View Full Version : My ear again!!!worried, someone please slap me!

06-07-07, 20:11
I have seen an ENT specialist and had sinus ct scan and all is fine, I don't have glue ear like my GP suspected. My ears have been so much better the last 4 weeks, GP said it was all probably down to stress the ear pain and fullness feeling. This week ive been having headaches over my eyes and pain down nose at times so like a sinus headache. The last 2 days my left ear feels full of pressure, like it might pop, feels horrible so today I went to the dr, he looked in my ear and said they were fine, nothing wrong at all. He said maybe ive abit of congestion, 2 of my children have a cold but I don't feel snotty.

I have noticed lately (last 2-3 weeks) that I keep getting raised glands down my tube from ear to throat, and I am sure thats whats causing the pressure/bunged up feeling in my left ear. I am worrying what if they are not glands ( i know thats silly) but my main fear is that ive a bad infection or something and thats why they are raised. IT seems to be just my left side, I can feel a thickness in that tube, the ENT dr did too but said it was nothing to worry about. I am worrying if it is an infection then I might be at risk of meningitis as im sure its a complication of an ear infection if left. My gp though said I had no temperature, ear discharge etc...

I have had a sickness bug and my children have a slight cold could this be why they are raised? but then im thinking its an odd place to have them raised if they are not related to my ear. I have none up anywhere else.

When I walk quickly today I have a wierd feeling in my left ear as though there is a north wind in my ear, a wierd draft type noise and feeling, does that make sense??? it doesn't effect my right ear at all just the left. I don't understand it because the dr today said everything looked normal. He wasn't my usual GP but I guess any GP would spot it.

My left ear tonight feels so full, my left nostril does too. My dr thinks I suffer from allergic rhinitis and everything gets bunged up but my nose isn't that bunged up, I don't get itchy eyes etc... so I can't see it myself. I am sure its due to the glands being raised but im freaking out about why they are raised and what it could mean, I am so silly for googling in the past and reading about meningitis etc...

Someone slap me:blush:

06-07-07, 21:29
Oh No Dont Google I Am 90% Sure Its A Sinus Infection Ya Ears Dont Have To Have Fluids For Ya Doc To Say No...there Are Soo So May People Right Now That I Know With Sinus Problems Dont Have To Be An Infection But The Pain Behind Ya Eyes Them Itchy Your Throat And Ya Nose Running Its Sinuses I Really Honest Believe That So Please Dont Worry Ok.....linda Xx No I Wont Slap You Yet Lol

06-07-07, 21:59
Thanks Linda,

I am paranoid incase its sinus probs coz of the googling I used to do, I read far too much about meningitis being a complication, grrr.

06-07-07, 22:49
Get one of those steam inhalers to use - and get some oils as well.

I am suffering at the moment with sinuses and it really helps.

07-07-07, 08:01
Hi Cherry,

This thread rang bells with me, my daughter allthough has NOT had a pa or high anxiety in a while, she is suffering with her ears at the mo. She finds it very hard to see a gp, she fears them. I have been trying for a long time to rasure her and finally, the other day she went. (Thank god)

My daughter has a build up of wax in both ears, which in turn can hurt, cause funny sounds in the ear and cause her to be slightly or totaly go deaf in her ears.

The ears are funny things, what your gp has said, congestion, this can cause all these symptoms, the tubs get blocked with all that mmmm crap, can I say that LOL. which in turn can cause presure and pain, funny sounds. This may have been caused by the bug virus, remember a virus can take time to work its way out of the body and glands do swell when we have a virus in the body.

Cherry, please don't be to hard on yourself for googling in the past, this will only feed your anxiety, be kind to yourself.

I know its dame hard for you, but please keep reasuring yourself, tell yourself you have a virus and by helping yourself with what Nic has suggeted will work and clear all this rubbish in your tubs. Use the steam inhaler in the morning and at night. Somethimes it takes a while for it to work, but as Nic says, it does work.

My daughter has an appointment at the hospital in August, she is not looking forward to this at all, she does NOT like things like this at all, but I am trying soooo hard to reasure her, she has to have her ears cleaned out and to see if there is anything else wrong with her ears. I am being positive with her at the mo and saying, just wax. So at the mo, we are just putting the appointment to one side and forgetting about it untill the time comes. This is the only way she can deal with it, nooo talking about it, this is how SHE wants to deal with it. She is 13 and I have to go with how she feels will work.

Cherry, I know its hard for you but keep working on those postive thoughts, remember if we feed ourselves negative thoughts this feeds are anxiety and in turn this can cause anxiety symptoms, eg, headach and other anxeity symptoms.

Use some relaxation cds, get a hot steamy bath, treat yourself as if you have a virus, take it easy, be kind to yourself and use the steam inhaler.

Hope this helps a little



07-07-07, 08:14
hi just a quick note , when I was poorly I had a terrible time with my ears, a lot of it was due to sentitivity and grinding my teeth in me sleep, tension can do a lot of silly things ......... have you thought it may be something like that.

good luck

07-07-07, 09:49
Thank you so much, I will start steamin again today, id stopped coz the ENT dr said I was fine.

Today my left nostril is congested and left ear, I feel sort of like ive hayfever/allergy, im quite sneezy and tickly in my throat, maybe the pollen count is higher today, its sunny for once!! lol!

Thanks for your reassurance Jill I really apprecaite it. I hope your daughter is ok, aww she is so young. She really will be ok once the wax is removed bless her. I wish I had a phobia of drs, my dr must hate me, lol! I am always there with myself or the kids (i have 3)

Mum of 4, my GP thinks its allergies blocking my tubes although I don't understand how it just affects my left ear most of the time, thats why i think ive a problem but ENT fella says im fine so who am I to argue. My GP also thinks i suffer from TMJ and as I am a very tense/anxious person I tense all my muscles and cause the pain along with the allergies thats why i suffer.

I am just confused as to why its mainly my left ear giving me grief. It is hurting abit today, I feel very congested on left side.

Thanks again.

07-07-07, 12:29

Have you heard of Hopi ear candles? You could try that as well if you can find someone locally that does it.

07-07-07, 12:43
Reading your post rang a lot of bells - this time last year I was suffering with problems all centred on my left ear (right ear was fine and always has been) - had hearing problems, feeling of fullness, tense neck muscles, headaches etc etc. Doctor said it was glue ear. Ended up at ENT convinced it was a brain tumour and guess what - they couldn't find anything. So cue me then convincing myself it was a rare type of cancer and the specialists hadn't got a clue. Googled myself silly....though thankfully never read up on meningitis symptoms else I'd have probably developed those too. :blush:

It carried on - fullness, tension pains etc. Also a strange sensation (maybe like that draft thing you mentioned) - where you almost feel you could breathe in through your ear. It's hard to describe but I could kind of tell when the ear was going to pop cos I could feel it in my mouth beforehand and it was almost like some air was getting through.

It turned out it was all being made worse by stress, though it took lots of visits to various people to work this out.

Over winter I moved house and it went pear shaped - I was so anxious about that that it wasn't until after it was over that I realised my symptoms had gone.

I had a couple of months (March/April) when I felt much better then suddenly when the weather started getting warmer -the ear problems came back on cue. Wonder if it could be connected to the pollen count/allergies. And it's always only been the left ear/left side. I notice that whenever I get stressed that side tenses up and hurts - my neck's bad today on the left side due to me worrying myself stupid over stuff. But I'm still here 18 months after the very first symptoms developed so please please put Meningitis out of your mind. :winks:

07-07-07, 19:43
Thank you so much RB,

Thats very reassuring.

So do the specialists/GP think its due to just stress? I deffinatly think it contributes but I can feel a thickness down the tube from left ear to throat, ENT dr did feel this too but didnt really comment. GP says its just a gland. Of course I stil worry as im sure thats whats causing the fullness because it feels like a blockage.

Thanks again.

08-07-07, 10:39
They never managed to find what it was causing all the discomfort. I went to ENT and they found nothing. I saw about 4 doctors in total, all said there was nothing in my ear and no swelling. Saw a dentist who was a jaw/TMJ specialist who did a thorough (as in 1 hour) exam of the whole area and there was nothing. In the end it was put down to allergies or a small infection that had got worse and worse due to me stressing myself over it.

08-07-07, 19:10

Today I have glands up down both tubes and im slightly congested dso maybe it is some kind of virus. My sons have colds, I don't feel ive a got a cold but then again I don't usually get full blown colds.

08-07-07, 23:24
Hi Cherry,

Sorry to hear you are still feeling congested, remember a virus can last awhile, sometime we do not feel the full effect of the virus, we may be the carryer of the virus.

I do hope you feel better soon.

You take care, be kind to yourself, nice baths, girlie films, good book.


09-07-07, 09:41
Thanks Jill,

I feel abit brighter today and alot less anxious

09-07-07, 19:45
Hi Cherry :D

Its good to hear your feeling a bit brighter today, :yesyes:

hear, put these in some water :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: there all for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


09-07-07, 20:40
Bless ya, thanks Jill. You are very supportive.