View Full Version : What has helped my HA lately

20-02-18, 22:46
I had a job interview last Wednesday and since then it's been on my mind. Sometimes I've been positive about it and other times negative. But while all this was going on my HA has taken a back seat.
I've heard people say that distraction is a great way to help cope with HA and the last few days have proved it for me.
I think it made me realise that even if i don't get this job that there is life outside HA. HA is a bubble that you get trapped inside and sometimes it just feels impossible to get outside the bubble - but it is possible.
And I got great news today - I got the job. It was a job I really wanted and all day today I felt happiness, an emotion I haven't felt for a long long time.

So I guess I'm just trying to say that even though I know I'm not cured of HA, or anywhere near it, having other things going on in your life certainty helps and trying to focus on those things can take the focus away from HA.
I don't know how long this will last for me but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
Distraction people, and focus on other things in your life that you are grateful for - things that are real and not made up or maybes (like HA is).

20-02-18, 23:11
Great post B Girl and CONGRATS! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

21-02-18, 10:40
Oh congratulations! That is brilliant news. Well done you x

You are so right about the HA bubble. I found at my worst with anxiety that my World was getting smaller and smaller (rarely leaving the house, not talking to anybody, withdrawing from those close to me). You have to start to do small things that scare and challenge you each day to start to break out of it, and yes - the more distractions the better.

21-02-18, 12:09
That's really good news! I hope that the job takes away your HA as you'll have other things to focus on! Well done ��

21-02-18, 14:32
Congratulations on your new job! That is wonderful!! :) Well done!

21-02-18, 21:31
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. I'm still walking around with a smile on my face today - feels weird but nice :)
I really think that my HA has been so bad because I've had too much time to think about things and over analyse every little detail of my body.
I know I still have a mountain to climb with HA but I'm feeling a bit hopeful now that I just might kick it in the butt some day.
It's nice to feel some hope, because I had lost all hope for such a long time!!!

22-02-18, 01:25
Congrats to you on the job and distraction! I’ll second that, I’ve been struggling since the after Christmas, but this week I’ve started painting the kitchen and working on decorating our new space.
As a mom of a 22 month old, I rarely leave him-part of my GAD. Anyways I’ve been working on getting out without him too even if it’s just a trip to the store for toilet paper. It’s been helping. I’m not fully over things, but I notice I’m less consumed.