View Full Version : I had a few bad runs of HA recently

24-02-18, 13:51
So I haven't been on here in a while, and
i haven't really worried about anything lately, but my mother passed away coming up on 2 weeks ago, and this caused a lot of stress and triggered some anxiety, I started thinking about a lot of things and I noticed I had started thinking about my old worries like my lymph nodes, btw its been well over a year and they still feel the same so that's reassuring to me, but I know its the stress doing it to me and that it will pass, but I just wanted to reach out to you guys and see if you have ever been in this situation and if so is there anything I can do to try to relax more and clear my head?

24-02-18, 14:07
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss! It’s good that you recognize it’s just the stress and emotion wreaking havoc with your mind. I almost lost my sister in 2016 and went through something similar. Have you considered speaking with a grief counselor or someone to help you through? Hugs :hugs:

25-02-18, 14:37
Thank you. And yes I considered seeing someone but then I started to think about why I am stressed, between her passing and making arrangements and other things going on I figured I would give it some time and get things taken care of and maybe then I will have some relief. We are not doing a burial, we are actually having a celebration of her life and she was was cremated so the whole process is taking a bit longer than just having a funeral so this is probably what's stressing me out the most. I will push through this next week and see how I feel once it's all over with.