View Full Version : Sudden Anxiety About Brain Tumor and Other Cancers

26-02-18, 23:27
Okay from a rational perspective I think I’ve just simply been triggered by two cases of people that we know having cancer. One would be a girl I went to school with when I was younger. She’s in her early 20’s and was just diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she went in to complain about neck pain. Next would be a client of my husbands who’s friend just died of a brain tumor in her early 50’s after defeating breast cancer in her 30’s. Ever since I’ve heard these stories I’ve been in an anxious state. The other morning I woke up and inspected my finger nails. I have had these weird markings on them for awhile now but that morning I really zoned in and started googling and crying to my husband that I thought I had congenital heart failure or cancer or something. This morning I woke up with a tension headache. I went to bed upset at my husband and I thought maybe I had clenched my jaw all night or maybe it’s from working out yesterday since I haven’t worked out in like three weeks or maybe from looking at my computer for multiple hours at a time but of course the first thing that pushes its way in brain tumor. I ate something and took a extra strength excedrin and in about a half hour it was gone. Now I’m nauseous and feel off...I’ve been feeling that weird light headed kinda dizzy feeling in the middle of the morning the past few days. But it also started the same day my period did so maybe it was from all the hormones or something idk. I’m just freaking out and need some input. I don’t see my therapist until Thursday and have a full work week ahead of me and I can’t be doing this in my head with the deadlines I have.

28-02-18, 00:05
Seems you started getting symptoms after worrying about cancer and so that tells you right there that it is just your anxiety :hugs:

I know its hard to believe since we hear about cancer probably everyday but Lymphoma is actually pretty rare when you compare it to other types of cancer... I suppose it may be hard to believe that esp when you personally know some one who had it but it's true..

I am guessing since you mentioned strange markings on your finger nails and heart failure in the same sentence, I am going to guess the markings on your nails are splinter hemorrhages?? If this is what you are talking about, I get this as well esp when I get my nails done..

Of course if you are really concerned about any goings on with your body, you should make an appt with your doctor but it really sounds like you got to thinking about cancer and your anxiety ran with it.