View Full Version : Lymph node and salivary glands problem

10-08-17, 08:01
So back in June 2017, I developed what it looks like a petechiae. The small red dots on the skin are not clustered and they are spread out evenly, some in my forearms and legs. I also was just healing from a week-long colds and cougs (not flu) that time. Of course, when I first saw my skin, I freaked out and panicked. I googled and BAM---leukemia appeared. I got scared for a bit but knowing that I had many experiences with my health anxiety, I managed at least to not overly stress myself too much.

Petechiae don't blanch and would last for days but mine were weird, some would blanch and some don't when I scratch on then. They also last for at most 2 days and some disappear within a few hours. My only problem was that they kept appearing. And disappearing. And repeat. Despite this, my hypochondriac self would still not be at peace unless I had a CBC done.

Around 2nd week of July 2017, I went to get my CBC done and hey, everything was in normal range. I was practically partying (:D) after I got the good news. Thinking about it, I never felt weak or fatigued, not anemic either, I never had any fever in the past weeks ever since the petechiae appeared. So I wasn't that worried anymore.

My problem then was the petechiae that kept appearing still despite the normal results. But oh well, if I'm normal then I'm normal.

Now come three days ago, I had a swollen and sensitive gum around one tooth. Probably gingivitis and probably due to poor dental habit... I know... but I also knew when I googled about leukemia that bleeding gums were a sign. So I'm scared again! Freaking fantastic. I've upped my dental hygiene now and I'm just observing if my gum would not swell anymore as I've also had gingivitis when I was younger and they already healed that time.

My gum wouldn't bleed spontaneously but when I brush my teeth, it would, although after two rinses it would already stop bleeding. Also last night, I had a night sweat and night sweats are a symptom of--- BAM, okay I don't wanna say L******* anymore. :(

I hope someone can give honest replies and hopefully reassuring ones. I'm just kind of alarmed and scared right now.

Thank you and sorry for the lenghty post!

Gary A
10-08-17, 09:14
Bleeding gums can be a sign of leukaemia, but they're far far far more likely to point at some rather benign dental issue.

You had a full blood count done one month ago, it was normal. You know as well as I do that if you had leukaemia your CBC would not have been normal.

All you're doing is subconsciously looking for something to justify your panic over leukaemia. You don't have it, you have a minor dental issue.

12-08-17, 04:09
Bleeding gums can be a sign of leukaemia, but they're far far far more likely to point at some rather benign dental issue.

You had a full blood count done one month ago, it was normal. You know as well as I do that if you had leukaemia your CBC would not have been normal.

All you're doing is subconsciously looking for something to justify your panic over leukaemia. You don't have it, you have a minor dental issue.

Thank you for the reply! I am feeling a bit better now, but lately I seem to be feeling tender in my lower right ribs as well, where my spleen is. Would this be a symptom of enlarged spleen? I read that enlarged spleen is a symptom of l*******

Like you said, I think I do subconsiously look for things that will just put me under anxiety and stress. :( I can't help it sometimes, coughs, I mean, most of the times.

12-08-17, 05:15
Thank you for the reply! I am feeling a bit better now, but lately I seem to be feeling tender in my lower right ribs as well, where my spleen is. Would this be a symptom of enlarged spleen? I read that enlarged spleen is a symptom of l*******

Like you said, I think I do subconsiously look for things that will just put me under anxiety and stress. :( I can't help it sometimes, coughs, I mean, most of the times.

Daisy I also had the tender feeling. It was absolutely nothing.

13-08-17, 05:13
Daisy I also had the tender feeling. It was absolutely nothing.

Oh, I see! I'm just waiting for the 'symptoms' to fade but I'm not that worried anymore. :)

31-10-17, 15:11
Hello. Once again I am worried about this l******* thing. UGH IT'S SO UGLY.

But yeah, it's been more than 5 months now and my petechiae goes on and comes back. I haven't experienced fatigue or any fever. Maybe just a few colds due to my allergies.

