can say on this matter is, try and keep trying, need to take my own advice on this one LOL :wacko:

I can understand on looking on the net to, if you feel it will make your anxiety worse, I understand.

YES, the inhalers have helped my mother inlaw, she did have a time when she was having lots of phlem, but now on the right inhalear, she is lots better. I would suggest that if your inhalers were given a long time ago and you have not uesd them, go back to your gp for another check up and explain your symptoms, there is a ceartain inhaler which helps with this.

I am soo sorry to hear about your losses sly, this must have been sooo hard for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

The gp can say if the phlem is caused by build in the sinuse or your copd, both of these CAN be treated. When you know what you are dealing with you will feel a little better, peace of mind goes along way.

You take care and be kind to yourself.


17-07-07, 07:29
hi jill
thanks for your message
yes the smoking does not help
well took your advice and went to see the nurse at health centre yesterday and told her about the phlem and problems breathing she said ok lets look at what has been going on after about half a hour she said well you know you should be using your inhalers every day (slap hands) as when i feel ok i forget dont we all.
well she gave me two inhalers
a purple one called seretide 250 wich i have to take two puffs morning and night and a blue one caled ventolin wich i can use if the breathing is bad.she also said with having copd i have to stop smoking ha ha ha she said she knew it wasnt easy when you suffer with anxiaty but she has made me a telephone appointment for today with the doctor to see if he will give me a prescrition for the patches so will see what he says
problem is i dont know if i want to stop smoking as it is the first thing i go for when i am stressed and at the moment my stress is very high
I am worrying that it might not be copd and that it is lung cancer cant get thought out of my head .
also been stuipd and booked myself a weeks holiday from next monday now with all this i dont want to go so worrying about that is making me worse why do we do these things never been away for a week on my own since my husband died so maybe anxiaty has gone sky high wish it would all go away
I am going to try and at least to cut down on ciggys and hopefully stop just that i have no one to help me with this as i am on my own it is difficult you just light up and forget what you promised yourself about trying to stop
well just hope these inhalers work a little maybe if i could calm down might help lol

17-07-07, 09:13
Hi Sly, :hugs:

Its good to hear you went for a check up :yesyes: it is true that when we feel better we can forget to take our meds, BUT, sly, it IS A MUST you take your inhalers as and when they are needed, they will not work if you don't take them as priscribed. So, pleasseess hun, keep taking them and try not to forget, they will help.

How are you with your copd, do you get out of breath at times? Not all people who suffer copd get out of breath, but if you do, its a must you learn how to do your breathing, if you ask your nurse, she should know of a class you can go to to learn your breathing.

I can understand how hard it must be for you to stop smoking. I know what you mean, when you say, ** I don't know if I want to give up*** ohh boy, this is my saying, I used to always say that AND still battling with this one. Off the fags for 7 days at the mo :yesyes: yeeeeeee go meeee LOL

If you are like me, I used the fags not only because I was addicted to them, but because they where the only things that would be there for me all the time, in thick or thin, in times of happiness, in times of trouble, ohhh yes, the fags where there for me. They where my friend, always there for me.

The hardest thing Sly when trying to pack in, is trying to find a dame good enough reson why you should. One that is good enough for YOU. I know people say health, there not good for you, but sometimes this is not a good enough reason, ohhh boy, the mind IS a powerfull things.

I have been trying for a very long time to give then up, someone told me, try, try and keep trying. Ohhh boy, I have used soooo many patches, LOL I have one thing thats in my mind at the mo and that is. I gave up in Jan this year, this time I lasted nearly 3 months :yesyes: ohhh boy I felt great, more energy, ohh just felt great, mmmmm sliped and went back oh them.

