View Full Version : So worried about chronic constipation

22-02-18, 04:39
Hi everyone,

I'm very concerned about my chronic constipation. I only can go once a week and it's always a lumpy hard log (sorry to be graphic). I'm never ever in any stomach pain which is odd and I never get bloated to be honest, maybe a little every now and then. I've had issues my entire life. I just realized that I basically caused this myself. I used to hold it in for days bc I didn't want to use public restrooms or even go at friends houses. Only at home. I think the problem now is that I have some sort of nerve damage where my body doesn't give me a signal anymore. Maybe megacolon and/or megarectum? I'm 5 ft female I weigh 105 pounds and 20 years old. My stomach is always as flat as a board I don't get it. So scared about this. I've been non stop obsessed and searching online about the effects of chronic constipation and it said it can lead to ulcers in the colon from hard stools and it can perforate? I'm terrified. I've been straining lately bc I cannot relax and I've seen small trickles of bright red blood in my bowel movement all of the sudden and I'm scared I have an ulcer in my colon sad((( non stop panic attacks and I'm convinced I'm dying. I did have soreness in the rectal area after for 2 days. I also read chronic constipation is due to a blockage of stool in the colon? So basically I have a blockage of hard stools in my large intestine and need to be cleaned out? Omg. I had marbles for 2 days and the I had a soft stool last night from taking Magnesium citrate but apparently soft stools can go around hard ones. This is torture. I suffer from severe anxiety and haven't been eating much the past few months. I'm going to make my first appointment with my GI doctor. Also, I've had various blood tests in the last month and everything came back normal. Should I try some sort of colon cleanse to get completely cleaned out and start over? Not sure if I can do this at home have this done somewhere... any advice please? Anyone have a similar experience? Thank you

22-02-18, 04:57
Hiya selenamc and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-02-18, 14:10
Good morning selenamc

I am totally an unprofessional, but I can see your are really stressed about this so I will say this. Follow the advice of your doctors. My sister-in-law has trouble at the other end in her throat. where she feels like shes choking all the time. The point is, she has worked and worked with different physicians until she finally got an answer. My suggustion is, do the same.

If you feel you are not getting the relief you need, try another doctor. I wish I could give you some better advice, but I will say. Let go of the noise in your head. I have health anxieties and until I let them go (through mediation and talking about it). I never found relief.

I admire your honesty about your situation, and wish you nothing but the best selenamc. May you find peace on your journey.

23-02-18, 15:35
Chronic constipation can be made worse if you are dehydrated.

Try drinking lots of water and eat a balanced diet with lots of fibre to see if that helps in the meantime.