View Full Version : Overcoming Cancer Fear

26-02-18, 05:10
I always have throughout the years managed to convince myself I have several severely life threatening cancers. I am only 18 years old but have thought I had several types of cancer. Any lump or long term symptoms convince me that I must have it with no other possible explanation. A month ago it was ovarian cancer, now epitheloid sarcoma. No matter what I always think it must be linked to cancer. I want to let anyone else know with this cancer phobia, that you're not alone. It is a severely scary disease but the majority of us who fear it probably will never get it in our life. My advice is to go to the doctor with any fears, and trust them as they know fully well what your symptoms are. Don't trust Google over a doctor and if you feel your doctor is wrong or you need tests, it never hurts to get a second opinion. I'm someone who has relied on Google over doctors when I find something wrong with me, and it's a toxic mindset to have. That leads to my other word of advice, do not Google. We all look for the worst case scenario and dwell on that when we find something that it could be. I probably wouldn't think I have epitheloid sarcoma if I hadn't specifically looked for scenarios in which my lump is cancer over things like cysts, lipomas, lymph nodes etc. It isn't a healthy way to get medical advice. Please anyone with fears of cancer or extra advice to share, post in this forum to help someone else overcome their anxiety like I am. As a sufferer of HA I understand the crippling fear and worry that comes with it. Focus on your life outside of this fear and get the help you need and deserve. :)