View Full Version : Anxiety/Panic about my blood pressure all day

20-02-18, 21:20
Hey, so its my first time turning to a forum like this but i've tried many things and i'm desperate.

Little story time, i am 21 years old male. In good shape, have been bodybuilding (naturally, not taking anything) for 4 years, then when i got to university i stopped and i started again lately.It all started around 5 years ago, when i measured my blood pressure at home and it was around 145, and i freaked out, started having panic attack, and went to a cardiologist the following week. He did a full checkup, blood test, ecg, 24h blood pressure measuring, and heart ultrasound, told me that i have a slight heart valve mistake but thats so minor that cant cause any problems, though in my all day blood pressure measurements, it was mostly around 140 through the day, a couple of times about 160 and once above 170. He gave me ramipril. After that i started taking it and started measuring it at home. It was always in the 110-130 range, but when my house doctor checked it, it was always like 150 so she started raising the dose, but whenever she checked it it was always high.

fast forward, a year later i stopped taking it(i had some personal issues and therefore i didnt care about my health for some time) and i didnt measure blood pressure for 6 months nor have i taken medicine. Then after that time, i started measuring it again at home, but it was always below 130, only few times above 130, so since then i am not taking medication.

I have been to another chardiologist some time ago, they did a stress test, and during excersise my bp jumped up to 190 once, but all other times it was 120-150. She told me that its a bit high, but until at home when resting it remains under 140 i shouldnt be taking anything. A month ago i had tonsillectomy, and beforehand there they took my bp, and since i was super super stressed and had other people in the room too (it makes me more nervous), it was 190/85. They took it half an hour later it went down to 144/85, but they warned me that i should be taking something. Eversince i am obsessed with it, measuring at home every day, mostly many times a day, and tho i am always getting measurements in the 110-130 region, i fear what if it goes up when i'm walking and it will cause me problems later on. I tried meditation, some herbal teas, but nothing seemed to help much about this anxiety. I've had kidney ultra sound and another blood test since, but they always told me that i'm completely healthy.

The reason most of the time i dont mention the diastolic number is because its always below 85, but mostly below 75.

Something that is not helping, that my uncle just had a stroke now ( okay he was 74, his second wife passed away recently and he had been smoking for 50 years and was obese, but still). Otherwise i dont have any physical problems, i go to gym, i can run for 45-50 min without any problem, only couple of times getting like a skipped beat or something but not often.

Sorry for the long story. I'm wondering if someone could calm me down.

21-02-18, 04:41
It's possible that your blood pressure is slightly elevated when it's tested because you're anxious about it. I would seem to think that based on what you said about it being 110-130 when you checked at home but 150 when the doctor checked it. It's called "white coat hypertension" (because a lot of people have artificially high blood pressure at the doctor's office because they're afraid). Anxiety can raise blood pressure because you're emotionally stressed.

I wouldn't be too worried - keep an eye on it (like seeing the doctor every year), but stop checking it all the time as that will feed your anxiety.

21-02-18, 04:45
Man. Everytime I go to the doctor my B/P is like 150/104 (or higher, once it was even 190 something, no joke) or something ridiculous and at home, it's a far lower number. I still don't know if it's just the anxiety of being at the doctor/hospital or if my home monitor sucks. Probably the former. My GP thinks that's the case. But yeah, I have some anxiety about it and sucks because all you can really do is take the medication and that's it.

Yours sounds really good.

21-02-18, 14:18
Man. Everytime I go to the doctor my B/P is like 150/104 (or higher, once it was even 190 something, no joke) or something ridiculous and at home, it's a far lower number. I still don't know if it's just the anxiety of being at the doctor/hospital or if my home monitor sucks. Probably the former. My GP thinks that's the case. But yeah, I have some anxiety about it and sucks because all you can really do is take the medication and that's it.

Yours sounds really good.

If you too measure normal numbers at home then why are you taking the medication?