View Full Version : Heavy body feeling and dizziness

28-02-18, 20:46
Hello, just wondering if anyone gets similar symptoms. I've had various anxiety type symptoms for about 6 months including dizziness, tight chest, feeling like I can't take a full breath in, and also a few panic attacks. These sensations have pretty much cleared up but I'm now getting new symptoms instead.

It's hard to describe but it's like a wave of intense heaviness/weakness in parts of my body, like my leg or arm is made of cement. It's not constant, it seems to come and go in waves. It's usually one of my hands or arms from the elbow down, but I've had it in my feet and legs too. Sometimes it's on the left, sometimes on the right. Other times it can just be one hand, or just one foot. The other day it happened in my right hand, on and off all day, and writing and texting felt really clumsy and difficult. Today it affected my whole body for a few seconds and I thought I was going to drop to the floor. Then 4 or 5 seconds later I'm fine again. It can happen several times a day, some days it doesn't happen at all.

When it happens it's almost like my hand or arm 'feels like' it's numb but it isn't numb, I don't lose any sensation, but I get a sudden rush of light headedness with it, like the same sensation of heaviness is happening in my head and it causes dizziness, a bit like a squeezing sensation in my brain.

It's incredibly frightening especially when it feels like I'm going to drop to the floor or pass out. Does this sound like another anxiety symptom? Does anyone get anything similar?

01-03-18, 04:10
I've had it, it's extremly scary

01-03-18, 21:24
I've had it, it's extremly scary

Thanks for responding. Do you still get this or has it gone away? How long did it happen for? It's been worse than ever the last two days it's driving me nuts :weep: