View Full Version : Sharp tingly pains where liver is...is this anxiety? Again? :(

29-01-18, 07:44
Hello all.

Long time lurker first time poster!

Been dealing well with my health anxiety the last 12 months however recently discovered a couple of things and the panic has yet again set in. :(

Last night I was standing and rubbing my belly as I had a stomach ache and found a firm but squishy rubbery round lump almost smack in the middle of my stomach 3 inches below my sternum. It's possibly slightly to the right and feels like its on top of the muscle on its edge??

This disappears when lying down. No sign of it. When I discovered it it felt like an acne spot and was sore to the touch. You have to press around quite hard to find it but it's definitely there.

Much more sore this morning with all the prodding last night.

Google has terrified me and I promised myself I wouldn't do it :( I'm just looking for some reassurance. Hernia? Lipoma?

Was at my docs two weeks ago so really dont want to have to go again so soon.

Has anyone had any experience of this?

Thanks so much in advance xx

Anyone?? :(

29-01-18, 15:37
Anyone?? :(

29-01-18, 15:44
Unfortunately we'd all be guessing too. Of course, we all know reassurance isn't the answer so if you're truly that concerned, see a doctor.

Positive thoughts

29-01-18, 15:44
If you get no response don't read anything into it, just this is a forum about anxiety, not a medical advice forum, and people simply don't know the answer to these kind of questions. I do know the majority of lumps turn out to be nothing to worry about though.

You know what I'm going to say... Stop Googling, and stop prodding. If you feel this needs a doctor's attention then go and see one, but consider talking about your anxiety while you're there.

29-01-18, 15:51
Hello all.

Long time lurker first time poster!

Been dealing well with my health anxiety the last 12 months however recently discovered a couple of things and the panic has yet again set in. :(

Last night I was standing and rubbing my belly as I had a stomach ache and found a firm but squishy rubbery round lump almost smack in the middle of my stomach 3 inches below my sternum. It's possibly slightly to the right and feels like its on top of the muscle on its edge??

This disappears when lying down. No sign of it. When I discovered it it felt like an acne spot and was sore to the touch. You have to press around quite hard to find it but it's definitely there.

Much more sore this morning with all the prodding last night.

Google has terrified me and I promised myself I wouldn't do it :( I'm just looking for some reassurance. Hernia? Lipoma?

Was at my docs two weeks ago so really dont want to have to go again so soon.

Has anyone had any experience of this?

Thanks so much in advance xx

Anyone?? :(

It really could be anything. Hernia, lipoma, or you could even be feeling food in your intestines. I'd just go to the doctor and see what they say, if it doesn't go away.

29-01-18, 16:13
I have an appointment for Wednesday so will find out then

Just really didn't want to go and was hoping it was a common thing that didn't need attention and to just forget about it. It may have always been there. Just don't know.

Thanks all for your replies.

---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

I've had CBT for this which did Jack sh.. unfortunately.

Ive had a pretty stressful 10 months. We Watched my mother in law die in the most horrible way from bile duct cancer, my husband is suffering from a hideous type of inflammatory arthritis. We feel lile we just dont get a break. and then things crop up with me and I feel like I am drowning. I don't want to feel like this anymore. It's consuming me. Health anxiety is truly taking me. I hate myself for feeling like this. Im 32 and wasting my life with this. Just want to be normal.

29-01-18, 16:32
I have an appointment for Wednesday so will find out then

Just really didn't want to go and was hoping it was a common thing that didn't need attention and to just forget about it. It may have always been there. Just don't know.

Thanks all for your replies.

---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

I've had CBT for this which did Jack sh.. unfortunately.

Ive had a pretty stressful 10 months. We Watched my mother in law die in the most horrible way from bile duct cancer, my husband is suffering from a hideous type of inflammatory arthritis. We feel lile we just dont get a break. and then things crop up with me and I feel like I am drowning. I don't want to feel like this anymore. It's consuming me. Health anxiety is truly taking me. I hate myself for feeling like this. Im 32 and wasting my life with this. Just want to be normal.

I know how you feel when you say that anxiety over your health is consuming your life. My life has been well and truly swallowed by it! These last few days I've been a little more active and sociable, though, and I'm trying to stay positive.

29-01-18, 16:54
I know how you feel when you say that anxiety over your health is consuming your life. My life has been well and truly swallowed by it! These last few days I've been a little more active and sociable, though, and I'm trying to stay positive.

That's good to read. :)

When I was at my lowest, exercise and yoga we're the only things that actually helped. Do you do any of those? :)

One thing I repeat to myself is that everything I have ever worried about has always been fine. I spent 3 months convinced I had a brain tumour the Christmas before last. The stress and anxiety actually gave me Diverticulitis which put me in hospital. Never been so ill in all my life, I promised myself then I would NEVER worry about my health again but here we are. Still here now! If it was a brain tumour I'd be dead by now! I get so angry with myself that I allow myself to think like this.

This chat has helped thank you. Made me realise I do not want to walk down that road again.

Best wishes to you xx

29-01-18, 17:01
I promised myself then I would NEVER worry about my health again but here we are.

Yeah, if I had a quid for every time I'd said that to myself... every time you think 'that was daft, I'm not falling for that again', but next time it always seems different doesn't it?

It's not about being angry with yourself though - you can't help this, and in fact being angry with the thoughts will give them validity in your mind. It's hard, but the goal is to try and treat them with the respect they deserve until your mind can snootily dismiss them without getting het up.

29-01-18, 17:06
Yeah, if I had a quid for every time I'd said that to myself... every time you think 'that was daft, I'm not falling for that again', but next time it always seems different doesn't it?

It's not about being angry with yourself though - you can't help this, and in fact being angry with the thoughts will give them validity in your mind. It's hard, but the goal is to try and treat them with the respect they deserve until your mind can snootily dismiss them without getting het up.

It does always seem different. I say to my other half "Oh but this time there's something there" "this time yadda yadda" he must be so sick of me.

I used to think of the thoughts like clouds passing. Will try that. Google is the devil. It's my safety mechanism. If I don't fuel the fire with Google it soon goes away. X

29-01-18, 18:32
It does always seem different. I say to my other half "Oh but this time there's something there" "this time yadda yadda" he must be so sick of me.

I used to think of the thoughts like clouds passing. Will try that. Google is the devil. It's my safety mechanism. If I don't fuel the fire with Google it soon goes away. X

Google isn't the devil, it's a hindrance and a temptation to us no doubt, but it's largely a neutral agent that follows where we take it. But yes you're quite right, sitting on your hands when you feel a Google-sesh coming on is the very best thing we can do!

21-02-18, 17:07
Hello again all,

I hate to do this but cannot wait till Tuesday for my drs appointment. I do ok for a while and then I feel something else and my mind is off. If I can just get it off my chest I may feel bit better. I've searched all old threads.

For about a week I have been noticing Sharp, split second pains under my right ribs which I occasionally feel around my side and in my back.

This started after I had the most stressful day ever looking after my (then) extremely poorly brother. Sat in bed and noticed sharp pain under my ribs about three inches below my breast. Went away this weekend and cried about it to my hubby, just cried because I cannot spend the rest of my life feeling like this...felt the pain the first day and didn't feel it AT ALL on the Saturday and Sunday. I didn't feel it at all yesterday and I'm just sat working and my skin was itchy where my bloody liver is. :(

Mum in law died from bile duct cancer last year and hers started with jaundice and shoulder pain.

I believe I have shoulder impingement syndrome and have done for a while. Seeing a doc on Tuesday. The shoulder is the right one as is these pains. Which are sometimes tingly.

My resting heart rate (according to my fitbit) had gone up 6 points the last few weeks and doesn't seem to be going back down. Which in turn worries me I have an illness I have been taking DIM supplement for two weeks which helps your liver metabolize the bad estrogen.

I am wasting my life feeling like this but it won't stop.

Has anyone had any experience like this? If my liver was bad it wouldn't come and go?? God maybe I don't have a bad shoulder. Maybe it's liver cancer??!!

Sorry this is so long. I need help :(

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

Another point, I am on a lot of supplements and started a new 3 types couple days before these pains started so am going to stop those and see if there's a difference x

21-02-18, 17:19
You sound so upset I just wanted to give you a :hugs:

I can't offer much help I'm afraid, other than to say that it sounds like you've been through (and are still going through) a very tough time what with your mum and brother. These things can take their toll on a person.

