View Full Version : Head pressure

22-02-18, 16:13
Had this weird feeling for a couple of weeks now. It's as though someone is pushing down on my head. No real headache as such just a pressure type of feeling. I've also had dizzy spells and very strange episodes, specifically while driving, as if I'm about to black out (which I don't!) and this often gives me a rush of adrenaline when it happens.

Been to docs and was told that it's probably down to sinus congestion but I've been taking decongestants for two weeks now and my nose feels clear but I'm still getting the pushing feeling and weird / dizzy spells.

Can anyone advise what this might be?

I do suffer with anxiety and have had one really bad panic attack but this was some 3 years ago. Also had the flu over Christmas which lead to a chest infection and took about 5 or 6 weeks to clear up (without antibiotics!), so I don't know if this might be related?


22-02-18, 16:22
Ive had this often and put it down to anxiety but Ive realised lately that it probably is due to sinus congestion which can take a long time to clear. Ihave HA so my anxiety always makes the symptoms worse. Apart from antibiotics and other prescribed medications ive found relief from steaming, a humidifier and nasal flushing.
Sorry youre going through this. I know it can be scary but it does clear eventually. The full head feeling and dizziness are frightening when you dont know what it is.

22-02-18, 16:53
Thank you Beckybecks! That's reassuring to hear.

23-02-18, 09:00
Hi Flapper,

If it is of any help I experience the exact same as you have described. Head pressure (not painful like a head ache - more of a swimming/ful sensation) dizziness, balance issues - and spells where vision goes strange like you will pass out.

You are not going mad, this is more than likely down to stress, tension and anxiety. You can get your head checked out with the doctors to clear any potential physical problems but I almost guarantee this is down to mental issues. After one particular bad day (work day was bad / had car probelms etc) after getting home the room was literally spinning like being drunk and I was sick.

Sorry you are going through this, but you certainly are not alone.

23-02-18, 09:21
Hi Crispy and thanks for your reply. I'm sure that you are right and a certain amount of my issue is down to stress along with our old friend anxiety but I think that it has been made worse with having had the flu and subsequent sinus congestion. It's a vicious circle isn't it with one thing leading to another. Every time I feel something odd that's new to me I immediately fear the worse and the anxiety kicks in compounding the problem. I then lose focus on pretty much everything until I start to feel better or get some reassurances that I'm actually OK physically. It drives me nuts, especially as I never used to be like this having had very few health issues over the years (touch wood!). I dealt with my wifes cancer battle for 8 years until she sadly passed away and during this period I never had any issues mentally but about a year later it all kicked off. It's a funny old thing the mind......

23-02-18, 13:02
I get kind of head pressure with migraines

23-02-18, 13:04

I have also lost close relatives in recent years (including Dad & sister) both were unexpected which I am sure does not help. Am currently not very happy at work either where my brain fog seems to accumulate and build throughout the day, but lack confidence to do something and am concerned about money/paying mortgage and ability despite being reasonably well qualified.

I told myself at the start of the year to do something, but nothing yet and am still suffering head pressure :shrug: