View Full Version : My right armpit hurts

22-02-18, 12:28
I知 very worried because my right Arm pit hurts .
I知 scared of the c word . :(

22-02-18, 12:35
There are many reasons for this and not cancer.

If you are worried you should see a doctor really as we can't diagnose it of course as you know.

22-02-18, 12:38
I can稚 go to the doctor for every little pain. I知 trying to cure my hypochondria .

22-02-18, 12:49
I can稚 go to the doctor for every little pain. I知 trying to cure my hypochondria .

What are you currently doing to treat it?

Positive thoughts

22-02-18, 12:51
I often get this. Not sure why but it passes. Hormones?

22-02-18, 12:53
I just woke up and my right armpit is sore. It hurts when I walk. I’m very scRed.

Jojo, is it a sore feeling? Or a sharp pain? I got my period on Sunday .

22-02-18, 12:59
It’s usually a deep ache.....

22-02-18, 16:31
I get this on and off. There is a lymph node in your armpit that can be aggravated by all sorts of things. For example shaving, deodorant, getting sick, overuse etc

I know i have just said the dreaded word (lymph node), but do not jump right to cancer. There are a LOT of benign reasons to have armpit pain. Just wait it out for a bit and stop shaving/applying deodorant and try to use a mild soap or just water when showering.

22-02-18, 16:47
I have this at the moment but I've been sick for almost a month with flu and then bronchitis after that.

At my ultrasound yesterday she said it looked a little inflamed but normal. I think lots of things can set them off. Not sure how long it will take to resolve though - maybe a month at least ?

22-02-18, 16:59

Please read the below post from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Due to technical problems it is proving difficult to merge posts so for the moment any posts that we feel should be on a previous thread will be closed, allowing you the opportunity to re-post on your existing thread.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


au Lait
22-02-18, 21:36
Sometimes things hurt for no good reason. It’s most likely just a pulled muscle or a sore spot from sleeping in a certain position. The fact that you’re jumping straight to being afraid that it’s something terrible indicates that it’s your health anxiety acting up. You probably already know that, and I understand that it’s hard to override that anxious feeling. But remind yourself that if a non-HA person was in your position they wouldn’t think twice about it. Remembering that often helps me pull myself out of an HA episode. The pain will go away on its own in time.

22-02-18, 21:54
I get this ALLLLLLL THE TIME... Don't worry about it it'll go away in a few days