View Full Version : Worried about lung/throat cancer

20-02-18, 15:11
First time poster, I’m hoping someone can provide some advice as I’m currently going mad with worry – sorry if this is a little long.

First a little information about myself – I’m a 34 year old male, who has never smoked and doesn’t drink (not had a drink in over 18 months)
Just under four weeks ago, towards the end of January I contracted the flu from my gf. I was tired, sore throat and got a very bad cough during this time.

After almost a week I was on the mend and began to feel better. My sore throat went and although I continued to have my cough it got less and less as the days went on – going from a chesty cough to bringing up mucus most of the time, to basically a little cough every other hour.

However, just over a week and a half ago I began to get an ache in my lower left jaw that I originally thought was a molar growing through and it would go away as it has before. It didn’t. Instead, I began to feel achiness and tightness across both sides of my jaw, as well as aches in and behind both my ears and the back of the head. I also felt discomfort and tightness in the front and back of my throat and awkwardness when trying to swallow.
I bought myself a night guard and ate softer foods, which seems to have helped a little (my jaw now doesn’t ache as much, instead just feeling slightly fuller), but my cough, which was practically gone as of a week ago, now appears to have got worse. I’m not bringing anything up like when I was ill, but it feels more like a wheezy cough with nothing in me coming out is the best way to describe it.

On top of this, I’ve began feeling a weird sensation in my throat. The best way to describe it as an obstruction which makes it feel dry and make me feel like I need to keep clearing it, as well as that weird feeling you get a the back of your throat (thick feeling) when you know a sore throat is coming.

If you hadn’t gathered by now I suffer from health anxiety and as much as I’ve tried to stay off the internet to self-diagnose myself, I crumbled this week and am now terrified I’ve got some form of cancer – either throat or lung (since my cough has come back)

I can’t get in to see my doctor for another few weeks, but just looking to vent and tell someone as I can’t really speak about this to anyone else.

22-02-18, 01:40
I have the discomfort in my jaw you describe quite often- and I get it from grinding my teeth in my sleep which is caused by.. you guessed it, STRESS.

A cough after the flu can linger for months- I would certainly not stress over it yet. I have been coughing since my flu mid January. I am still coughing. Last year a coughed for four months straight. Allergies. Your weird throat sensation is post nasal drip. Your cold/flu is just giving you a run.

Try not to worry too much. It it just going to exaggerate all these symptoms.

Go to the doctor, but I can assure based on what you are describing, you are fine. :)

22-02-18, 11:12
I really wouldn't worry. I am a smoker and had a similar concern myself after having rib pain which wouldn't go away. If you are not bringing anything up you are fine. If your mucus is clear or green or yellow or any other color that isn't brown or black or you are not bringing up blood you are fine. I got a constant jaw heaviness locking sensation before I knew I had anxiety I honestly thought my panic attacks were going to kill me, had paramedics due to HR and all sorts of fun unusual symptoms but I had bloods done and they are fine. If a cough persists for over a month you may want to get it checked out but in all honesty I think you are describing anxiety. In my personal experience of having physical symptoms daily and nothing seeming to work including mindfulness meditation I found it fascinating that all of these symptoms seemed to subside almost instantly when I got a rescue dog.
From this I have come to realize that almost all of the physical symptoms I experienced were due to me becoming so focused on every physical sensation that everything was heightened. Most people experience the physical symptoms but where they are not focusing on what's happening internally they don't notice it.

I really hope this helps as I have only recently been in your position and I know how worrying it feels to think that you are seriously ill. Good luck and wishing you all the best.

23-02-18, 16:54
Many thanks for your replies - they are very much welcome :)

My jaw has got a lot better in the last few days, whilst my cough is still around but not as bad as it was - which is good.