View Full Version : lightheaded

09-12-04, 11:13
please help. It's really scareing me now. I feel spaced out all the time. Had BP checked today all fine. why do I feel like this??



09-12-04, 13:54
hi Purdy,

You probably just feel lightheaded because you are panicking. The more you panic, the worse it gets!! The GP said that nothing is wrong so don't worry about it and it will go away...

Sarah :D

09-12-04, 13:59
hi purdy, Its as sarah said you are worrying too much over it, I feel the same latley its been hell and i know its nerves but hard to stop worrying and relax? but I am sure thats the answer. have u read the help topics on the main page too? they should help you. take care Vernon

09-12-04, 14:59
You're feeling like this because when you're scared and anxious all non essential blood gets diverted from the extremeties to the trunk and limbs - thus you're running on less than usual up there .

Its totally fine for everyday activities and you will come to no harm at all but it does feel strange. You'll find if you go for a run or work out and get the blood pumping round that you'll feel better - also eat a banana or something similar to keep blood sugar levels stable .


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

09-12-04, 16:24
Thank you for your replies. I had a really bad day yesterday, dizzy wise and was getting myself in a real state.

What I find strange is that when I do feel dizzy, I don't normally feel that anxious. My GP said by BP is 120/80 standing and 100/something sitting is that o.k??

He has also arrange full blood test for me, Thyroid, iron tec. Hopefully it will all put my very over active mind to rest.

Thanks again everyone x

09-12-04, 17:01
Yes, that's perfectly fine.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

10-12-04, 18:06

Make sure you eat regularly and small meals throughout the day. I feel worse if I leave it too long between meals.

Try some deep breathing for the dizziness.


23-12-04, 12:01
Hi Purdy

I too have been getting the lightheaded feeling alot lately, like you I don't feel particularly anxious at the time either, It makes me feel really spaced out too. I have found that sniffing Lavender oil helps a bit, it doesn't go away completely but it does help.

All the best