For me, fags make my anxiety worse. I have not had a pa in a long time, because of the great site, but what I do know is, for me, fags make my anxiety worse, so much so, the other day I was in the musem, you know before you go in you just gotter have a fag. 10 mins into the visit ( high anxiety attack)and it just seemed to came on me out of the blue, thought I was going to hit the deck, I had to go find a place to lay down, ohhh boy, not that nice, but the good news is it did not last long :yesyes: I know now cigs are NOT my friend, freinds don't do this to you, DO THEY???????

Soooo trying to pack them in :yesyes: Sly, we all care for you, I wish you just lived around the corner I could pop round and give you some support :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Please give it ago and try and pack then in, YES, even if you cut them down, it will help.

It is NOT stupid that you have booked a holiday Sly, thats great news, WELL DONE. :yesyes: :shades: :shades: :shades:

The advice I would give to anyone who suffers pa, anxiety, NEVER, EVER give up doing what you have always done, keep going, keep doing. I know this can be dame hard at times's, but if we keep doing and going, this shows Mrs anxiety, she is NOT going to win and stop you from doing things.

You take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :flowers:


Sly, to be told you have copd, you must have had all the checks, they must have given you a good check up, if you have cancer they would have seen this. I know its dame hard for you

17-07-07, 09:36
Hi Jill
thsank you so much for your message
I have started to leave my inhaler near the computer as trhat is the first place i go on a morning as i wont forget lol
I sometimes get out of breath due to the copd but not always was told the weather has a lot to do with it but not sure about that
I am trying hard to get my head round stopping smoking wish there was something on the market that every time you lit up it shouted at you lol
I found out i had copd in 2002 as in 2001 i had a bad chest infection and they sent me for a x ray then said i needed to go for i think it was a scan went into a tunnel machine and they took pictures
my doctor then said i had copd as i had been smoking for far to many years
but at that time i was looking after my husband who had been seriously ill and my ciggys was a life saver if you know what i mean another excuse

just wish i didnt suffer with this dam health anxiaty every little thing is something major
I did try to stop a couple of years aga when i had a bad chest infection but my husband had just died and felt i needed the ciggys why do we always find a reason to need them when really we dont ???
well better try and get some ironing done really am trying to get my head round this holiday as it is something i have wanted to do for a while my grandparents brought me up and they always took me to blackpool for a weeks holiday every year and not been back since the last time i went with them which is more years than i care to remember so will be like going down memory lane maybe i might meet someone else on there own in the hotel.

the other thing is when i saw the nurse she said she thought i was suffering from ptsd as she felt i had not been able to grieve for my husband and mother with it being so close together they died two weeks apart so just got over one funeral then had another one and it was strange as my husband died first when i went to my mothers funeral all i could think about was my husband funeral two weeks before so then felt guilty but that is me i feel guilty if the postman drops a letter on the street how stupid can i get
well thank you so much for answering me it does help take care

17-07-07, 10:10
Hi Sly, :hugs:

I can't prentend to understand what you have been though, as you know, there is a saying on here, to understand somethings, you have to go through it. I have had losses in my life, but not like yours, it must have been sooo hard for you, my heart goes out to you :hugs:

If the nurse said you may have ptsd, do you feel you need to address this, with some therapy, this is somthing you can think about, the nursre should be able to point you in the right directon for that, what do you think?

It is sooooo true that we find the least excuss NOT to pack the fags, as I told you my mother inlaw has copd, her last excuss was..... """ I can't pack in the fags, its not the right time, I have got mice""" LOL needless to say, the mice have gone but the cigs are still there.

Finding the good enough excuss to pack them in is sooooooooo hard, but Sly, don't be to hard on yourself, you will try, when you feel ready, its just pushing yourself to find that ready time???????????????????//////////////

Ohhh your going to Blackpool, went there myself a couple of weeks ago, ohhh had a fab time. Had an anxiety attack playing bingo, ohhh thats another story, but finding that funny now LOL. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: I have took my kids there every year. This time, just adults went, its not changed much over the years.

You have a great time hun, tell us all about it when you get back.


