View Full Version : immobilizing physical symptoms

23-02-18, 02:18
hey everyone. first time officially posting so far!

as my anxiety has gotten worse i've been dealing with some pretty intense physical anxiety / panic symptoms such as throat tightness, extended-period dizzy spells, nausea, migraines, hand tremors and fingers twitching, general fatigue in my limbs, numbness in my arms and face, depersonalization etc. etc. the list ofc goes on.

although i still plan on seeing a GP to rule out other conditions i've kind of accepted that they're just anxiety and that usually keeps my mind off of thinking i'm dying or rushing off to the hospital or whatever but... it doesn't usually make them stop or go away. they're really annoying and (not to be a baby, lol) i have a really low threshold for feeling uncomfortable.

does anybody have any advice or coping mechanisms in the meantime to get through the discomfort? i've been told to try to imagine other pleasant sensations to combat unpleasant physical sensations but i have yet to get that to work... any help or advice would be appreciated!

24-02-18, 08:07
Good morning,

Really sorry to hear you’re going through a rough patch, I can relate absolutely to all of your physical symptoms and it’s so horribly debilitating. I’ve suffered with HA for years but this past 6 months has been the worst without a doubt, mainly centred around dizziness, or wobbly world as I call it.

As you already know the only way for us to rid ourselves of these symptoms is to kick the anxiety for good, easy right?! In the meantime however I’d recommend the few things I’ve been doing, eat well, drink plenty of water and not much caffeine. Get outdoors as much as possible, find hobbies that demand your full attention (I’ve taken up guitar and wood whittling amongst others) sleep well, don’t spend too much time looking at screens, get all your vitamins in and keep a positivity journal.

I hope some of these can help or at least comfort you, it’s a complete nightmare having anxiety but one you’re most certainly not alone in!

All the best,
