View Full Version : please please reasurre me someone

06-07-07, 14:37
I have had a really bad cold not sure if its hay fever or not cannot go to gp due to my agoraphobia saying that my husband and son seems to have it lingering for a few weeks aswell my problem is due to my severe lightheadness i have been virtually bedridden again all week got up this morning tried to hang out some washing with my leg wrapped around the washing pole god help the neighbours must think i was drunk lol :D ,anyways was up last night again with pain round back and in chest then after trying to hang out the washing i got a stabbing kindo pain just for a few seconds in middle of my chest im here thinking i have had a massive heart attack or i have lung cancer as i keep hyperventalating aswell can the hyperventalating cause all this pain around chest area sorry im petrified here again
please please no one tell me go to hospital i cannot get out due to my agro and im petrified to call a doctor omg wht am i going to do :weep: rationally i am saying the pain must be coz i have been so tensed up all week and hyperventalating loads please please someone reassure me that your chest mucsles can constrict causing this omg sorry i sound like a complete loonie :wacko:
love dizzie x:flowers:

06-07-07, 14:47

You DO NOT sound like a complete loonie at all,you sound scared

I can reassure you that those kind of stabbing pains ARE NOT heart related.I had them solidly during the Spring/Summer 2005 and had loads of tests , the cardiologist told me that this type of pain is NOT heart pain.It is indeed due to tense/aggravated muscles

You are fine , really you are , it IS NOT your heart

Love and Hugs
Hunny x

06-07-07, 14:50
I had chest pains 9 weeks ago, called ambulance, had an ECG outside my house it was all ok never went to hospital (I'm terrified of the very thought) then another ECG 2 days later (at the docs this time again fine) :)

Still got pains! Not as bad as then but they keep popping up, doc finally told me what the internet told me that anxiety can cause chest pains etc.

I think you should listen to your rational voice (that's what I try to do doesn't always work). :blush:

06-07-07, 15:31
Aww you poor poppet! :hugs:

I'm sure it's all part and parcel of your cold mate but if it continues I would try and see a doc just incase you need antibiotics to shift it. I do sympathise cos I am agoraphobic so I don't like going to the doctors willy nilly.

See how you go but it doesn't sound anything weird!

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-07-07, 18:59
Hello Dizzy !
Hey, nobody here is going to call you loonie - we've all felt like this at some time or other. I think you've got mega muscle tension and a lingering cold-bug. Why not have your GP make a home visit - or talk on the phone - he will understand your agoraphobia - and if you do need anti-ballistics (!) the sooner you get started on them the sooner you will get some relief. In the meantime do some gentle relaxation stuff - whatever works for you (read, music, bath). You will be OK , make the call and get some peace of mind. I'll be thinking of you.
Be kind to yourself

06-07-07, 19:06
Thank yoyu alll so so much for taking the time out to reply to me i ended up telephoning the pharmacist as my gp is away on holidays and he said loads of people have this sinusiee cold thing for around 6-7 weeks he also said if i had lung cancer id be showing loads of other symptoms and if it was a heart attack it wouldent last 2 days lol :ohmy:
im still not convinced im not dying mind you omg why am i so so silly :weep:
thank you all once again :hugs:
love dizzie x

06-07-07, 19:37
no you don't sound silly at all. We all know what it's like to be gripped in that fear. No matter how much the rational mind tries to whisper to us that the bodily signs are only us being tensed & worried, the unrational side just seems to be louder & stonger. Then we beat ourselves up by thinking we are so stupid, so silly, blah blah blah. It's horrible, just horrible being in that situation. Then when we feel ok again, & have made our way out of that fear moment, whether it be 1hr, 1day or 1wk, the rational side is stronger & louder & we think, the next time that happens, I am not going to let the fear get the better of me. But next time comes & ....well, it's just so hard not to fall into that spiral of fear.

What I am trying to say is that, we all know what it's like, so you do not sound silly, I promise. Just see how it goes. Do you have any relaxing cd's you can listen too to help try and relax your body? Would writing it down help? Try anything that has helped you in the past to get through the worst of it. I do hope you are feeling better soon. Please let us know how you are.

06-07-07, 20:16
I beleive I have had every kind of chest pain imaginable. Sharp ahooting dull achey full tighness you name it.. Also doesnt just happen in my heart area but all over my chest and back ....all anxiety related. I always wake up....still here. These stupid symptoms are just awful. Remeber Claire Weekes said Acceptance and Floating were helpful.

Sorry you are having such a time...Thanks for sharing about your neighbors thinking you were drunk.....that made me laugh.

06-07-07, 20:17
Dizzy, I have coped with this for 32 years, I have twice called ambulances, I can't count the times I truely though my heart would not take the strain. I have never had help, except that 32 years ago my g.p. put me on diazepam and forgot to get me off them. Believe me, feeling like a complete loonie is natural, but not real. Do you know what the worst thing that will kappen to you if you over hyperventilate? Do you know what to do? Do you know why it happens? I had to read so many books, 2 years with a very expensive psychologist, If you need to chat, I think I can really help you. I am a trained Samaritan and intelligent (ga ga when I have painc attacks((smiles))You are going to be absolutely fine, trust me, I am a doctor, I have a phd in panic attacks. I know all the coping strategies, I will help if you want me to.
But you will have to trust me,
lots of tender care, Carol.

06-07-07, 20:18
Dizzy, I have coped with this for 32 years, I have twice called ambulances, I can't count the times I truely though my heart would not take the strain. I have never had help, except that 32 years ago my g.p. put me on diazepam and forgot to get me off them. Believe me, feeling like a complete loonie is natural, but not real. Do you know what the worst thing that will happen to you if you over hyperventilate? Do you know what to do? Do you know why it happens? I had to read so many books, 2 years with a very expensive psychologist, If you need to chat, I think I can really help you. I am a trained Samaritan and intelligent (ga ga when I have painc attacks((smiles))You are going to be absolutely fine, trust me, I am a doctor, I have a phd in panic attacks. I know all the coping strategies, I will help if you want me to.
But you will have to trust me,
lots of tender care, Carol.

06-07-07, 20:24
apologies for same message twice, spelling mistake in first. I am agoraphobic too, I only see doc once every 6 months but have been dragged to art class once a week, I vomit continually until I get there,suddenly I find peace. You will find it too, ((hugs)) Carol

07-07-07, 18:59
Thank you everyone for your replies to me it is very much appriciated to know the people on this site are so caring is a great relief on its own i thank you one and all once again :hugs:
pains now a bit tight so telling myself it must be tension hard to convince myself but neverthless im trying lol :)
knowing i am not alone is also a huge relief
love dizzie x:yesyes:

29-07-07, 17:21
hello u sound as scred as me i suffer so much with chest pain and my left arm feels heavy and sometimes get pain but after loads of ecgs andd tests its all just stress related im sure your fine x