View Full Version : Severe anxiety in new relationship

23-02-18, 10:49
Has anyone here experienced same kind of problem that I have?
I have suffered from anxiety and panics as long as I can remember, and always been very feared of start dating because of this until now..
I've now been in relationship with girl I'm in very much love about 6 months, but my problem is that I get severe anxiety when I spend a longer times with her:weep:
I've been thinking maybe it's just because I haven't use to be in so close with anyone before, but my anxiety hasn't gone away in even after 6 months:weep:
There's absolutely no doubt she wouldn't be a right person for me or I wouldn't really love or trust her or anything like that..All the time she's been very supportive and understanding with my problems and just incredible person :)
I would like to move together with her in some point of life etc. but this anxiety just haunts me all the time..just want to get rid of it somehow:weep::weep::weep:
I've been in medications years ago which did help me a lot, but not at the moment..would you think I should start efexor or another AD again??

I would appreciate a lot if someone answers me something:)
And sorry for my bad english, I'm from Finland so english is not my mother language:D:D

23-02-18, 11:51
This is exactly part of what ive been feeling recently! I know exactly how you feel! Weve recently had our first break/holiday together and i had one of my worst anxiety attacks whilst there on the first day.

Ive been on meds now about 3 months and they have helped up until recently but i have increased my dosage over the last week and its helped somewhat.

Im sure someone will come along who is more experianced with dealing with anxiety.

26-02-18, 11:29
Feels reliefing to here i'm not alone with this kind of problem!:hugs:
How long have you been dating and is this your first relationship?
Have you suffered from anxiety before started dating.
Would be nice to here more experiences from other people too!

26-02-18, 13:46
Feels reliefing to here i'm not alone with this kind of problem!:hugs:
How long have you been dating and is this your first relationship?
Have you suffered from anxiety before started dating.
Would be nice to here more experiences from other people too!

Weve been dating about 6 months now and yes it is my first relationship. I didnt really suffer from it before but it may have been underlying as ive had counselling before

28-02-18, 00:12
Thanks for your reply Bridgey:)
Hope you will get better and get rid of your anxiety...maybe time and meds will do the thing!
I just spent 5 days with my girlfriend and everything was incredible first two days, but then the anxiety hit again..two days I was in total haze and anxiety was bad, hard to breathe etc. Firts it was reliefing to get back home..but now I'm just missing her so badly and feeling bad that I couldn't enjoy the hole time we were together:weep:
It's just so weird and ironic:weep:
I'm totally going to start medication again..I'm also a little scared to speak to her about this because I don't want her to think this is her fault or something..