Tell you something though; I had a horrid pain below/beneath my ribs a few weeks back that just came on quite suddenly. I was utterly terrified, as I had enough health worries to be going on with, I didn't need owt else. Hubby tried logically to tell me it was a pulled muscle or slidey rib (it hurt and felt uncomfortable whenever I bent over to one side) but of course I worried it was something else.
Because I didn't want to keep being reminded that I had this pain, I began 'favouring' that side, i.e. not bending over to that side in a way that caused the pain. (If the pain wasn't there, nothing was wrong sort of mentality).

Well, fast forward to a week or so after I first got this pain. I was bending over to do something (untie my shoe, something like that) and realised that (a) I was bending over toward *that* side, and (b) it didn't hurt or feel uncomfortable! So I guess it was a pulled muscle/slidey rib after all, and by favouring that side, I guess I'd allowed it time to heal. :D

I guess my long ramblling :blush: point is, try not to worry until you have something to worry about (as my hubby would say). Also a good idea to stop the supplements you've just started (as long as tis safe to stop them!), it could be more than co-incidental about that. At least something to rule out.

Please, try not to worry (I know easier said than done - funny how I can say that to other people but when it comes to meself, it's a completely different matter). I know from experience that worrying and focusing on a part of your body *does* make symptoms and pains worse.

21-02-18, 17:43
Thank you so so much for your reply.

You don't know how much I appreciate it thank you.

That's exactly what my hubby says. Don't worry about something till you have to! Easier said than done I suppose. I always used to think like that. Nothing bothered me really health wise and something happened 2 and a half years ago and I've never been the same.

I really really hope this is all psychosomatic or a muscle or too many supplements and it'll just go.

I keep reminding myself that everything I have ever worried about has always been fine.

Thank you xx

26-02-18, 15:15
Hi all,

Have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for my possible shoulder impingement. Which I'm not bothered about as there is no threat to my life with that!
However I have been noticing my skin has been itchy where my liver is. Still getting the tingly sharp pains but when I'm sitting down not doing anything the whole area including my back feels itchy now and then.

Had a lovely day Saturday and was very preoccupied. Therefore no itchyness/pains.

I don't want to mention this tomorrow and look like a total loon. If this was a genuine liver issue I would itch all over wouldn't I? Could my bad shoulder cause this??

I truly hate the way my brain adds 2 and 2 and comes up with 3.14444. How do we break the cycle?!

Any help would be so welcomed I can't bother my hubby with this again xxx

26-02-18, 18:49
If you had liver cancer, I am sure there would be other signs.. Most people with liver disease far enough along to cause symptoms usually present with more then just pain.. The liver does not have nerves and so tech you can not feel pain in your liver, however if your liver was say enlarged or fatty it could possibly stretch the Glisson capsule that surrounds the liver and that can cause some pain.

It does not sound like you have any type of liver issue but if its a real concern for you, you can always ask your doctor to check your liver enzymes for you... You can ask for a CMP. Its a pretty cheap and routine lab and so your dr shouldnt have a problem running it.

26-02-18, 19:54
Thank you so much for your reply.

I watched my mum in law die from liver cancer last October and she just went completely yellow out of the blue and passed away 6 months later. :(

She did have skin itching and shoulder pain however. But nothing like me. So I know the bad signs and do not have those.

You sound extremely knowledgeable thank you very much for reassuring me.

26-02-18, 20:01

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


26-02-18, 20:13
Thank you so much for your reply.

I watched my mum in law die from liver cancer last October and she just went completely yellow out of the blue and passed away 6 months later. :(

She did have skin itching and shoulder pain however. But nothing like me. So I know the bad signs and do not have those.

You sound extremely knowledgeable thank you very much for reassuring me.

Yeah, thats the thing about liver disease... Often times people are not aware they have it, until its in the end stages.. Know this though, the liver is an amazing organ.. It can take A LOT and damage done is reversible most of the times if caught before it reaches Cirrhosis. Once in the end stages of liver disease people do get a host of symptoms but often times they are not aware that these things can be indicative of liver disease and so they ignore them.

Treat your liver right and it will be happy... Keep a good diet, exercise, limit drinking etc...

26-02-18, 21:25
Thank you Careful. I take such good care if myself lol! It's my brain that's trying to do me in! ;)