View Full Version : Do you get some respite between worries?

22-02-18, 12:40
Part of this wretched HA disorder for me is that I go straight from one worry on to the next, with no time to catch my breath in between.
So last week I found a lump in my breast and - of course - diagnosed myself with Breast cancer (in spite of having the most screened breasts in the world and no family history). Yesterday the consultant drained a cyst. Relief! For five minutes (literally). Because on the way home I was considering the possibility of ovarian cancer - and booking myself in for an ultrasound. (Yes you can do that if you pay, sadly. HAers keep doctor’s children in private school. As a doctor’s daughter myself I know!!!)

It’s almost like the bigger the panic (I was proper panicked about breast cancer), the quicker I move on to the next worry.

Anyone else?

22-02-18, 13:02
The truest hing I ever read about this likened the anxiety/obsession to a hamsters wheel where the hamster had invited all different animals to have a go! As soon as one jumped off another jumped on! I certainly don’t mean to make light if this as I have just struggled out of 6 weeks of this... sometimes I had half a day’s respite and at other times they were whizzing round two at a time if that makes any sense. You should improve in time but I know when I have to go for help eg. Increase my anti depressant or have a short course of anti anxiety meds. I felt so physically ill that I knew that was the case last time.
You are so not alone. Sorry for rambling but the answer is yes, you will get relief... just hang in there and if the going gets too rough go see your Dr again. Take care