View Full Version : Fixated lymph node

27-02-18, 16:17
Hey everyone

So for at least a few month now I have had this swollen lump below my ear in between my crevis of my neck and jaw. It’s hard and not movable at all. I’ve looked on google and fixated lymph nodes are more likely to be cancerous. Of course this has feuled my anxiety even more. I haven’t been I’ll rece from what I know of. No night sweats, haven’t been feeling too tired, nothing. One of my tonsils has felt a little irritated reacently but this has been there since then. I have had a CBC done a few months ago and that came back normal. But I can’t remember if it was there when I had this done. Around October I had this done. Im just scared. Would lymphoma show up on CBCs? I am due to see my GP again in a month or so. Should I mention this to him?

27-02-18, 17:24
Has it grown?

27-02-18, 17:30
Nope still the same size

27-02-18, 17:36
Cancer is an uncontrollable growth. It would have grown by now if it was something serious. Lymphoma would have shown in your CBC aswell

27-02-18, 17:45
Thank you for your reply. To be honest I kept prodding at it and it swelled a little. But then it got smaller again. So that’s proof that prodding can make it swell. It’s not too big either. Like the size of a 5p coin. But I do reassure myself that it would have shown up in my CBC too.

27-02-18, 17:50
You’re welcome. I’ve been going through the same so I understand completely! I prodded mine for days, I stopped and it shrunk. Granted it’s still there but it’s not getting bigger and I’ve had it for 4 weeks now. Our bodies are weird things and we’ve all got lumps and bumps!

27-02-18, 17:58
Yeah. I have have heard that some doctors have said that sometimes after an infection, lymph nodes can stay like that or just get slightly smaller. Like shorty nodes I think they’re called. So maybe I’ve had an infection or something that’s made it stay that way. Have you had an infection from yours at all?

27-02-18, 18:04
I was ill for about 2 weeks before I found it so assuming it’s because of that. My mum said she finds them all the time and she doesn’t plan on going the doctor. I still haven’t seen mine but don’t seem to be overly worried anymore

27-02-18, 18:10
Yeah. I bet that’s what my mum would say.