View Full Version : Hurt back, worried it could be serious

21-02-18, 22:51
Hey fellas.
Over a week ago I was lifting a heavy crate and I bent over instead of squatting when I put it down. I immediately regretted it as I experienced a strong pain in my lower back. It subsided relatively quickly however, and continued as a dull pain which got worse when changing posture and getting up. It improved over the next few days but then I went out to the city, which involved a lot of walking, and I think it's gotten worse again (though not as bad as when I first got it).

I'm worried it could be something serious like a slipped disk or worse. I've avoided googling anything about it (having learnt my lesson from previous worries:blush). I keep saying to myself just give it a little more time and if it hasn't improved, then go to the doctor. However, I keep worrying that by the time I decide to go it would be too late and I'll have permanent damage.

I really need someone to help me through this. I'll greatly appreciate it:)

Catherine S
21-02-18, 23:16
I think if it was a slipped disc you'd be in some really bad pain, continual pain that is and not just when you move in a certain way or coming and going depending on what you're doing. That said, it's always best to get these things checked by your doc.

Sharing my own experience though, when I was moving house in 2013, I was stupidly lifting some really heavy boxes into the back of my car. I stretched over to position one behind another and felt a kind of 'pop' across the middle of my back. It was uncomfortable at first but the pain kicked in the next day and was very bad. It made me cry out at times and I thought I'd done some awful damage.

The doctor examined me and said I'd damaged the muscles on both sides of my middle spine and told me it would take time for them to recover. It took around 8 weeks to get back to normal...to walk without pain. It's amazing how the body can repair itself given time.

I'd say it's more likely to be muscular, but obviously I can't tell you for sure so if your pain continues, perhaps have a chat to your doctor to ease your worries.

Cath :)

21-02-18, 23:30
I think if it was a slipped disc you'd be in some really bad pain, continual pain that is and not just when you move in a certain way or coming and going depending on what you're doing. That said, it's always best to get these things checked by your doc.

Sharing my own experience though, when I was moving house in 2013, I was stupidly lifting some really heavy boxes into the back of my car. I stretched over to position one behind another and felt a kind of 'pop' across the middle of my back. It was uncomfortable at first but the pain kicked in the next day and was very bad. It made me cry out at times and I thought I'd done some awful damage.

The doctor examined me and said I'd damaged the muscles on both sides of my middle spine and told me it would take time for them to recover. It took around 8 weeks to get back to normal...to walk without pain. It's amazing how the body can repair itself given time.

I'd say it's more likely to be muscular, but obviously I can't tell you for sure so if your pain continues, perhaps have a chat to your doctor to ease your worries.

Cath :)

Thank you very much Cath :). It's made me really accept that muscle injury is the most likely culprit.
My dad used to be a paramedic and before that a personal trainer, so I guess he'd have a good idea whether visiting the doctor is warranted at a certain stage.

Thanks a lot!!:welcome:

Catherine S
21-02-18, 23:51
You're welcome Peter, and I think your dad would be a big help with advising you about this yes. Can you imagine how many HA-ers would love to have an ex-paramedic on hand for advice lol!

I hope you feel better soon...Cath.