View Full Version : going cold turkey

27-02-18, 20:17
I can't take anymore of these meds. Had anyone fine cold turkey from 45mg mirtazapine and 300mg of quetiapine?

27-02-18, 20:25
I strongly advise against this mate

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27-02-18, 20:32
Really bad idea to be honest.

27-02-18, 21:02
Yep as the others have said, not a good idea.

Good luck

27-02-18, 21:17
Hi , you need to taper off on the meds I stopped a different one and it wasn't good ( don't want to scare you with details ) my partner and a couple of people I've chatted to on here have been on mirt and it doesn't suit everyone it can make you much worse , you need to cut down over months not overnight , cutting tablets in half then quarters , don't rush and you will get through it .
Take care .:D

27-02-18, 21:52
yeah, don't do that..... not a good plan

27-02-18, 22:52
Thanks all. Will continue with meds for 2 more weeks. Will then have been 11 weeks in total so a fair trial. Thanks for your help again

27-02-18, 23:59
Thanks all. Will continue with meds for 2 more weeks. Will then have been 11 weeks in total so a fair trial. Thanks for your help again

Have you been taking Mirt & Quatiapine for only 11 weeks? Have been on them both for longer but at not such a high dose? If you're new to both and are at such a high dose after 11 weeks, i would have thought that's to much to soon?

28-02-18, 10:27
Ok.. . I thought 9 weeks seemed like a long time for them not to work so I will battle on. Thanks all.

01-03-18, 03:12
I have been on both for 8 months now. Many times i tried to stop taking them with horrendous side effects and back in crisis. I strongly suggest talking to your psychiatrist so they can wean you off if you dislike them.

The seroquil makes me very sleepy. I will take half a tablet during the day if i know i have something to do. I have like 5 extra bottles because i may use half here and there and a full tablet when i feel like i need it

Again I'm not a doctor but i go according to how my body feels but i try not to skip a dose or go cold turkey

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01-03-18, 18:52
Finally saw one at the local hospital and he'd actually read my notes. He is toying with the idea that I may have a mild form of Bi-polar or a personality disorder. He is reducing the Mirtazapine to 30mg and getting me to take 200mg slow release Quetiapine plus 100 mg fast release Quetiapine - all at night instead of split between night and morning. I am praying that he is right because there are some more effective treatments for these and it would explain why I am not getting any better. I am going into a suicide respite centre for 5 days next week and then seeing the shrink again on the 12th. He also wants me to see a psychologist for some proper talking therapy which I've never had. I am hanging onto a little bit of hope but I am still very frightened with waves of panic.

01-03-18, 20:18
Finally saw one at the local hospital and he'd actually read my notes. He is toying with the idea that I may have a mild form of Bi-polar or a personality disorder. He is reducing the Mirtazapine to 30mg and getting me to take 200mg slow release Quetiapine plus 100 mg fast release Quetiapine - all at night instead of split between night and morning. I am praying that he is right because there are some more effective treatments for these and it would explain why I am not getting any better. I am going into a suicide respite centre for 5 days next week and then seeing the shrink again on the 12th. He also wants me to see a psychologist for some proper talking therapy which I've never had. I am hanging onto a little bit of hope but I am still very frightened with waves of panic.My doctors diagnosed me with PTSD and borderline personality disorder because i kept getting nightmares and cutting myself.

I know it's not for everyone but after 7 years the mirtazipine and seroquil is a great combination. They are both known to make you sleepy so i think your doctor was spot on with his adjustments during the day!!

I also take lithium and prazosin. And my nightmares are pretty much gone and my urge to self harm has reduced tremendously

Im glad you were able to see him and i hope this adjustment works for you!

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01-03-18, 20:28
Thank you for replying. I will be completely compliant with this doctor because I trust him. He was very good at explaining things and took time to make sure I knew what he was doing. He was very reassuring.