View Full Version : My Intro

07-07-07, 23:13

I Have OCD, Agoraphobia, Depression and Paranoia.

I am currently taking 200mg Clorpromazine and 250mg Chlomipromine each day.

I have previously had help with the Agoraphobia, i can manage to get out, but i need to go out reguarly otherwise it so easily creeps back in, it is worse if im stressed - at times i cannot even open my windows at home.

I have had CBT therapy in the past but i have good days and bad with it, im due to have a top up of CBTto help with this.

I have noticed that if im stressed or worried about anything know matter how small, then the whole lot comes back.

Im looking forward to getting to know you all.

07-07-07, 23:53

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxx

08-07-07, 00:31
Hello Banshee:welcome:to you!

Glad you found us, you'll find plenty of help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


08-07-07, 01:41
Hi Ban, you are welcome to nmp. I hope you find friends and good advice on here and no doubt you will help others on here though you don't know it yet.
I am the same with the agoraphobia, I have to get out of the house every single day or it builds and builds. Often I will drive to a shop for something I don't even need just to get out of the house and face the world.

Take care


08-07-07, 10:42
Hi Banshee

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends also.:)


08-07-07, 13:21
Thanks for the welcome guys:D

08-07-07, 13:26
Welcome Banshee,i Can Relate To Where Ya Say Ya Have To Get Out Or Ya Feel It Coming Back..im The Same Way If I Stay In More Than A Day I Feel All Out Of Sorts...well Sounds Like Your Doing Good...just Keep On Workin On You......i Wish Ya The Best........linda

08-07-07, 15:47
Hi Banshee,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

08-07-07, 16:10
Hi Banshee

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and meet some fab people.

Have a good luck around the website for some helpful information as well.

08-07-07, 20:24
Hi Banshee,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and will get tons of support.


Pink Princess
08-07-07, 20:30
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx