View Full Version : Dog stratch

21-02-18, 12:38
I know I’m panicking and when I do I don’t think properly (am awaiting CBT for my health anxiety’s) but just need someone to help me think rationally.
So, I’m panicking because I was out for a dog walk with my friend. Her dog has these mad moments when he runs around like a loon and jumps up at us. He had really muddy and dirty paws and hurled himself at my thigh and boy did it hurt!
It wasn’t until an hour or so later, when I got home and could check it out. Well he’d clawed me so hard that he had broken the skin. I washed it and put on some antiseptic lotion but now I’m trying hard not to worry about my fear of sepsis!!
I’m completely up to date with my tetanus jabs but there are so many stories about sepsis and I can’t banish that from my mind right now!
How I wish I didn’t think this way. Am so hoping the CBT will help me.:blush:

21-02-18, 12:52
Hi well you did the right thing cleaning the area and applying antiseptic lotion on it I would keep this up for a few days and regulary clean the area. seriously you will be fine and try and get your friend to train her dog not to jump up it can be done as I have a 10 year old staffy bags of energy but is not encouraged to jump up and is corrected when she does jump up :) So just to confirm you will be ok and the scratch will heal in no time atall, let us know how it goes ATB

21-02-18, 16:21
Thanks ☺️ I have a dog and she has never jumped up at people. It drives me insane when my friend’s dog does it (and it blooming hurts!)

21-02-18, 16:28
Thanks ☺️ I have a dog and she has never jumped up at people. It drives me insane when my friend’s dog does it (and it blooming hurts!) Your Welcome :) My dog used to do it but she is smallish but has a lot of weight behind her and could easily knock a child over and then the parents would probably say your dog is out of control or even worse your dog is dangerous:huh: So soon nipped that in the bud I have a rule any one can stroke her but she must have all 4 paws on the ground I still get the odd numpty who says its fine if she jumps up I simply say it's not your dog and walk away ;) ATB

21-02-18, 16:54
I have 2 dogs. I have tons of scrathes from them, as well as my son who is 5 months old. I dont even put anything on them ever. I don't suffer from HA, but a scratch is a scratch, I don't even think twice. I understand that must be very difficult for you though.

Blood posioning usually shows with a red line near the area (or so i've been told.) Sepsis develops pretty quickly, I dont imagine you would still be chatting online, even a few hours later, you would likely be in hospital.

22-02-18, 11:10
Thanks, I’ve heard about the red line thing too, have checked and all looks fine. Silly me and my HA ��