View Full Version : Symptoms Sound Familiar? Cough / Pneumonia?

25-02-18, 06:50
Hey, all! For about the past week, I’ve been having a cough. The first few days , it was productive—coughing up green and yellow mucus. I thought it was seasonal allergies, but even after taking medication for that, it’s persisted. However, it’s become more dry over the past few days—kind of ticklish—and the mucus has almost all but disappeared. What I am coughing up is clear or light green. Anyways, I thought it was going away on its own, but now I’m paranoid that I’ve waited too long and it’s actually progressed into a worse chest infection? I feel like it’s hard to breathe (although, that very well could be my anxiety?). I also had four teeth pulled a few days ago, so I’m very nervous about getting an infection!

I have no fever or stuffy/runny nose or anything. Just the cough!! Does this sound familiar to anyone?? Any suggestions?

25-02-18, 08:10
Do you also have a high temperature and cant lay down because you cant breathe? If you have the above then its def time to get checked ny a dr. Most coughs will resolve in 3 weeks on their own. The green yellow stuff is actually a sign your body is doing its job. If its brown or bloody then that again is a get to dr symptom.
If it helps you calm down then get a dr to listen to you chest but what you are describing sounds like what everyone has been complaining of this winter.