View Full Version : Is this normal? So scared :(

24-02-18, 16:31
Hi everyone!
I hope you’re all well.
I’m Jordan, I’m 26 and this is the first time I’ve felt brave enough to actually post my own thread as opposed to reading through previous posts for reassurance! I’m hoping you can all help me, I have suffered with severe health anxiety and panic attacks my whole life, my worries have always varied from having a heart attack and pulmonary embolisms to cancer, aneurisms and MS. It’s been super bad for the past few months and I’ve been put on 20mg of Fluoxetine (i’m on day 11), and I keep being overcome with the most horrendous feelings that I’m literally about to die, sometimes it’s when my heart is racing or I feel like I can’t breathe but sometimes I have no other symptoms, just this awful feeling that I’m dying, and I feel like I convince myself it will happen, I try to take my mind off things by thinking about plans I have coming up but then have a horrific thought of what if I have died by then?

Am I crazy?
Could this be the medication?

I am in such despair with this it’s gebuinely the scariest feeling in the world, I really hope you guys can help!

Chat soon x