View Full Version : Be honest, does testing help you?

23-02-18, 21:43
Does going to a doctor and getting testing actually help you feel better and overcome your fears? Ive had HA my whole life, but the past 17 months have been the worst and I keep putting off seeing a neurologist. I keep telling myself that something sinister would show by 17 months, but there's always that thing in the back of my head telling me "you never know" so I keep contemplating seeing a neuro.

In your experience, has it worked for you to see a doc and get tests? Or does it work temporarily and then you go straight back to anxiety? I don't live in the UK, we don't have universal care here in the US. If we did, I might go lol. But Im not sure if its worth the money.

23-02-18, 22:30
I go for testing if I think someone wrong, when I get told I am okay I start to feel okay for a bit and panic about another symptom I get.

I do have a health conditon myself (NF) so I do panic about lumps, and symptoms more. even though my NF cannot be cured I am monitored more as I have took action to get things looked at.

au Lait
24-02-18, 03:20
I’m not a test chaser so I can’t speak from experience, but it seems to me that seeking testing repeatedly is a form of reassurance. From what I’ve read in the forums it seems like people either won’t believe the results and then get multiple second opinions, or feel reassured for a short time before anxiety returns (either about the same thing or a new fear).

If the testing becomes an obsession, that’s anxiety and frequent reassurance seeking is anxiety’s worst enemy. You see a lot of posts on here from people saying “I just had X test last month but I’m still worried.” So it seems that testing does very little to actually allay anxiety fears.

24-02-18, 04:44
I’m not a test chaser so I can’t speak from experience, but it seems to me that seeking testing repeatedly is a form of reassurance. From what I’ve read in the forums it seems like people either won’t believe the results and then get multiple second opinions, or feel reassured for a short time before anxiety returns (either about the same thing or a new fear).

If the testing becomes an obsession, that’s anxiety and frequent reassurance seeking is anxiety’s worst enemy. You see a lot of posts on here from people saying “I just had X test last month but I’m still worried.” So it seems that testing does very little to actually allay anxiety fears.

And for those with OCD, it's a compulsion. Compulsion reinforces obsession. It's like reacting with panic to feeling panic, you just add to it and make it worse as well as tell your subconscious the process is valid so shall continue.

24-02-18, 07:14
And for those with OCD, it's a compulsion. Compulsion reinforces obsession. It's like reacting with panic to feeling panic, you just add to it and make it worse as well as tell your subconscious the process is valid so shall continue.I can confirm that. I believe I have HOCD, I've been obsessing for seven months that I'll become a lesbian due to assault by both a man and a woman, and the concern tends to get bigger until it becomes something existential. And even on that note, I still need reassurance everyday that I'll be okay but I can't on my own and I cant afford psych help. But i got you, guys, I guess.

Im not sure this has to do with the conversation, but i needed to vent[emoji28]

24-02-18, 07:36
I can confirm that. I believe I have HOCD, I've been obsessing for seven months that I'll become a lesbian due to assault by both a man and a woman, and the concern tends to get bigger until it becomes something existential. And even on that note, I still need reassurance everyday that I'll be okay but I can't on my own and I cant afford psych help. But i got you, guys, I guess.

Im not sure this has to do with the conversation, but i needed to vent[emoji28]

That's sounds a terrible experience. :hugs:

You will certainly get lots of support on here. Vent away!

Reassurance is something you can work your way out of and considering the traumatic experience you have suffered you are bound to feel the need to have your feelings of security reinforced.

24-02-18, 07:48
That's sounds a terrible experience. :hugs:

You will certainly get lots of support on here. Vent away!

Reassurance is something you can work your way out of and considering the traumatic experience you have suffered you are bound to feel the need to have your feelings of security reinforced.That makes me feel... so much better although I feel like it won't last much, as you said. I already signed into a whole lot of forums[emoji28] i have copy/pasted the same thing on different forums and topics in hope that someone can listen[emoji23] but Mostly to have my thoughts in writing in case I can get help but I can't explain myself or I get too anxious.
AND also to read other people's experiences.

I so appreciate your kindness;
Thank you.

24-02-18, 12:55
I've been having abdomen soreness for nearly 3 months now. Had a Ct scan with contrast and an endoscopy/colonoscopy. Nothing showed. The thing is the soress comes and goes, some days worse, some positions worse like laying down.

I think the tests can be reassuring to some. That won't last for true HA. For me so long as my abdomen is sore I'm having these thoughts. Pancreatic cancer is a major concern.

It may help you to talk to a doctor. Get informed. Know what to be concerned about and what to ignore.

I'm sorry your having a hard time. I hope you find some peace.

24-02-18, 13:20
None of my fears have ever warranted tests, until now. And no, it didn’t reassure me at all after the initial 5 minutes following my receipt of negative results. Part of this is because I don’t feel I gave my doctor the whole story about my symptoms, and part is because the test I had has a high rate of false negatives. I’m seeing a specialist in 2 weeks even though I was told I didn’t need to (hooray for insurance that doesn’t require referrals!). I’m sincerely hoping that the specialist can give me the all-clear, so I can concentrate on healing from my anxiety. I’ve never not believed my doctor before so this is weird for me.

24-02-18, 21:41
I go for testing if I think someone wrong, when I get told I am okay I start to feel okay for a bit and panic about another symptom I get.

I do have a health conditon myself (NF) so I do panic about lumps, and symptoms more. even though my NF cannot be cured I am monitored more as I have took action to get things looked at.

This is the same for me. I feel so much better after tests and a week or two later I panic about new symptoms, and then think everything is connected and they missed something.

25-02-18, 00:14
It depended on the test for me. For instance, blood tests did little to reassure me because I know a lot of things don’t show up in blood tests. My doctor was always honest with me about what tests would be definitive for certain conditions. So if I had a definitive test I would accept the results.