View Full Version : Been to London

08-07-07, 07:14
Hello everybody.

I recently posted (my very first post!) about my anxiety about travelling down to London (a 4 hour car journey) to Great Ormond Street for treatment of Neuroblastoma...Im now HOME!!!!!:winks:

We started out early on Monday morning about 7am, and for the first hour my anxiety was at about a "5" on the scale of 1 - 10. I took an anti-emetic tablet which made me sleepy, but i didnt actually fall asleep. I was so suprised that my anxiety almost vanished for the rest of the journey and i felt almost as relaxed as what i do n a journey nearer to home! I started becomign more bothered about the actual hospital appointment than the getting there, which is very unlike me! I was STUNNED!

The appointment went well too! My new Oncologist has reffered me for 2 new clinical trials, the first one starting next Tuesday at the Royal Liverpool Childrens hospital (which is about 2 hours from where i live). If all else fails, i will return to London for a different Chemotherapy concoction, and possibly full body radiation depending on MIBG and CT scan results.

Coming home was a slight disaster! We got a little lost, and realised that we had been travelling down the A roads a bit too long, and were actually meant to be on the motorway LOL. My mum kept seeing signs for Cambridge and was panicking, so we stopped at a the next service station and got out the map (which we probably should have done ALOT sooner!:shades: ) .......anyway.....the 4 hour car journey turned out to be a 9 hour car journey!!!!! Yes, 9 HOURS! I panicked alot more on the way home than i did on the way there, which is understandable seeing as we got extremely lost, and i felt quite sick!!! But i am SO proud of myself for going, it seems quite unreal.

Tomorrow we plan to take an hours train journey into Manchester to do some shopping (as i have never been before!) and im really looking forward to it. I think my Neuroblastoma is a blessing in a way, i dont think i will ever stop trying to overcome Agraphobia now!!!

Daisy x

08-07-07, 08:27
Hi , well done first of all for getting to london, i have,nt been there for 10 yrs now.I,m sure you have a great time in manchester too., just make sure you read the map the right way up, lol.Glad to hear you appointment went well, and for over coming your agraphobia.:yesyes:

08-07-07, 10:14
Hi Daisy,
Just wanted to say a BIG WELL DONE for your journey to London, and hope you enjoy your shopping trip today :yesyes: please keep us posted is so nice to read success stories:D

I can relate to what your saying about in a way your neuroblastoma being a blessing, as when my daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma 17years ago I was virtually house bound with agoraphobia but there was no way I could let my baby go through this on her own, so got my bum in gear and made it hospital appointments with her.

Hoping there is some good news for you with your MIBG and CT Scan results.

Well done again :hugs:
Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

08-07-07, 10:58
:yesyes: hi daisy,

WELL DONE YOU!!!!!!!! im not really sure of your story but it sounds to me as though you have alot on your plate at the moment, and you sound like a very brave person, and i wish you all the best:flowers:

emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-07-07, 11:36
Wow Daisy-chains............ what a blast!

A huge WELL DONE to you!

Wouldn't have done me any good reading a map though - I did that once and it nearly ended in divorce lol !!

I am in awe of you! :blush:

All the best for your results :hugs:


08-07-07, 12:54
:yesyes: :yesyes::yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: wahoo:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: nice one hun:yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

08-07-07, 14:53
You Did Good Daisy, I Hope You Give Yaself Alot Of Credit Well Deserved.wish Ya The Best...........linda

08-07-07, 16:54
Hi Daisy

Thats a great achievement for you hun, WELL DONE!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

I hope you enjoy your shopping trip tommo and manage to buy yourself something nice !:yesyes:


08-07-07, 18:11
Daisy I am most enormously proud of you hun!! :yesyes: :hugs:

Well done on every front my sweet!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-07-07, 05:00

09-07-07, 08:24
Hi Daisy,

You did so well and should be extremely proud of yourself :yesyes:

Keep us posted on how your doing.


Trac xxx

Wendie j
09-07-07, 09:00
Hi ya gosh im so proud of you well well done!!!!!!

Have a lovely time shopping and let us know all the lovely things you buy you deserve a treat.

I wish you all the best and im sure I speak for everone here when I say we are thinking of you.

Wendiej xxxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: