View Full Version : Swallowing and eating difficulty

28-02-18, 19:55
Im going through a nightmare right now.
My anxiety has got me believing every mouthful of food is guna go the wrong way and choke me.
I feel like my throat and lungs are always clogged up and am constantly clearing my throat.
I think this is just anxiety coz when I forget about it im fine.
Does anyone else have experience of this ?


28-02-18, 20:24
Jim is it possible you have reflux?

It is a very common anxiety symptom to have problems swallowing and eating. I think that as you have said it’s not noticeable when you’re not thinking about it, then it’s most likely anxiety.

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28-02-18, 21:56
Yes I occcasionally have reflux although not as bad as I used too

14-04-18, 23:57
How are you now, Jimbob12 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=85183)? I have a similar problem, as my throat muscles sometimes feel weak, and food is getting stuck at the back of my throat a lot before going down. I'm trying to find a way to trick my brain out of paying attention to it, and so far the best I've come up with is watching Murder, She Wrote. :blush:

15-04-18, 22:23
Ive suffered from this for a year. Hope your okay here if any questions needed to be answered.

17-04-18, 01:23
I still don't understand this reflux thing. I do have IBS and sinus issues (runs in my family), and I do get this yucky feeling in my esophagus area once in awhile where I feel like im gonna vomit but don't. Once I drink water or something it seems to go away. And I also get the difficulty swallowing thing, since I was a kid. But im not sure if theyre related, as I know I have anxiety too.