View Full Version : Chest Pain When Breathing

22-02-18, 13:39
Hello Everyone,

When I woke up this morning, I had somewhat sharp pains when breathing. In the few hours I have been awake, they have dissipated and I feel a lot better and can breathe deeply with no pain. Maybe some mild mild soreness but no sharp pain

Does anyone know what causes?

I googled symptoms and it came up as pneumonia. Now I have just recently got over a cold that was mild but that was last week. Shouldn't pneumonia come right after? The cough I had from the cold lingered for about a week but then went away. W

Also I had some mild coughing as well after it went away. I think I am focusing on these symptoms to the point where they are perhaps manifesting symptoms like coughing that weren't there before?

I am 26 male. Don't smoke/drink exercise regularly although I have bad hypochondria. What are the risk factors for pneumonia?

Now I feel somewhat bad. This anxiety has just come out nowhere. Its terrible.

04-03-18, 15:06
Hi , I am no doctor and this is not medical advice but I think if you had pneumonia the pain and other symptoms would have not dissipated after an hour or two . DON'T GOOGLE . How many times do you see that on here , stay away from diagnosing yourself on the internet . See your doctor if you are concerned.

04-03-18, 16:58
I would guess in my non medical option is that you have slept in an awkward position and it's caused muscle tightness.

I know people who had pneumonia pains certainly don't go away within a few hours. Cough is a real hacking cough with lots of funky thick green mucus, you definitely would be quite ill if it was pneumonia.

22-03-18, 12:43
So the pain went away several weeks ago but has resurfaced today. It started yesterday evening a bit and continues today but is not severe.. It still comes and go’s. Could this be a muscle spasm or something?

I went to the doctor the first time and he didn’t think it was pneumonia. I googled this symptom now and collapsed lung come up. I had a friend that had a collapsed lung and he was hospitalized.

What does everyone think?