View Full Version : New worry... I feel like my skull's a weird shape?

25-02-18, 10:48
So I've been noticing this for a while, but on one side of my head I seem to have this dip in my skull that feels much wider and deeper than the other side... Does anyone else have this?

I realise the skull is an uneven structure in general, but I'm kinda panicking that my headphones are, like, altering the shape of my skull or something - 'cause it's in the area they always sit. I know it might be kinda dumb, but I honestly don't know if that can happen or not, and I keep panicking that this dip is going to worsen and affect my brain somehow...

25-02-18, 11:56
Unless your headphones are attached to your head with a vice, this cannot happen.

This is a simple case of massive, massive, massive overthinking.