What concerns me now is that I have this dull pain around my left ankle and I'm worried again if this relates to l*******. The dull pain also comes and goes and it's not exactly painful it's just disturbing and annoying. The 'pain' also happens around my right arm or just anywhere it likes to be, but it's just mostly on my left ankle.

It's been more than a week now since the pain first emerged. And I don't know what to do. I'm having anxiety again and it just sucks so bad.

31-10-17, 19:18
Hello. Once again I am worried about this l******* thing. UGH IT'S SO UGLY.

But yeah, it's been more than 5 months now and my petechiae goes on and comes back. I haven't experienced fatigue or any fever. Maybe just a few colds due to my allergies.

What concerns me now is that I have this dull pain around my left ankle and I'm worried again if this relates to l*******. The dull pain also comes and goes and it's not exactly painful it's just disturbing and annoying. The 'pain' also happens around my right arm or just anywhere it likes to be, but it's just mostly on my left ankle.

It's been more than a week now since the pain first emerged. And I don't know what to do. I'm having anxiety again and it just sucks so bad.

Like the other symptoms you listed above (petechiae, bleeding gums), your CBC would be way off before those symptoms would present. For example, petechiae appears due to very low platelet levels in your blood and this would be a red flag on your CBC. Furthermore, you would experience a whole host of symptoms if your platelet levels dropped. With regard to bone pains related to leukemia, it's the result of bone marrow and blood flow issues in your body, and once again you would have a whole host of symptoms in addition to body pain. The problem with Dr Google is it lists generic symptoms associated with serious diseases but doesn't explain what causes those symptoms to present.

I also had leukemia fears years ago and have been through this before. My Dr explained to me that leukemia in young people (children, teens, young adults) is rare and almost always is found during a routine blood test -in other words, it's asymptomatic. It sounds like you had a CBC not too long ago and it showed you were healthy. I know it's hard to be re-assured with HA, but you can be re-assured that leukemia would not be missed on a CBC.

01-11-17, 05:39
Like the other symptoms you listed above (petechiae, bleeding gums), your CBC would be way off before those symptoms would present. For example, petechiae appears due to very low platelet levels in your blood and this would be a red flag on your CBC. Furthermore, you would experience a whole host of symptoms if your platelet levels dropped. With regard to bone pains related to leukemia, it's the result of bone marrow and blood flow issues in your body, and once again you would have a whole host of symptoms in addition to body pain. The problem with Dr Google is it lists generic symptoms associated with serious diseases but doesn't explain what causes those symptoms to present.

I also had leukemia fears years ago and have been through this before. My Dr explained to me that leukemia in young people (children, teens, young adults) is rare and almost always is found during a routine blood test -in other words, it's asymptomatic. It sounds like you had a CBC not too long ago and it showed you were healthy. I know it's hard to be re-assured with HA, but you can be re-assured that leukemia would not be missed on a CBC.

Oh dear. Thank you for replying 😭😭 I'm honestly so grateful because of the things that you said. I'll try not to think about this anxiety anymore and I hope the pain will go away on its own. :( I hope you have a nice day and bless you.

26-02-18, 20:30
So hey, it's Daisy again. Back with another "good" ol' problem and ever more anxiety.

I've been over my past health anxiety issues but here's another one. 😧😧😧😧 I honestly can't help but sigh since I'm going to be like my past self ALL OVER AGAIN.

But yeah let's go to the topic at hand.

Since December 2017, after eating a sour fruit, there had been a weird sensation around my left jaw. Not to mention I also felt a lymph node there, it was quite large (like two peas connected to each other), movable, kinda swelling too.

So the sensation was like I'm constantly eating sour stuff and that it's very uncomfortable for me :/ The sensation comes and goes. Especially in the morning, but after I eat or idk randomly, my jaw starts acting again.

I also have this sour saliva thing, predominantly on my left side? Not sure if it made sense to you tho. I was gonna dismiss this if it all goes away soon but as you can see, it's nearing March now and I still have the same problem.

Am guilty of prodding the area too often. And I don't think my lymph node has grown during the three months.

Do you guys have any idea what I'm experiencing? Hopefully nothing sinister 😔😔😔 I'm just 18 y/o.

26-02-18, 20:35

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