View Full Version : Caught what feels like flu, worried about sepsis

25-02-18, 23:12
I live with my parents, and I'm pretty much housebound due to agoraphobia - my Dad recently came down with a rather nasty flu, which he passed to my Mum, and now I can feel the start of it. So far I'm mostly just a bit shivery, achey, generally unwell and with a sore throat and some trapped wind (I tend to gulp air when I'm ill or nervous, and I can't burp) but I've terrified myself into thinking that it's going to turn into sepsis. My lower back is a bit achey (to be fair, prodding it probably isn't helping) and my heart keeps pounding a bit - that often happens with illness with me, and it may also be the anxiety, but it's still freaking me out. This is the first time in over a year and a half that I've had anything like a cold or flu (I used to get them quite a bit, then they just stopped for some reason) and I've worried myself into thinking that my body's so unused to it, I might become septic. The horror stories I've heard on the news about flu and sepsis haven't helped.

Any advice, reassurance and general help would be greatly useful here! I know this is most likely daft, but I've pretty much terrified myself over this!