View Full Version : Scared I have lung cancer

25-02-18, 00:16
Hi everyone, my HA has hit me pretty hard this week and looking for someone to talk to.

Had the flu a couple of weeks back which came with a chesty cough that brought with it a lot of green/yellow phlegm. It wasn't pleasant but I stopped bringing stuff up after about a week.

However, I've still had a cough since then. I've not been bringing anything up but it's been lingering now for just over 4 weeks. This started to bring back my HA and the possible things it could be, pushing my HA into overdrive two days ago when I started to get aches in my back between my shoulder blades. It's right on the spine and slightly to the right.

It's obviously my own fault for looking online, but having read that it's one of the early signs of lung cancer, it's freaking me out and making me so scared - especially since I've still got my cough which is obviously dealing with the lungs too.


25-02-18, 00:21
My mum had the flu and is on week 8 of the cough !

25-02-18, 20:05
Hey, thanks for replying :)

My partner still has a little bit of a cough too, but doesn't have the post nasal drip like I have or the pain between the shoulder blades - which has been worse today.

25-02-18, 20:18
The cough can linger for a while, and coughing a lot can cause muscle aches & pains.

I always associate post nasal drip with catarrh which can last for absolutely ages.
If you’re still feeling a bit poorly then maybe you’ve got a secondary infection? Why don’t you pop along to your gp and get them to have a listen to your chest.

But also, try and relax in a steamy bath. The steam helps break up the phlegm, and should help you feel better.
Your girlfriend just got better a bit quicker than you, nothing else.

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25-02-18, 20:28
Hey Scass, thanks for replying :)

The post nasal drip is especially annoying, but I'm not actually bringing anything up when I try to help the dry cough. Whatever phlegm I do bring up is clear and only slightly thicker than my saliva. It doesn't actually feel as if there's anything on my chest, but more in my throat and whatever bit is below it.

I thought it might be a secondary infection, but other than the cough and the back ache I feel fine.

I'm also currently running a rather nice hot bath :yesyes:

28-02-18, 20:40
Ah well I’m sure you’ll be better in no time.

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