View Full Version : Called back after yearly thyroid blood test review

22-02-18, 17:38
Hi all

After some reassurance. My husband has an underactive thyroid and is on medication and has a yearly blood test.

He had a blood test a week ago and got a letter from the doctor today asking him to book a telephone appointment.

I am worrying that something is wrong. I know if I am rational about it, is is likely that he could need his dose adjusting but my question is this...

Can a thyroid function test show up anything more sinister? Surely if this was the case they would have been in touch sooner (via telephone) and asked him to come into the surgery rather than talk to GP over the phone.

My husband used to suffer with health anxiety and I don't want to set him off so I am trying not to talk about it to him, but I am a bit worried :(

He has been called back before cause his white blood cells were low but they did his bloods again and it was fine.

Just really worried :(

Hope someone can set my mind at rest a little?

22-02-18, 18:38
I used to be advisor for a thyroid charity. Really he should have a blood test every 6 months as a year is too long because a lot can change. We always recommended 6 monthly tests. I would guess he just needs an adjustment of his dosage either up or down. If this is the case then he needs a retest after 8-10 weeks. Do not let him be fobbed off with come back in 6 months. Basic thyroid testing is just that they measure tsh and free t4.
I am always happy to receive private messages.

22-02-18, 19:02
I used to be advisor for a thyroid charity. Really he should have a blood test every 6 months as a year is too long because a lot can change. We always recommended 6 monthly tests. I would guess he just needs an adjustment of his dosage either up or down. If this is the case then he needs a retest after 8-10 weeks. Do not let him be fobbed off with come back in 6 months. Basic thyroid testing is just that they measure tsh and free t4.
I am always happy to receive private messages.

Thanks so much for your reply. He only has it every year as thats all he was offered. I'll tell him to ask the doctor about having it every 6 months. I am sooooo worried about him :( I can't even talk to him about it cause it will trigger his health anxiety and he is doing loads better now. He has had tests before and been called back cause of his white blood cells and thats partly what I am worried about cause he had a nasty flu bug a few weeks ago and has been tired lots lately :(

22-02-18, 19:09
Illness can affect thyroid results and most gps wont do a test if actively unwell. Personally my thyroid has been stable results for 2 years but i had proper flu at xmas and my last test 3 weeks ago showed mine was further to underactve end of normal range but this will be due to the effects of flu which is why if he has dosage change it needs retesting after 2-3 months as his body gets over illness.
Having test every 6 months is standars advice from any thyroid advice organisation. Gps save money by onlt testing yearly. At my practise i just book blood test every 6 months and go and ask for it. Never had a problem

22-02-18, 19:16
Thank you, that is really good advice. I am much less worried now and I feel reassured knowing that he can actually go for tests every 6 months. I am going to put the worry out my head now and be there for him and reassure him. Thank you.

22-02-18, 20:39
If his dr tells him he can only have yearly tests just say you have taken advice from a thyroid advice charity who recommended 6 monthly testing. We found gps gave in once they found out someone was getting informed!

28-02-18, 12:34
Hi guys

I posted last week as my husband got a letter from the doctors asking him to call and make a routine telephone appointment to discuss blood tests results (he has an underactive thyroid and a few weeks ago had his levels checked) so this set my health anxiety off.

The doctor was meant to call a few days ago but didn't as they had the wrong number, so he is booked in again for a telephone appointment next week.

Anyway I am worrying cause he has a weird lump on his arm. He reckons its from where he had his bloods taken. Its worrying me cause it feels quite firm and irregular :( he said it was sore initially but not now, and it was bruised too.

I feel terrible cause I try and hide my worrying from him (as he used to have health anxiety) but I can't stop thinking about it.

I am trying to use all my CBT/CFT techniques to distract myself but its so hard. Its like my brain is hard wired to think the worst.

I am so scared of him being ill or god forbid, losing him :( I know I am spiralling and thinking the worst. I feel pretty low today and I just wish he had gotten to speak to the Dr the other night.

Does anyone else find their HA spills over to worrying over loved ones? If anything, I think my fear of loved ones being ill is worse than my fears of getting ill myself.

28-02-18, 12:44

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

28-02-18, 12:56
Thanks and no problem moving it to my original post.

I have been Googling (I know) and I am now worrying this lump on his arm is a soft tissue sarcoma :( I am terrified and feel sick. I can't talk to him about any of this because I don't want to worry him.

The lump feels gristly and irregular like its in the muscle :( I am worried its related to his abnormal blood results.

I am just so frightened I am going to lose my husband. I feel really, really awful.

28-02-18, 13:30
Is the bump where he had his blood taken from? If so, its probably just an internal bruise from that. It can take a while for it to go down. *hugs*

28-02-18, 13:41
Is the bump where he had his blood taken from? If so, its probably just an internal bruise from that. It can take a while for it to go down. *hugs*

Thank you xxx He says it is yes. I wish I hadn't Googled now as I have really frightened myself. When I rationalise my fears I know its most likely nothing to worry about... but my health anxiety demons have other ideas :(

Its really hard cause he is brilliant at dealing with his anxiety and I am so conscious about setting him off. I have been here many times before though with worries over either him or myself, I need to remind myself of that.

Its awful how you just "play the scenarios" out in your head though :( I just caught myself imaging being at his funeral, how awful is that? He would be devastated if he knew I had these fears. I know it isn't normal to feel like this and I am doing everything I can to get over my anxiety, but it is really tough because once the idea is in my head it seems near impossible to shift it.

Thank you for reading my post and replying, I know it seems like I am being REALLY dramatic here, but I am just so worried xxx