View Full Version : Lump in neck!!

26-02-18, 02:01
Hi, im a 16 year old female and about 2 or 3 weeks ago i found a pea sized and shaped lump in my neck its hard and is moveable, right away when i found this lump i was freaking out because i have huge health anxiety and fear of cancer and death it didnt help when i looked it up to see what it was because most websites said cancerous lumps (cancer in neck and head) are hard and non tender i do not have an symptoms of head and neck or brain cancer though, where as non cancerous are soft and tender. Is this true?? Can someone please tell me what this is? Is it a lymph node? Cancer? A tumor??? Help would be greatly appreciated as it has been giving me panic attacks for weeks not knowing (i have a doctors appt tuesday but i am so scared theyll give me bad news)

26-02-18, 03:14
I completely understand how you feel. About 6 weeks ago I found a lump just as you described. Mine is on my lower left side of my neck. I saw my doctor and she sent me for an ultrasound. Ultrasound confirmed it was a lymph node. It measured 9.7 mm x 4.1 mm. She wanted me to see an ENT doctor I saw him and he thought maybe it was as a reactive lymph node. I go back in May for a follow up ultrasound and to see the ENT.

26-02-18, 11:09
I posted about this last week, as soon as I found the lump I instantly thought cancer. Pea sized lump, moveable - so good signs! I’d say it’s a lymph node. Is it growing? I went the doctors once about a lump near my ankle and he said with lumps that are moveable he asks them to come back in 2 months if it’s grown in size. If not - DONT WORRY.
Someone posted this on my post, seemed to help me a lot.

"If you have found a pea-sized or bean-sized node, this is normal. Normal lymph nodes are smaller than ½ inch or 12 mm. Don't look for lymph nodes, because you can always find some. They are easy to find in the neck and groin."

Don’t play with it! It will only aggravate it.

26-02-18, 14:20
Thank you for your reply! It defiantly easied my mind a bit! I forgot to add that ive randomly gotten pains in my head and the lump has appared for no reason and when i looked it up it says these are symptoms of head cancer and or tumors the reason its freaking me out even more now is my grandfather died of a tumor:/ is it possible and normal for lumps to randomly appear and random headaches? Im just really freaking out and i am worried I'll get bad news at the doctors tomorrow

---------- Post added at 07:20 ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 ----------

Thank you for your reply! Mine is on my lower neck under my ear, its hard and moveable i was just wondering if you had any headaches when you found your lump the first week i had headaches everyday and just random head pains, is that normal at all??? Some sites are saying its head cancer or neck cancer or even a tumor
My lump appeared out of no where for no reason is that normal?

26-02-18, 15:15
No headaches at all - but who said those two could be linked? It could literally be a fatty lump/ lymph node. The head aches more than likely aren’t linked to it at all! My lump appeared out of nowhere also. I was just resting my hand on my neck and noticed it. The fact that it’s moveable and isn’t growing I would assume it was a lymph node. I know it’s hard but please don’t worry to much about it. Your doctor will tell you the same tomorrow.

I found this online: If the swollen gland persists or grows bigger than a pea and stays that way for more than 2 weeks — or if you have multiple swollen glands—see a doctor. He or she will probably prescribe an antibiotic. Has the node grown to the size of a cherry tomato?
I found this quote a while ago. If it’s no bigger than a pea DONT WORRY! These lumps are completely normal, we all have them. We just worry about them more

26-02-18, 19:21
No headaches at all - but who said those two could be linked? It could literally be a fatty lump/ lymph node. The head aches more than likely aren’t linked to it at all! My lump appeared out of nowhere also. I was just resting my hand on my neck and noticed it. The fact that it’s moveable and isn’t growing I would assume it was a lymph node. I know it’s hard but please don’t worry to much about it. Your doctor will tell you the same tomorrow.

I found this online: If the swollen gland persists or grows bigger than a pea and stays that way for more than 2 weeks — or if you have multiple swollen glands—see a doctor. He or she will probably prescribe an antibiotic. Has the node grown to the size of a cherry tomato?
I found this quote a while ago. If it’s no bigger than a pea DONT WORRY! These lumps are completely normal, we all have them. We just worry about them more

What about a lymph node that is about pea sized but has persisted? I have one that is pea sized, 9.7 mm x 4.1 mm (ultrasound) and I first noticed it in mid January and 6 weeks later its still there. Still the same.

26-02-18, 19:32
Cancer is an uncontrolled GROWTH of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

My node started out the size of a grape during a sinus infection. Within 6 months, it was over 5cm in size. It looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck! If you have to poke to feel it, it's not a worry.

Positive thoughts

26-02-18, 20:03
As fishmanp said “does not stop growing once it starts”. I’d think after 6 weeks it would have grown if it was something serious. I occasionally worry about mine, had it for about 4 weeks. It hasn’t changed at all, still moveable, so I try to just push it to the back of my head. I give myself one touch of it in the morning because it’s the only thing that keeps me from worrying so much. If it was cancer (which it isn’t) it would have grown by now or even changed. If you are having to poke around for it don’t stress yourself out worrying. I know it’s so hard but you will get yourself worked up for nothing. I guarantee you the doctor will tell you the same tomorrow.

I have a lump on my ankle that has been there for months. Went the doctor panicked and he told me “yes there is a lump there but unless it changes over the course of 2 months please don’t aorry about it” some lymph nodes can be felt - that’s completely normal.

26-02-18, 20:20
I don't have to poke to feel it, it's there, I found it by accident. I don't think it's grown. I hope not anyway. I go back for another ultrasound in May.

I also have a lump near my ankle. Feels like bone. Dr said it's a spur.

26-02-18, 20:29
Yeah I found mine by accident and was uncontrollably worrying about it for days. It’s been 4 weeks and it’s still the size of a pea. Told my mum and she said she finds them all he time. She makes no plan on going to see the doctor for hers. I might just go see my doctor just for my own piece of mind. I have no doubt that your next ultrasound will be all fine (: