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28-02-18, 07:39
WFH today due to the snow.
Its definitely laying now, currently at 3-4 inches and its still snowing.

28-02-18, 08:00
What I would give for some snow mezz,so hot and humid here and it's been raining off and on for days.
We have had 12inches of rain since last week.
Keep warm.:D

28-02-18, 08:09
Ours started yesterday 12pm ish. Not much came down but the temperature dropped to -5 overnight so it was a bit nippy. Luckily no wind (no, not me :blush:...well actually :biggrin:) or it would have been bad. Lots of ice around though.

Snowing again now but light, off & on.

Not really "the beast from the East". Sounds more like a wrestler.

Can't believe people are panic buying though! Even around here where it's fine and we are close to the M6 as a city so we should be fine*

* not considering chicken deliveries to KFC :whistles:

---------- Post added at 08:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ----------

What I would give for some snow mezz,so hot and humid here and it's been raining off and on for days.
We have had 12inches of rain since last week.
Keep warm.:D

12 inches? Now when you say that, is that in "men's measurements"? So, more likely about 6? :whistles::winks:

28-02-18, 09:11
.....panic buying is one of the most ridiculous things in this country....all you have to do is look ahead to see its raining and above freezing from Saturday onwards! Nothing ever lasts here for more than a few days, hot, cold, snowing etc.

28-02-18, 09:45
If we had weather like the places a lot of members on here do in their countries I think we would all end up like Lord of the Flies :ohmy:

(Well some people anyway, the reaction to others panic buying is somewhere between an involuntary tut to a :doh: for many of us)

We used to have far worse snow in my city was I was young. It's been really mild this winter too.

28-02-18, 11:26
.....panic buying is one of the most ridiculous things in this country....all you have to do is look ahead to see its raining and above freezing from Saturday onwards! Nothing ever lasts here for more than a few days, hot, cold, snowing etc.

I'm not taking any chances there is nearly quarter of an inch of snow I'm getting down Asda to buy all the Easter eggs before they panic sell out , might get some bog roll as well .:D

28-02-18, 11:38
LOLOL @ Terry and Buster !!!! Gosh yeah, not even thought of Easter Eggs...think of the children.....

I did have my Easter eggs delivered yesterday, but sadly they've been depleted since then, so need some more lol

(At least Buster is being honest about his 1/4 inch!)

---------- Post added at 11:38 ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 ----------

Scotland are legitimately allowed to panic buy, they are on a met office red warning!

28-02-18, 11:42
As I write this I can see absolutely zero snow on the ground...not typical for this time of year and we could get 18" this weekend who knows. In 2015 I didn't see a snow flake until January 27 and by the end of March the snow banks along my driveway were a foot over my head.

28-02-18, 11:45
Show off! :roflmao:If we piled all ours up from the road we could get a snow bank that tall too !

28-02-18, 11:50
Haha! Cary, after that much of the stuff I'd happily trade places with you:)

28-02-18, 11:56
It's getting me down now this year has been very cold been off work too as 1. don't feel well enough to travel a round trip of 28 miles.2. Plus on a motor cycle it's a no no. The beast from the east well think it was played up a bit but think the worst will be Thursday/Friday when much more snow will fall. so will be glad when things start to warm up some what :) I simply cant afford to heat my home and have to sit in with loads of layers on and keep one room warm and as I speak more snow is falling :eek: Roll on Spring :) ATB

28-02-18, 11:56
It isn't too good around here bizarrely my little village has missed the brunt of it at the minute but 4 miles down the road is snowbound.

The main A1 was/is closed last night near me with up to 400 cars stuck for hours and hours and 6 jackknifed lorries!

and sadly 3 out of the 4 people killed in the "Beast from the East" dies about 15 minutes drive from me when thier tiny Renault Clio collided head on with a very large Scania lorry :weep:

28-02-18, 12:25
That's really sad, we can joke (and I do) but when there is loss of life that is so sad - hence the Amber and red warnings, as they are based around the 'loss of life' probability. We just aren't set up and equipped for Siberian Snow for sure, and people will still be out there in their skiddy little cars not understanding how to deal with it.

Oh BB, stay warm, that sounds miserable.

I'm hoping for a few inches tomorrow onwards....

28-02-18, 12:53
I'm hoping for a few inches tomorrow onwards....


As Uncle Albert once said, "cold you don't know the meaning of the word, you should have been with me on the russian convoys, one night the flame on my lighter froze"

---------- Post added at 12:53 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

I'm on the coast and that wind is freeeeeeeeeezing!

28-02-18, 12:53
wind chill is ridiculous on the east coast
its chilly inland
but on the coast its brass monkeys time

28-02-18, 13:20
I'm on the coast too and in the East. About 30 minutes from you mezzaninedoor.
We have about 3-5 inches here now, sorry old school and showing my age. :)
Yesterday wasn't too bad, but the wind is whipping up the flakes now.

They keep saying not to go out if you don't have to, well you would only go out if you had to anyway, wouldn't you? :lac:

28-02-18, 13:25
That's really sad, we can joke (and I do) but when there is loss of life that is so sad - hence the Amber and red warnings, as they are based around the 'loss of life' probability. We just aren't set up and equipped for Siberian Snow for sure, and people will still be out there in their skiddy little cars not understanding how to deal with it.

Oh BB, stay warm, that sounds miserable.

I'm hoping for a few inches tomorrow onwards.... It is sad Carys but really folk should heed the warning NOT to travel common sense is not prevailing here really. As for staying warm it's not easy with high energy prices as they are. so sadly I have to keep one room warm and sit like a little old man with extra layers on :eek: as heating ones home is no longer affordable and you have to be kidding you actually hoping for more snow I sincerely hope not:weep: ATB

28-02-18, 13:34
BB, it's warming up by the weekend.
In the meantime, keep your head and feet warm, that's where heat escapes from the body. :hugs:

28-02-18, 13:43
BB, it's warming up by the weekend.
In the meantime, keep your head and feet warm, that's where heat escapes from the body. :hugs: I hope so :) Yes I have my flat cap on, had my head shaved a few weeks ago mind you it was quite mild in comparison to now even double figures 11C thanks Carnation you too:hugs:ATB

28-02-18, 15:00
It is sad Carys but really folk should heed the warning NOT to travel common sense is not prevailing here really. AB

Problem is that some people HAVE to travel.... there is Doctors and nurses, surgeons and even down to cleaners who have to keep the hospitals clean for surgery to take place. Paramedics doctors etc need to go into work too as do the firefighters and Policemen.

There are so many people who are very important in looking after us all that it is impossible for everyone to heed the do not travel warnings

28-02-18, 15:37
Weve had some good community spirit locally
Some 4x4 owners have been helping ferry community midwives about

28-02-18, 16:54
Problem is that some people HAVE to travel.... there is Doctors and nurses, surgeons and even down to cleaners who have to keep the hospitals clean for surgery to take place. Paramedics doctors etc need to go into work too as do the firefighters and Policemen.

There are so many people who are very important in looking after us all that it is impossible for everyone to heed the do not travel warningsAbsolutely VBJ Iam on about the average person in the street who might order a take away for collection or some one who wants a night out etc these are ones that should heed the warnings :winks: ATB

28-02-18, 17:09
Absolutely VBJ Iam on about the average person in the street who might order a take away for collection or some one who wants a night out etc these are ones that should heed the warnings :winks: ATB

We had people on the facebook
group I am in announcing "well when we came back from the cinema the roads were atrocious... they should have gritted"

Ummmmm why were you at the cinema in this weather and they have gritted the roads are just overwhelmed with the amount of snow which was forecast lol

01-03-18, 02:34
Still some snow today. Snow all over the ground but not deep at all. It was -5.9 at 10pm so it will be colder now. Not looking forward to an early trip to queue outside the local health centre as I've been sent for some blood tests after my asthma check up. If only it was a different week!

01-03-18, 17:17
OK, I wish I had panic-bought stuff now LOL Its pretty thick here in central south right now, and I have no chocolate! I have made some caramel iced ginger cakes though to tide us over on the sugar front till Saturday. It hasn't risen above -4 during the day today, and the snow is so powdery and blowing around.

01-03-18, 18:15
well tonight the wind has really picked up at around 40mph if we get snow tonight then it will be blizzard conditions for sure keep warm and safe ATB

01-03-18, 20:00
OK, I wish I had panic-bought stuff now LOL Its pretty thick here in central south right now, and I have no chocolate! I have made some caramel iced ginger cakes though to tide us over on the sugar front till Saturday. It hasn't risen above -4 during the day today, and the snow is so powdery and blowing around.

Not so crazy now am I with the panic buying ? Got up to six inches of snow and blowing a blizzard, two of the dogs loved it the other hated it and could wait to get home , managed to get the old van to Asda and luckily they were only down to the last 5000 Easter eggs so I took them all just in case.
Nipped back out later with the dogs again for another play in the snow , nobody about so did some handbrake turns on the car park , it put a smile on my ugly . mug .
On a serious side I feel for the poor souls who are homeless, I saw one on the local news in a tent with his dog , even in a cold house we still have it good .:)

01-03-18, 22:09
Hope everyone is staying safe :)

We might have done some panic buying today except we couldn't get out to any shops :shrug:

Woke up this morning to find a couple of feet of snow. Even if we'd attempted to dig our car out of the driveway we wouldn't have been able to get further than the gate cos the road outside was just as bad. :D

So me and hubby had to walk to work and back today, which was something different!

Only a few local people managed to get into the office so it was strangely quiet, but we had a good view out the window of the blizzards blowing horizontally across the fields.

Glad to be back home now though, the walk wasn't pleasant for my muscle and joint problems (snow was up to my knees in the drifts) so my pain levels are quite bad at the moment but at least we have the fire on and we're cosy and safe in the house now.

Hubby dug out some of the driveway when we got home cos a farmer had ploughed our road this afternoon, but he's just looked out of the window and there's been a few more inches on top of what we just dug out. :wacko: Oh well.

And I've run out of chocolate too Carys. That's by far the biggest disaster here :winks:

Dogs love the snow though, mad things that they are.

---------- Post added at 22:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

managed to get the old van to Asda and luckily they were only down to the last 5000 Easter eggs so I took them all just in case.

Very wise. I would have done the same. You can't be too careful. :D

On a serious side I feel for the poor souls who are homeless, I saw one on the local news in a tent with his dog , even in a cold house we still have it good .:)

Yes it's terribly sad, you'd think the councils would put them up in extreme situations like this. I count my blessings that I have a safe roof over my head.

01-03-18, 22:47
I have plenty of chocolate, but it will make me sick!

I would send it all out to you, but I haven't seen the postman since Monday. :ohmy:

Catherine S
01-03-18, 22:50
Flippin channel 5 have actually dedicated a whole programme to the weather tonight, replacing a scheduled programme that I was waiting for. But loads of people are dissing them for it online. I mean c'mon..snow in winter? whoever heard of such a phenomenon! No wonder other snow-laden countries laugh at us :D

01-03-18, 23:25
Flippin channel 5 have actually dedicated a whole programme to the weather tonight, replacing a scheduled programme that I was waiting for. But loads of people are dissing them for it online. I mean c'mon..snow in winter? whoever heard of such a phenomenon! No wonder other snow-laden countries laugh at us :D

Haha I saw a bit of that when channel-hopping just now! It drives me up the wall the way everything is blown out of all proportion nowadays.

Warning... imminent rant... :D

I mean, yes the snow is very bad in places and yes it is a threat to vulnerable people etc, I'm not denying that, but when you see someone saying how bad the snow is when they've had about half a centimetre of the stuff, it does get rather ridiculous.

My mum used to tell me about the snow they had in Lancashire when she was younger, how at times the snow drifts went right up as high as their front doors. Now that was yer proper snow, that would have justified a red warning.

But back in't day, people just got on with it. Even when I was at primary school, the school closed early when the snow had actually arrived and was deep enough to warrant it. Whereas now, schools are closed and trains are cancelled just at the mere threat of snow. :wacko:

02-03-18, 01:46
I can remember walking to school in knee deep snow. The cars were still going. My dad used to go to work down country lanes on his motorbike.

It seems part of today's overreaction to everything. I guess it's why I don't start panicking when some newspaper says Trump is going to cause the end of the world or Brexit will make us all poor. It's old hat to those of us who are a bit older. But having said that I'm on 42 and it's embarrassing that non anxiety sufferers have meltdowns like they are 16. God knows how such people would cope in truly difficult times like those of grandparents generation, and my parents who grew up in times of having sod all!

I just watch the news or read articles and shrug.

02-03-18, 14:28
We are all really spoiled now compared with past generations. I remember my Mother trying to light our ancient boiler each morning which always took ages. We had no central heating-just gas fires downstairs and nothing upstairs (Buster, I know you don't heat your house-I'm in awe). No washing machines either-everything took ages and women were slaves to housework and their men. Can you imagine what our Sisterhood would make of that??

Snowing heavily here in deepest Surrey. I have stocked up with food as I'm sure there will be shortages soon and I need to have a lot of fresh veg for the guinea pigs!! The g pigs are indoor pigs by the way-always have been. I feel sorry for the ones left out to freeze in the garden when it is like this-my boys are divas!

02-03-18, 14:35
I can remember walking to school in knee deep snow. The cars were still going. My dad used to go to work down country lanes on his motorbike.

It seems part of today's overreaction to everything. I guess it's why I don't start panicking when some newspaper says Trump is going to cause the end of the world or Brexit will make us all poor. It's old hat to those of us who are a bit older. But having said that I'm on 42 and it's embarrassing that non anxiety sufferers have meltdowns like they are 16. God knows how such people would cope in truly difficult times like those of grandparents generation, and my parents who grew up in times of having sod all!

I just watch the news or read articles and shrug. It does very much so Terry think in some ways folk were happier back then than now I know I was we didn't have much but as a kid we used our imagination to create games and had loads of fun often paying out till it went dusk :shades: We didn't need tech things to keep us occupied no better days in lots of respect. ATB

02-03-18, 15:50
It's been snowing hard in the SE town where i live since 13.00. We had a little bit of snow Tuesday which soon went nothing Wed or Thurs but some of the schools closed at 13.00 yesterday giving parents very short notice! How the hell does that work? We had no snow but schools closed for no reason!

I never took my car test until i was 23 and never bought a car until i was 26, so rode a motorbike for 9 years all year round. Many times i rode 20 miles to work at 6.30am in the snow with my feet down at 10mph.

I saw on our local news yesterday a report interviewing a family in a town a little north from me about being cut off for 4 days! Oh yeah so how did the reporter and film crew get there? Yes it's bad in many parts of the country but where i live it's all way over the top and making a mountain out of a molehill over nowt! Still that's what you get living in the SE, where if men run out of face moisturiser their whole world would fall apart:doh:

02-03-18, 16:15
I rode a motorbike similar to yourself until I was 27 and that was when I eventually took my car test. haven't ridden a motorbike since I was about 32 .......... It was a mare in the cold winter with black ice and stuff so I generally by the age of 30 was a fairweather biker

Around here its not a mountain out of a molehill, we have had snow ploughs out freeing up the country roads in Norfolk, there are plenty of really bad snowdrifst where villages have been impassable and are gradually being ploughed out

In Freethorpe it was really funny as 2 cars broke down on Tuesday, were left by the road, by the end of Wednesday the snowdrift down the country lane meant the 2 cars were actually covered top to toe in snow !!!

02-03-18, 16:27
I rode a motorbike similar to yourself until I was 27 and that was when I eventually took my car test. haven't ridden a motorbike since I was about 32 .......... It was a mare in the cold winter with black ice and stuff so I generally by the age of 30 was a fairweather biker

Around here its not a mountain out of a molehill, we have had snow ploughs out freeing up the country roads in Norfolk, there are plenty of really bad snowdrifst where villages have been impassable and are gradually being ploughed out

In Freethorpe it was really funny as 2 cars broke down on Tuesday, were left by the road, by the end of Wednesday the snowdrift down the country lane meant the 2 cars were actually covered top to toe in snow !!!

Fairweather riding for me only these days also. That's not good where you are! Yep it's very bad in many parts, but where i am everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.

What bikes did you have?

02-03-18, 19:23
Glad to hear you've got snow ploughs sorting out some of the roads now.

Here in our village all the roads that go to anywhere with shops, are closed (blocked by snowdrifts I guess), so we're not exactly cut off as such, just can't really get out to anywhere useful!

As a result, people have been panic-buying in the only grocery shop we have in the village - basically buying armfuls of bread and milk each, leaving nothing for the rest of the population :glare:

I would imagine we're not the only place where that has happened.
Maybe we need rationing in times of bad weather :roflmao:

02-03-18, 20:14
Got up this morning to BREAKING NEWS on BBC amazed to see the breaking news was bad weather are they kidding us we have Windows and eyes and I'm pretty sure that news had already broke so they cut to a reporter on the frozen motorway where no one is moving a guy pops his head out to say he's very worried as he has no fuel , fookin half wit ! Who gets on a motorway without fuel in any weather ? They should have punched him and his parents for raising an idiot :D
When I was a kid we walked to school in the snow after eating a piece of coal for breakfast and barefoot , the only thing that kept us going was the hope the school bus would pass and we could pelt the windows with snowballs , Happy days :roflmao:
I left school at 15 and got a job on a building site , riding to work on a push bike and digging footings in frozen ground or up on roofs , at 16 I got a Yamaha fs1e ( fizz) which allowed you to burn one leg on the exhaust while the other froze , again happy bloody days.
Today while having a panic about my asthma killing me I noticed a neighbour down the road who's in a wheel chair since a stroke had snow on her ramp so I nipped into an empty landlords house garden and pinched a spade and cleared her ramp then popped back home and cleared my elderly housebound neighbour's path and my own ( I like the spade and the landlord is a greedy dick so I'm keeping it ) , it didn't kill me so all good :noangel:.
There is a yellow weather warning tomorrow so no eating yellow snow , sound advice .:D
I'm rambling now so probably hypothermia setting in better get a warm drink . Bye

02-03-18, 20:28
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Hilarious !!!!!!

I don't watch t.v. at all, but this morning I went past the lounge to see my other half glued to the rolling 'bad weather news'. It was RIDICULOUS; some reporter going along the line of people who had been stuck there for three ,and making them wind their windows down to ask dumb questions. Makes me wonder how the reporters and film crew got there if no vehicles were moving ???

02-03-18, 22:00
They turn up on santa's sleigh , I've seen the same reporter in different locations looking more and more pi&@ed off with snow in his hair and beard getting blown around while they tell us don't go out unless absolutely necessary, he's probably in hospital now having his frostbiten bits taken off :D

Catherine S
02-03-18, 22:11
Yes, and that BBC Countryfile girly Helen Skelton was sent to the highest pub in Britain the other day to report on it being snowed in and cut off, apparently even more than they usually are. The pub landlord was heard to say, "nobody's getting in or out".....except her and the camera man/woman, the sound recorder and the programme producer it seems, although I think I read earlier today that Helen decided to abandon her car somewhere. That'll be double gin and tonics all round then !

03-03-18, 01:39
Well done, Buster! I bet they were very grateful that someone cared enough to help someone less fortunate.

Matt, I laughed at the skin cream shortage :roflmao:

Pulisa, imagine if all the iphones stopped working? :ohmy: Would people turn feral? :biggrin:

My mum worked in schools for many years before she retired. She said the schools shut mostly because the teachers lived further away these days so whilst all the kids got in, they had no teachers. I saw someone saying that they should go to help their local schools instead...the unions would be right onto that :roflmao: In my school days they only ever closed if the boiler broke.

And yet we see stories of nurses trudging miles on foot as their cars couldn't get them to work and district nurses struggling through side roads to get to their patients. Lots of respect to them for that. It's sad that these days there are so many old people alone that they depend on this and people like our good Buster.

Went for my blood test (a fasting one...I was salivating at the thought of a warm bowl of porridge all night!) and I was the only person other than the staff in the health centre. It's normally full. So, I'm glad I went. It was about -5 with the wind getting up and my gloves were little use in it. At least it had snowed so it wasn't like an ice rink.

When my OCD was raging a few years back I used to have to walk miles a day. That included walking at 2am in weather like this. Once it was snow drifts everywhere with cars stuck on main roads, what little there were of human's that night, and me plodding through thick snow like a right plonker to do my shopping at the local Tesco.

03-03-18, 14:27
I'm glad you've knocked that one on the head, Terry-that's a huge success. It must have been miserable for you trudging through the snow but I understand how strong the compulsions are to keep doing things even if they give you no benefit.

04-03-18, 02:04
I'm glad you've knocked that one on the head, Terry-that's a huge success. It must have been miserable for you trudging through the snow but I understand how strong the compulsions are to keep doing things even if they give you no benefit.

Thanks pulisa. It was a daily slog but embarrassing when the same people see you in the supermarket all the time. Probably thought I worked nights as it's on an industrial estate. The police never used to bother me so they obviously worked me out!

The trouble is, you end one routine and the GAD struggles to find something to fill the hole and you end up battling another monster so it's been in & out of different ruts.

A bit warmer today. Still some light snow but it's melting well. My brother has been down from Yorkshire and said they had heavier snow but the main roads were ok. His GF couldn't reach the prison she works at though.

04-03-18, 06:54
Fairweather riding for me only these days also. That's not good where you are! Yep it's very bad in many parts, but where i am everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.

What bikes did you have?

Silver Dream

04-03-18, 20:51
Just a quick warning after the big thaw , heard on the news today that a hose pipe ban comes into effect tomorrow. Wouldn't want anyone to get caught out .:D

13-03-18, 21:20
20 inches of snow in my neck of the woods today. High winds. A real Nor Easter. 180000 without power.