View Full Version : Anxiety is back full tilt

Tom Worried
23-02-18, 02:16
So for some reason lately my hands are cold almost all the time the rest of my body is very warm except my hands than other times i randomly start feeling really cold throughout out my body but thankfully that passes however the cold hands seem to stick around often.

Im also randomly getting arm pain amd then feel it in my chest and up into my face. I know ive had a pinched nerve before but its like im having a stroke but then it goes away but really freaks me out.

Than i have been getting dizzy spells and feeling like im weak and could just fall over but i dont. Also extremely tired and unsure of normal things even it seems like.

Can anyone relate to all these crazy things happening to me I just wamt to know im not crazy and others with anxiety have felt something like what i can realte to. Really appreciate any thoughts or anyone who can relate this has been a really difficult last two weeks i ended up in the er thinking i couldnt breath and was dieing.

Appreciate any feedback and help dealing with symptoms

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23-02-18, 02:24
hi tom!

i can definitely relate to most of these symptoms! the dizziness, cold hands and fatigue especially. they're all super annoying symptoms but they're pretty common symptoms of stress and anxiety as far as i know. these things are all super uncomfortable and annoying but you're definitely not crazy. the mind is an astonishingly powerful thing! hope you start to feel a little better soon; hang in there!

Tom Worried
23-02-18, 17:34
thank you so much for the reply

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---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:58 ----------

anyone ever have that dry mouth feeling too i have noticed when im having a bad bout of anxiety mouth is com5etely dry as well

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Tom Worried
24-02-18, 14:51
anyone relate to the dry mouth thing thats really the only thing bothering me at this point i still have other symptoms but thats the one that bothers me. I had a bad panic attack and every since then ive had a dry mouth kind of comes and goes when i have more or less anxiety.

hoping someone can relate

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