17-07-07, 20:11
\hi \jill
thank for your message
lol i have used the same excuse as your mil it is not the right time lol
yes the nurse said she would get some information for me about the ptsd so will wait and see
think i will have my holiday first as that wouldnt be the right time to pack up ciggys lol then try when i get home have cut down a lot today spent 4 hours ironing took my time so i wouldnt want a ciggy lol
yes blackpool was always were my grandparents took me so it woll be going back in time
I have booked myself three shows one at the tower legends of the driffters one at central pier legends and one on pleasure beach the real driffters so that will be good i hope .
also the hotel has entertainment every night so if i dont want to go out i dont have to
i have got a hotel on albert road near winter gardens thought that was central hope it is ok
thank you so much for taking the time to anser me
take care

11-09-07, 20:08
here i go again
been having trouble with the breathing again ,went for my yearly tests for copd yesterday and nurse said it wasnt that bad but i still have the cough and the phlem she didnt say anything about this only to say my oxygen level was 99.2 so she said that was good
but today i got wieghed and i have lost more wieght so thought of lung cancer is back again i must admit i havnt had much of a apitite for about a month and dont feel like eating
also going throu a lot of stress worrying over things like should i move house or not
but i am sooooo scared it is lung cancer and the doctor is not picking it up that i am frightening myself to death
yes i am still smoking but to be honest that is the only thing that keeps me a little calm yes guess it is a excuse just dont know what to do about every thing scared of loosing more wieght i am now down to 9-12 and at 5ft 10ins that is to low oh heck what is happening to me

14-09-07, 09:06
Hi Sly :hugs:

Sorry to hear you are struggling again with your thoughts, my heart goes out to you :hugs:

Did the nurse not reasure you about the cough and phelm, did she not tell you that most copd suffers get these symptoms?

You say you are going through alot of stress right now, stress alone CAN, take away are appitite :lac: I know that for me, smoking takes away my appitite, at the mo, my weight is 8 stone, but awhile ago, under a hell of alot of stress, I went down to under 7 stone :lac: I know if I pack in the cigs, I would put more weight on, but finding packing them in very hard :lac:

Sly, you say the gp, is not picking up that you are frighting yourself to death, can you go back to your gp and tell him/her, just how bad you feel, he/she may send you for a chest x-ray, this will put your mind at rest. Peace of mind goes along way.

As you know, are negative thought pattens are very, very strong when are anxiety levels are high. My friend has not long been told that she has probs with her lungs. She does find it hard at times climbing stairs, we went to funny girls in blackpool, she was climbing the stairs and thought she needed her inhaler, but found she left it in the hotel,:ohmy: then she started to panic. I did however calm her down, she did NOT at that time, need her inhaler, but the anxiety of not having the inhaler, made her breathing worse.:lac: we went on to have a great time :yesyes: ohhhh funny girls, is sooooo FUNNY :yesyes:

At the mo, my friend is waiting for an, appointment for re-hab, ( hehe, this sounds like she is a drugie :wacko: LOL, I told her, it MUST be called something else) this is to teatch her how to breath right, to use all parts of her lungs. Have you not been offered this? if not, ask your nures. I do believe it would help, YOU and my friend.

I know how hard it is for you right now and I wish I could say somthing that would give you peace of mind.:hugs: :hugs:

How, did blackpool go, did you have a good time, as I have said, I went there myself, just for a few days with all girls, then went back with hubby and the kids and did the pleasure beach, I even went on the BIG ONE :ohmy: must admit though, my anxiety went very, very, high on this :wacko: went up the tower too, anxiety there, but I did it, thats the main thing :yesyes:

Please hun, go back to gp, worry alone can stop us from eating less than we normaly do.

YOU TAKE CARE, be kind to yourself, :hugs: :flowers:


03-10-19, 15:58
I always have blood in my phlegm! Don't know why but that's been the way for years.
did you find the cause plz