View Full Version : Neuropathy, Hives, and Anxiety Worries

Sesame Seed
27-02-18, 02:40
Hey again,

I'm seemingly continuing to be full of symptoms. So I pose two questions of a similar vein;

1. Has anyone developed hives randomly (my only allergies are shellfish and sulfa drugs so I stay well away from those) on their body, specifically mostly around their abdominal and back area. Any number, but often just a single solitary hive? For no reason at all. Sometimes I just wake up with one and I don't know why or I'm doing other non-stressful things and boom, itchy hive. I do get more than one at times, but it seems to be a 75/25 split there.

2. Neuropathy. Now I did notice during high stress times this did get worse. I do have some back issues (I have three curves from scoliosis and two bulging lower back disks, L4-L5 and L5-S1) but have noticed a serious uptick in sensation from neuropathy. To explain mine, imagine barely touching your skin and it hurts, not quite a burning sensation, but definitely really painful, clothes hurt, even loose ones. This generally happens for me on my legs (up to my rear) and arms, but also feet and hands and very rarely on my midsection but it does happen. Currently my right side is being significantly worse than my left, that changes from time to time, it definitely tends to pick a side. Can an uptick in stress and anxiety make this worse or does anyone have experience with that happening to them where it became worse?

Side note - I have a very difficult time telling when I'm stressed, anxious, or depressed because it is so very normal for me has been my entire life as I've been through hell since birth. Unless something is particularly capable of putting me in a more obvious state it seems my body just acts of its own accord now. I say this because I am going through an internship from a stressful school situation and am caring loads of un-dealt with stress from the last year and a half, nearing on two years, as I haven't had time.

This includes the passing of now 10 people in my life, several who I was very close to and one in particular. My boyfriend getting a rare stage four cancer that involved me being his sole caretaker for a year. My kitty becoming very sick and having to nurse her back to health and still deal with her health issues (insulin dependent diabetic with gallstones and IBS, just coming off another bout with pancreatitis).

Keeping it short (haha), I won't detail further, but it's a lot and I literally haven't had time to process the passing of a single person or anything I went to because I had to survive and am continuing to do so. Moved to a new city for a school I got into and am now a month into the 5 month internship portion and it's hard af, it's software engineering. I'm just curious with all of that if I could just be so overwhelmed my body is being a complete whack job and causing issues like this among others.

Thanks for reading/listening.

28-02-18, 02:06
I am so sorry for all that you have been through. I have scoliosis. I don't think I have ever had a day without some sort of back pain. The past couple of weeks I have been getting hives. I have been keeping a food journal to see if i can figure out what is causing them, but i am thinking it is probably my anxiety. If you are not going to therapy, I would suggest this. I am currently going to a therapist and find that it has been very helpful.

28-02-18, 17:42
I find it really hard to suffer from chronic itching and chronic hives it's been 4 months since i got this :( i also get the pins and needles feeling on my hands and feet :weep:

28-02-18, 21:07
Have you seen a doctor about the hives?

01-03-18, 03:37
Not yet though.

Sesame Seed
22-03-18, 03:59
Have you seen a doctor about the hives?

I have and they didn't know what to make of it since it's so random and it's not seemingly attached to anything particular, at all.

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ----------

I find it really hard to suffer from chronic itching and chronic hives it's been 4 months since i got this :( i also get the pins and needles feeling on my hands and feet :weep:

I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully it goes away soon. Do you know what the 'cause of yours is?

22-03-18, 04:19
Hi Sesame Seed, I'm sorry for everything you've gone through and continue to deal with. Too much grief at once can really wear us down. My health anxiety, and most of my symptoms, including actual and anxiety-related, have been triggered by years of trauma, loss, and intense stress. Many people in this forum rightly say that anxiety can give you just about any symptom, and I would add that stress and trauma can too. One person in a health anxiety group once told me that with most of her new symptoms, she waits one week before seeing a doctor, because if the symptoms were caused by anxiety, they'd likely fade away by then. Her advice has helped me quite a number of times. But that being said, it's also good to see your doctor about new symptoms that concern you. At the same time, would you also consider some TLC for yourself and the trauma you've endured? I just came to this realization recently that if I want my body to start feeling calmer and healthier again, I need to work through my PTSD, grieve my losses, and treat my body to whatever therapy I feel will help. So I've made appointments for PTSD-related massage and acupuncture, counseling, and osteopathy. I'm also planning to splurge on a spa package as soon as I can afford it. Meanwhile, I've also just begun talking to a few of my closest friends about the hardest stuff I lived through, and how it has affected me. I chatted with a few of these friends about it again last night when I was struggling with symptoms, and I felt quite a bit better afterwards. It may be worth a try. :)