View Full Version : what does health anxiety make you feel?

22-02-18, 13:44
Curious on how some of you guys feel going through H.A.

I go through days of being on an emotional rollercoaster and then don't experience H.A again for weeks. Is this the norm here?

22-02-18, 16:00
I experience something similar. I'm constantly switching between thinking I'm being irrational and thinking I'm gonna die. After a few weeks though, the issue just gradually gets less important. Ive noticed googling makes me relapse with those fears though so i have to be careful about what i look up.

22-02-18, 19:45
I am pretty much constantly in the cycle for months at a time. It’s exhausting!

22-02-18, 19:51
I have cycles for sure. I will obsessively think about and google one disease for about 2 weeks- a month. During this time ill go between "this is crazy", "Why am I like this", "OMG I'm dying", "I need to go to the doctor". Then like a rollercoaster I will peak... then come down. After that ill be ok for a while and then it will start again.

22-02-18, 19:53
I find I can get caught in my "symptoms" and focus on them too hard. Usually though, the truth is, once I get distracted they are no longer a concern. The worst thing I can do is go to Google and try and see what I might have. Now instead, I write the symptoms down on a notepad and leave them there to discuss with my Doctor at my next appointment. If the symptom is no longer and issue, I cross it off.

22-02-18, 20:13
Im completley the same my health anxiety has hit the biggest low at the min I also go through cycles of fear of dying I've got terrible cancer phobia and health anxiety mines consumes me completley and I convince myself I've got some sort of cancer

22-02-18, 22:42
Mine used to be like that but these days it is more constant. It skips from one illness to another though; in the past few weeks I've been worried about breast cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, endometriosis and brain tumour. All these fears seem very, very real but one will take over from another.

22-02-18, 22:56
Mine is generally well controlled now, but every now and then something will happen that causes major panic.

Thankfully these episodes tend to be short lived, but they're still awful.

23-02-18, 00:47
people with health anxiety seem to know more cancers and diseases than the average doctor lol. I was just at work the other day, restaurant, and was talking to my boss about how MS works (inside the body) and he asked me if I was a medical student lol. Its just....we research, which is bad. We google, also bad. Unfortunately this forum also messed it up for me, because the stuff I worry about I would not have known about if it wasn't for this forum lol. But that's life.

23-02-18, 04:42
I have cycles for sure. I will obsessively think about and google one disease for about 2 weeks- a month. During this time ill go between "this is crazy", "Why am I like this", "OMG I'm dying", "I need to go to the doctor". Then like a rollercoaster I will peak... then come down. After that ill be ok for a while and then it will start again.

Which CW product are you using and what strength? Does it help with anxiety/HA?

24-02-18, 13:52
I usually have anxiety daily, but some days it's very mild, while other days I literally feel doomed.